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Joined 12 months ago

I wonder how consistent is the decompression and how much information is lost in the process.

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I watched Nvidia pitch, and this will be aworrying trend for "offline" gamers, as to use this in-game feature, when the player speaks with the NPC, the game has to connect to nvidia servers for speech processing, and sent back to the game npc, so it's done on nvidia cloud! I fail to see how you can play such game offline.

It's very odd given that they are shilling their latest AI capable GPUs that somehow cannot handle speech processing, instead your voice will be synthized by Nvidia cloud if you want to play an AAA game.

You're on point, Hezbollah released a statement backing up that claim, a warning for "normalization".

It's also crazy how there is this push from all OEM to remove headphone jack and force consumers to use wireless earphones, further making the attack surface much wider.

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Any patches?

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Actually there is a russian guy who made that happen. Youtube it.

Dietpie is a lightweight debian not ubuntu. And debian is still one of the top choices (if not the) for servers.

Ubuntu is just debian with extra bad decisions.

Sony is very ROM-friendly. Main issue is price, which affects active development. My wishlist is similar to yours, I ended always going with Xiaomi. While their 7 days wait to unlock bootloader is annoying, the ROM scene is very active, with great GCam ports.

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I know lots of people will say it's useless bla bla bla, but hear me out. Xiaomi still allows bootloader unlocking, this means you can remove their spyware firmwaew and put a decent AOSP alternative, with "unlimited" updates, or add support via postmarketOS.
This phone will be future proofed for a decade, as people said the same thing about phones with 6GB/8GB ofnl RAMs a decade ago.

Isn't this true every year, given that canada is basically made of immigrants?

You can install proton on any linux distro. I game AAA on my arch distribution. Look into Heroic Launcher.

But it's not deterministic.

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Doing the maths, that's ~200$/chip. Even Nvidia 4060 is more expensive.

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In 2017 I got myself a lenovo tab 8", Android 6, 3GB of RAM for less than 120€. Thanks to AOSP, I got it on Android 10, and it's still kicking 6 years later. Get tablets that you can own! (ie Unlock bootloader).

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As an OSS user, and developper, OPT-OUT is a shitty practice. It should be opt-in to users who face crashes issues if they want to share that data (they care enough to provide their info to the dev to fix it). I know this makes users sound entitled, but otherwise the "opt-out" permission will be exploited by someone which will make users even more paranoid about OSS apps.

There are plenty of other players on the SSD marker. Crucial, WD, etc. I predict that their prediction will be wrong

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I stumbled upon a website through DDG, and after a long intro, the main section supposedly where the thing I was searching for had "Sorry I can't fulfill your request right now". Basically a fully generated page to match my search with some parasitic seo tactics. The web be chaging. Front page of DDG.

Amaze file manager. Resurrected so many times. Great interface.

What's upnote?

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Shut up and take my money

I love everything about the zenfones except Asus not allowing bootloader unlocking. Deal breaker.

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The landscape is changing so fast thanks to LLMs, everything is becoming gated behind logins. Thanks ChatGPT.

Although I agree, it's tough to make a whitelist than a blacklist, as the latter requires only 1 bad decision, the former is tough to assess (how many good decision to be on the list, ex Microsoft support lots of open source projects, should they be added?)

Confuse the consumer and make it harder to make informed decisions. "Just trust our recommendations, choom".

but since then vulnerabilities have still been found

After the war began, Telegram also agreed to send user data to Russian authorities when requested for it.

Do you have sources?

There are so many cases of women being absolutely bullied, to killed by their close (and even foreign) social circles in the west simply for taking out the hijab. Many. Many in the UK (where the author of this article column is from). Look up a youtuber named Dina Tokyo for a sample.

The writer of that column, his main argument, if it does not affect, it means I don't care. But this affects millions of opressed women in the UK.

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There are plenty of redundant jobs, and I believe it is important to feel fullfilment in your tasks, otherwise no motivation. One thing to note, that when companies do not upgrade, they risk being redundant and falling back behind disruptive newcomers with cutting edge tech.

I swear, youtube sponsorships are like anti-ads. 9 times out of 10 they're doing something sketchy.

We're the minority though.

The NPU performance is very interesting on the 8G3. 20 tokens/s for Llama2 and <1s for Stable diffusion.

My only worry are EDCs. They are heavily present in plastic, and sous-vide bags are no exception.

EDIT: EDC refers to Endochrine Disrupting Chemicals, proven to be a big problem for reproduction.

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Look up the recent drama with Asus. They halted their bootloader unlockong server (which should exist) since mid-last year.

But none of these women are helped by a ban to wear such clothes.

It would give them a breathing space, and another lifeline for every women who is forced to wear it. I know lots of white liberals who think islam is such a marginalized religion because "non-white origin", but the reality is, muslim women are either brainwashed from childhood to wear it or are forced into it. Enforcing such laws would alleviate and lead many of the to question the circumstances of "why do we wear it". If you are unaware, the history of the hijab dress in Islam started after Omar (one of the Caliphate) and bff with Mohamed harassed the latter's wife so that Allah would tell Mohamed to wear the hijab. He used to follow them when they pee or take a shit, to creep on them to force a "revelation" as if their God needed a reminder.

That aside, many many many muslims have no idea about these origins and are as brainwashed as white liberals into the "religion fo peace". And that's why islam inherently is an anti-feminist religion. Just look up on r/exmuslim how many women were distraught for being forces to wear the hijab. This law is less than an ideal solution, but it is better than nothing.

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Absolutely true, but many direction into implementing those solution with AIs.

How does that compare to MotionEye?

Holy shit, that's the rookiest mistake.

Linux, thanks to steam, is better at gaming than windows, esecially for older games. Proton ftw

Another reason to root. Then Neobackup.

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The mian issue with Mini/used PCs is the power efficiency. It's just a waste of wattage and performanve/Watt is very bad, especially at idle.

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Can someone tldr about the issue? I'm dumb?

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Temporary solution, but works for now.