The best Android phone to buy in 2023 - The Verge

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 97 points –
The best Android phone to buy in 2023

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Sony is very ROM-friendly. Main issue is price, which affects active development. My wishlist is similar to yours, I ended always going with Xiaomi. While their 7 days wait to unlock bootloader is annoying, the ROM scene is very active, with great GCam ports.

I love Sony phones but I don't see active ROMs for the Xperia 1 or 5 series.

I'm not familiar with Xiaomi. They have a flagship without a hole punch?

I wouldn't call it a flagship, but Xiaomi 9T Pro is the closest you can get without a punchhole. Plenty of ROMs, and great gcam support.

I've had the Oneplus 7 Pro since it came out, which is a rebranded Xiaomi 9T Pro.