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Joined 9 months ago

Hi! :)

Nazis and tankies can fuck off.

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Today. The entire city is filled with billboards and posters.

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I'm not. Imprison her for life, but the death penalty is never acceptable as long as there's even the slightest chance of a false conviction. As long as "the system" can get it wrong, it should not be allowed to carry out irreversible punishments.

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Same thing that's up with it in the US. They offer simple "solutions" to complex problems, and (at least in the UK and Germany, not sure about the Netherlands) they're fuelled by right-wing media conglomerates.

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The 70+ age group was the one the AfD performed worst in. It's young people voting fascist here in Germany, the old folks vote CDU because that's what they've always done.

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If I'd believe for a second that he might actually end up homeless I'd say "and making anyone homeless for any reason is a bad thing". But I don't. And it's not empathy for him anyway, I just care about the principle of not throwing people into the streets.

Ironically, .ml seems to be blocked in China.

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To Firefox, sure. But if you're on Windows and your preferred alternative is Chrome you really might as well stay with Edge and benefit from the integration into Microsoft's ecosystem. Either way your data is being harvested.

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The Houthi are the ruling regime in Yemen, not rebels. This is a way to make them sound illegitimate.

The legitimate government of Yemen still exists, is still recognised as the government of Yemen by the United Nations, and is still controlling significant amounts of territory roughly equivalent to former South Yemen.

They are trying impose sanctions against Israel

They are attacking random civilian ships that are not headed to or from Israel. That's not "sanctioning Israel", that's declaring war on the entire world.

Sure. But they're not protesting for a two-state solution, they're cheering on Hamas.

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Wikipedia is run by a nonprofit. They don't monetise volunteer contributions and they don't paywall the knowledge on their site, they run on donations. It's not really a comparable situation.

Yes, the constant Muscovite sabre-rattling is why NATO countries are starting to take their militaries seriously again.

So what do you think Trump would do?

They said the same thing about video games, TV, heavy metal, comic books and rock music. Crazy people exist, crazy people have always existed, and crazy people will always exist. Society has always been able to cope.

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Well, yeah, advocacy for genocide isn't exactly something a functional democracy should tolerate.

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Do they pay the people who answer the questions? I genuinely don't know. But if they don't then, yes, it is scummy to just profit off of someone else's work and not pay them.

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No idea then. I use adblock on all of my devices, but sometimes things slip through. And I sometimes click on one of those SEO fake "articles" that are really just ads when I'm searching for something.

Even if you don't want to consider it CSAM, it is, at the very least, sexual harassment. The kids making and circulating these pictures and videos should be facing consequences. And the fear of consequences does offer some degree of protection at least.

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Successful in pissing off the general public and causing them to ignore anything of substance that you have to say, sure. Pushing people away from your cause is not a good strategy if you want to effect change.

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Oh, for sure. I just think it's funny.

Are there mobile apps yet? Because if no that's one huge advantage Lemmy still has over Kbin/Mbin, and it's why I switched to Lemmy when Artemis started having issues (it went down completely since) instead of going back to Kbin.

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We're gonna have to rethink definitions at some point. Yes, video games are still a comparatively new medium, but nobody would call a 2010 film a retro film, nevermind books or paintings.

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I mean, yes? Other than most people thinking of dogs as pets what's the moral difference between eating dog and eating cattle or poultry? It's pretty hypocritical to ban one and not the other.

And no, I'd never eat a dog. But I have eaten horse.

Pretty sure Creation Club downloads are just normal plugin files, no cracks should be needed to load them you just need the files from somewhere.

No, the assessment is stupid as well. It's just parroting propaganda, while ignoring the mountains of information (in some cases literally officially published by the Kremlin, like Putin's essay "On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians") that Russian leadership doesn't even consider Ukraine to be a real country and very much does want to annex it because it is "Russian".

I'm with you. I was in the market for a new laptop earlier this year and it was surprisingly hard to find something that didn't look like it was designed by and for a bunch of teenagers. Not that there's anything wrong with that if that's what you enjoy, but it's thoroughly not my style.

A truly shocking number of people don't use any form of adblock. I doubt that driving off the adblock users will have a significant effect on viewership (and even if it does, why would Google care, it's not like we're making them money).

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It did. Boring bounty hunting that sends you to the same five dungeons on repeat, but bounty hunting nonetheless.

They probably prefer consumers running pirated Windows over consumers running Linux. As long as most people are more familiar/comfortable with using Windows than Linux, the more likely companies are to not even look at alternatives.

You're not wrong, but at least there's a chance that they'll be released, and with therapy they might even have a normal life again some day. If you kill someone, they're dead. Nothing you can do about it beyond maybe putting an "Oops, our bad, sorry about that" plaque on their headstone.

I will also say that prisons should not be cruel. The role of prisons should be rehabilitation, protection of society from those who can't be rehabilitated, and lastly (and for once actually least importantly) punishment.

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I don't disagree on a moral level, but I don't think that "risk going to jail" is particularly good advice. If there's any social programmes or charities, see if you qualify before resorting to desperate measures.

Also tanks, artillery, ammunition, air defence missile systems, logistics vehicles, accommodation for around one million refugees, a shitton of money, rifles, machine guns, and some more tanks.

But sure. "GerMaNy IsN'T dOiNG aNyTHiNg"

It's almost certainly going to be litigated at some point, so a court is going to define "essential"... eventually.

Which is a very important distinction that people here seem to overlook. If you give in to a terrorist's and hostage taker's demands you're inviting more terrorism and hostage-taking because it worked.

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I'm going to have to disagree. It's forced labour, no amount of pretty words changes that. It's also not a "break" if you have to work, and considering that you'd be unskilled and probably physical labour with no (simple) way for you to quit if faced with abuse, it probably won't even be under good conditions or compensated fairly.

You do realise that an asteroid colliding with Earth is a real risk that could kill billions and potentially end all human life?

Technically yes. But if the games are no longer even being sold I'd argue that it's perfectly fine to do it anyway.

And that's Starfield's big problem. I've played the game and other than most people here I genuinely enjoyed it (and I'll die on my "at least the role-playing aspect is better than Fallout 4" hill), but it's also the first Bethesda game that I feel I've completed. I'm pretty sure that I've finished the handcrafted content. There's no random interesting caves, camps or whatevers with unique design, little quest or just a bit of lore to stumble upon, just endless procedurally generated wastes dotted with the same three dungeons on repeat.

They intentionally decided to reinvent the wheel instead of using and contributing to ActivityPub. I wouldn't get my hopes up.

The hardware team made a device that just couldn't be turned into a good product no matter what the software team did. None of those AI-in-a-box devices are good products because they simply don't have a reason to exist. Everything they can do, phones can do. If you have a phone, you don't need one of those AI boxes, however if you buy one of those AI assistant things, you'll still need a phone (which, again, can completely replace the AI box with no loss in functionality).

Not necessarily the same people. And besides, just because you don't like A doesn't mean you have to like B, maybe you prefer C or D.