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I didn't read the sub they'd posted in initially. Was concerned

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There are some bullshit laws making helping people illegal, like I think it's illegal to give food to a homeless person some places. Probably hasn't done that?

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I often see people butcher the setup to this joke by asking about favorite Muppets, which makes absolutely no sense. Why would anyone question if the Count falls into the category of Muppet for the punchline?

That mugshot is hilarious. You just know he was practicing in a mirror looking for something to make him look cool and defiant, and he settles on "toddler intentionally shitting their pants because you told them it's time to get ready for bed" as his preferred expression?

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To be fair, his nut is radioactive as a human as well according to Spider-Man: Reign. Ended up giving MJ cancer which killed her.

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Maybe John Barron, a totally real vice president of one of Trump's companies, will come out of retirement

I still do, though nearly zero of that is due to virus stuff. I'd say for me it's 95% I'm too lazy to retrain myself to keeping a neutral expression, 4% because hiding my ugly mug seems polite, and 1% sickness reduction ( combination of allergies, flu, covid. Etc)

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To be fair, there's been a site wide spoiler tag for a few years now, but yeah before it was introduced people used NSFW for that if a community didn't allow actual NSFW stuff or whatever

Which is weird since their own book explicitly says life begins at first breath, provides instructions for a cheating detecting potion that'll induce abortion if the woman cheated, etc

I don't know, Luthor once stole forty cakes. That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible

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I've seen some anti choice people frame it as a father's right to have their child exist. Which if you squint and don't think about it too hard kind of makes half a point. Sucks to be in that situation and can feel some sympathy, but doesn't rise to the level of justifying using someone's body/ making medical decisions for them without their consent though. Not agreeing with the stance of course, but that's the only framing I can think of that's not "just lying on purpose"

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And funny thing about that book, not only does it never even approach condemning abortion it gives explicit instructions how to perform one with a potion that can detect if a woman cheated as one of the only times it's mentioned

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The fact that a fucking Cheney was one of the kind of sort of reasonable by comparison ones, and she was basically chased out, really says it all

Or at least if they're going to insist anyway go with something like latinae that vaguely follows grammatical rules and is able to be pronounced

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She also got bullied into dropping the "Romney" from her name because Trump didn't like her uncle Mitt

That "Hello friend. Trouble relaxing?" Is probably the most Starfire the VA ever sounded as Bubblegum

Maybe a small portion, but that just means they're 100% okay with those as long as the already super rich can be the tiniest bit richer

She used to go by a hyphenated name, but Trump had one of his crying diaper baby fits that her uncle Mitt dared to do the absolute bare minimum to try hold him accountable so bullied her into dropping it.

Unless it's formulated to sublimate into a gas I suppose.

Popularity of memeing on that page was high enough that they did actually reference it in canon a few times which is hilarious. There's a continuity where one of the first times Clark meets Lex is in detention in high school Lex was there for stealing 40 cakes from the bake sale because the school wouldn't approve his fission powered toaster science project

Well, hook them up to a turbine then and he'll have at least solved clean energy

I don't know if he actually did or if it's just coincidence, but the idea of him digging out one of his old aliases he had to burn after admitting it was him in order to name a second son after himself is completely hilarious to me.

Apparently the French onomatopoeia for duck sound is "coin coin"

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There used to be this jalapeño strawberry energy drink I absolutely loved. Guess they discontinued it, haven't even been able to find anyone selling online for a while

Also just straight up a minority in general (from a US perspective), though only by a very slight margin. US population is ~51.5/48.5 in favor of women. Though on a worldwide scale men are instead a slight majority and women a slight minority.

Apparently 12 voices for Google last time I counted. I'll sometimes roll a d12 (either grab a physical one or just ask the assistant to do it) and change it if I'm feeling bored

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Might be a US thing? Coincidentally, rolled after leaving the first comment and got a 4, which happens to be orange

Well, given pretty much all voter fraud found was Trumpies trying to vote for him multiple times the dude's dad can certainly try. Probably fail, but try

Ron Perlman in his role as the narrator of the majority of the Fallout series is the default narrator for me. I've heard a lot of people also have Ron Howard as the Arrested Development narrator as their default internal narrator

I think the idea is intended as something like "Latin. X.", which isn't really any better, sounds like the monster from a racist 50s B movie or something. La-tinx is where my mind always defaults to too though

Basically just jalapeño jerky I suppose

My preload is currently sitting at 117GB according to Windows's move programs list

Third actually. There was the original Fox run, the direct to DVD movies that got somewhat edited into individual episodes for Comedy Central, a standalone Comedy Central run, and now this Hulu one.

==EDIT== Fourth revival if you count the season 6 finale "Overclockwise" being written as a potential series finale when if they were going to be renewed for a seventh season was up in the air, but the renewal happened before the air date so that's borderline

I know it's probably a "Then we wouldn't have this hilarious song" or whatever thing, but it always kind of bugs me that Kate never thinks to remind Trekkie that she works at a kindergarten. Like, sure, porn is a big part of the internet, but probably not appropriate for a lesson for kindergartners which was the original purpose of the song before he hijacks it?

"We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke"

You aren't far off in your assessment of Trump's mental maturity. He by his own admission has the temperament of a first grader

So the GOP is by policy against freedom of speech as you've defined it, and is passing laws that are unconstitutional, and thus the initial mention of freedom of speech is a non sequitur not intended as an example of GOP policy that isn't bad, got it, glad we established that. So do you have any examples of policies the GOP does have that aren't bad?

Those two sentences are unrelated since the GOP is pretty explicitly against freedom of speech given all their book banning and don't say gay bills and the like. Unless you're defining freedom of speech their absolutely brain dead way they use it of 'We're free to openly be as big of a piece of shit as we like with no consequences. If you use your freedom of speech to call us out, or use your freedom of association to kick us off your property you're oppressing us' in which case yeah, that's still a bad policy, naming a bad policy after a good one to trick people doesn't make it a good policy

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What about 19 years ago?

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