
1 Post – 166 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

What I find weird about Tumbleweed is, that updating is not integrated into YaST or another UI. You have to use the commandline to keep your system up to date. That makes it exactly as inconvenient as Arch for newcomers, but Arch has a whole philosophy behind this while SuSE is typically very GUI oriented. It's weird.

So they have full Control now.

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Uhhhh, people install shit like Vanguard just so that they can keep having their mother insulted in the ingame chat.

And many people put up with cascades of different lauchers (and accounts).

So I am glad that there was some push back this time, but it's not like there would be some sane baseline of PC players in that regard.

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If only companies wouldn't be patronizing ass hats about it. A few sites deny storing passkeys in software wallets because of "security". So what, keep using my password is safer now? Fucktards.

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As much as I like to shit on Epic, but UE 5.x is pretty much innovative with each minor release. Watching the release videos of what the engine can do in realtime is always impressive. They are used as realtime backgrounds for movie sets.

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My own server? YOLO

At work? Grafana, KOBS, Victoria Metrics, Jaeger, OpsGenie, ...

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I am not a marketing expert, but when headlines pile up implicating that Microsoft doesn't fully stand behind XBox anymore, no wonder the number for new customers tank. I wouldn't "invest" in something that seems to be on the way out either.

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As long as GOG doesn't invest in Wine/Proton, Valve has still the upper hand in Linux support and therefore deserve my money more.

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And if you couldn't reconstruct, you still had backups, right? ..... right?!

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I would also like a great camera, a non-locked-down bootloader and a non-customized OS with updates for at least 5 years. I can't vote with my wallet aside from "not buying any phone", which isn't a vote.

Oh I would also like small smartphones back. But there are simply no good ones on the market; nothing I could vote for.

"Vote with your wallet" only works if there is a good enough set of choices on the market.

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Do you think being maintainer makes you some kind of all knowing being? That's not how that works. You write code and review code of others.

If there are multiple maintainers, you may obviously not even notice what another maintainer is doing; then you wouldn't need multiple maintainers with write access if you could handle it all by yourself.

I am a game collector. I don't play them, I just collect them.

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Fantastic movie. Also essentially a completely different genre than all the sequels.

Even sex?

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Reminds me of the Volkswagen boss when their emission cheating leaked. He said he didn't know. Wow, you earn millions for managing a company that big and then claim to not know about something. The fuck did you do then? So either he was lying or admitting that he didn't do his damn job. Both cases should have lead to him having to give back whatever he "earned" in his position.

That information belongs in the specs/feature list on the encasing, not in the fucking splash screen as dedicated video.

For the buyer that would be too late and for the one who bought it already and now wants to play it's utterly pointless.

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Not just scrollbars. Buttons, input fields, etc.

Dammit I sometimes have to search for elements I can interact with. Back in the day it was self explaining.

There is a commercial phone linux: SailfishOS. IMO also the most polished one.

If those fuckers at Microsoft hadn't intervened with Nokia, we might have these things on much more devices. Meego was so promising ๐Ÿ˜”

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I am happy to read that there are still game devs around that give a fuck about optimizing their code. I am so sick of that whole "hardware is cheap" excuse for wasting resources.

Thinking about it... it's probably more prevalent in game dev in general than in application software dev. But I digress.

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On microcontrollers that might be a valid approach.

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Yeah, like your crush telling you "I wish I met a guy/girl like you." ๐Ÿ˜๏ธ

If one could "just hyperfocus" on something, AD(H)S would be a weapon, not a disorder.

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I don't think the venn diagram for people relying on pro-audio and using 20 year old computers has a large overlap.

EAC isn't kernel level, AFAIK. It even works in Linux/Proton.

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Don't you think that whole thing is simply a publicity stunt? Because it kinda looks like it and it seems to work...

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I agree with you on all but one point: I detest the argument that "storage is cheap".

While true, it's of no value to have 10 times the storage when all your apps grow 10 times in size. You can still only do as much as before but had to upgrade in between. This also means, it leaves behind people who simply can't afford an upgrade and who have an otherwise running system.

On top of that, we live in a time where we should not waste resources, since the world already suffers enough.

I am therefore still a fan of optimizing software to be as efficient as possible.

That being said: carefully used AppImages solve one such issue for me. Not every application I use needs constant updates. I want to stay at a specific version. That's easy with AppImages.

Now I am intrigued to develop one that is called YOLO.

But just in case: no, I don't monitor my server. If I notice something not working, I ssh into the machine and check what's up. I don't want to deal with another zoo of services for the monitoring part.

Donโ€™t fuck with the French.

But what if I ... oh, you meant that as a figure of speech. Got it.

Maybe he also meant "dude, that saw is really metal". Who knows what that saw has been capable of.

"large scale 16 vs 16"

Are they kidding me? Their 20 and 25 year old predecessors could do 64 vs 64.

And where is vehicle combat?

Why call it even Tribes, if it only touches on the features of the previous installments?

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Gamepass isn't cloud gaming, though. It's a game subscription, but cloud gaming is only optional and only available for a subset of games. All of the games however can be downloaded and are played locally.

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Even on mobile they are asshats. I have my password manager registered as the passkey wallet in iOS, so creating a passkey in PayPal for example fails.

There is actually a mechanism that allows distros to register the system level driver as flatpak extension, so the driver is available in the sandbox. Unfortunately, almost no distro uses that :-/

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The problem is IMO much bigger. Every connected and/or IoT device becomes physical waste if the vendor shuts down the backing infrastructure.

Every product (physical or digital) should be considered as a unit with the required technical infrastructure. Companies/producers should only have two choices: keep maintaining the infrastructure or publish everything necessary for individuals and/or a community to take over. This must be ready from the moment such a product enters the market and it must be part of the "will" of the company so if it goes bankrupt, the whole process can be triggered more or less automatically.

It's not the same model though, is it? I can buy XBox, PS an Nintendo games in a shit ton of physical or digital stores. So there are different channels. There is no equivalent on iOS. If you don't want to publish in the app store, no one will be able to install your app (developers with own certs and enterprise customers with mdm excluded).

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Props for spelling "spelling" wrong in the title .

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Headline: airline fires every second pilot; says the copilot is good enough to fly the machine.

Do you mix game development with engine? Of course an engine doesn't make an innovative game by itself. An engine is - hence the name - only the means to an end to help develop a game. Innovative games are all over the place in regards to the engines they use; from in-house/custom to products like unity, unreal, etc.

That you have the impression that engines like UE and Unity are "less innovative" by judging released games just shows how many games are developed using these engines - especially Unity. It's so damn easy to build games with it, that many people do, even when they only build something simple. And that's fine ... it means that more people can channel their creativity into game development, even when it doesn't yield anything ground breaking.

It also shows, though, that developers can focus more on the game development and have to deal less with engine development and now even asset creation, since these engines also bring asset catalogs. So it's really quite a good time to dive into game development, which fosters creativity and in the end there will also be innovative games among them.


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If you got sick of Windows, what do you expect from running it in a VM? A slow and bloated OS in a VM is still slow and bloated. Probably even slower, because it now runs with more constraints.