0 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I haaaate this shit, and have since I was a kid. I actually recently had a discussion with my gf (both of us in our 30s) along these lines, though I more specifically asked her if she could think of a scene in any media in which the story just absolutely could not move forward without one of those stupid, bawdy, explicit sex scenes, and neither of us could think of one.

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What the Hank Hill is this shit?

Dude, if you think this is bad, I can only hope for your sake that you don't ever stumble into Bing's news aggregator... Literally every. single. article. that has anything to say regarding man-made climate change that doesn't shoot sunbeams and happy straight up your asshole somehow ends up with a good 3 or 4:1 downvote to upvote ratio within minutes of posting. It's fucking disgusting, tbh.

The comments on these articles are also generally all some variation of one of the following: Someone questioning how Biden is making money off of this (πŸ™ƒ); Accusations of malfeasance or corruption on the part of scientists and/or science itself; "Nuh uh, cuz God didn't say so" as a rebuttal to climate data; "It's being done on purpose by the sun/libs/terrorists/Biden/Santa Claus"; "There wasn't any extreme weather when TRUMP was president"; "It's all a hoax to take your guns, somehow"; or, my two personal favorites, "The planet goes through these cycles naturally and nothing humans could do is capable of altering the climate" which is almost always followed shortly by "We'll have the technology to fix it by the time it gets really bad in 50-100 years, even though it's not going to ever get that bad because it's a hoax perpetuated by the libs and scientists to make money by selling.... Something, probably"

What the fuck is "tosh"?

Only the ones their friend(s) own, though. Gotta steal from the poor to give to the rich somehow, after all. And - added bonus - no more worrying about children being taught pesky things like the blacks are people too, that being gay isn't an affront to God, or the downright silliness of anthropogenic climate change.

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Maybe their belt is on correctly, and it's just their torso that's on backwards

What kind of projector do you have?

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Dude, I'm on .world as well and holy hell the 'timeout' errors every time I click/scroll/look at anything too hard get a little trying sometimes... It seems to be largely cosmetic (if that makes sense) as it hasn't eaten any of my comments or anything so far, but... lol

Also, odd and potentially problematic thing I've run into: so far, any /c/ link I've attempted to click on in jerboa flat out CTDs the whole thing. I'm not sure if that is a jerboa thing or a .world issue (somehow? Maybe? Probably not?), but just a bit annoying when I'm actively trying to find new communities to add πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

Well, if that wouldn't be several thousand problems solving themselves...

Antisemitic people, if I had to make a guess

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Just use Rufus, dude... You can even set the amount of space your image/deployment/instance (whatever the most correct term is lol) persists in, which makes it more convenient if (like me) you find yourself frequently wanting to play around with new and exciting distros.

Also, not to gang up on ya or anything either, but I'm gonna have to second the other commentor's request for the info on that laptop, as I've never encountered one that prevented you from reformatting it... o_0 I would be returning the fuck out of that garbage... Even the non-ARM old chromebooks would let you do that.

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Whatever, I don't kinkshame

Sadly, that's actually on the higher end of the spectrum when it comes to American vehicles

Teamspeak? Now there's I haven't heard in quite some time... lol

To be fair, all ex-pats aside, the complete collapse of reddit would be almost inarguably noteworthy in and of itself, and I would expect there to be pretty extensive discussion of it no matter what.


Supposing that we'll always be here because... we've always been here is exactly the kind of thinking that's fucked our species.

The fact alone that more people aren't concerned over the fact that we've passed +1.5C in La Nina years even with aersol masking is horrifying. Look up 'blue ocean event' or 'clathrate gun' or actually learn about the increasing ocean acidification or the break down of the jet stream and if you're any kind of intelligent at all (which your comment has me highly doubting) you'll see a reason to miss such a community. It sounds like you're just another one of those who'd rather stick their head in the sand and worship your monied betters, though.

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Of course, it's a whole new platform, there's bound to be all sorts of things that need ironing out. Tbh I just think it's a good sign already that these are things that are being discussed (or are open for discussion at all, for that matter) and not just unilaterally decided.

Also, I hope my comment didn't come across as being disparaging or anything... All my criticism was intended to be constructive, I promise

We did it, fedifriends!

They're Nazis... What other rhetoric do they have?

And my... axe?!

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50 Cent's success as a business man suddenly starts making a lot more sense, eh?

Wouldn't it be more subtle to follow up by instead asking which one of them is in the Coast Guard?

I just don't see how actually showing me a character's genitals serves any more of a purpose than perhaps tastefully implying (through cutaways, for example) that the characters are having sex other than pure titillation... And there is clearly a vast sea of content designed specifically for that, so I don't really care for media that goes out of its way to be graphic if that isn't its express purpose.

Additionally, to be perfectly honest, I don't really know how anyone can view a lot of these sex scenes in a positive light post-#metoo movement either. Maybe I'm just an idiot or a prude or something, but I have a lot of difficulty believing that every single nude/sex scene that's come out of Hollywood has been completely free of some variety of impropriety or, at the very least, coercion. And that by itself is enough to strip away whatever merit you might argue the scene could have.

Hasn't anyone come up with a fix for that yet? No?

Perhaps it's finally time to unveil my... PRELIMINARY SOLUTION! 🧐

The connection is coming from INSIDE THE house INSTANCE!

Maybe this is a stupid question, but how do you tell?

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I'm sorry, but what do the Snowden docs have to do with anything? I'm out of the loop apparently there

'Leave MySpace?' Why would anyone ever do that? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ I mean, look at all the shiny and/or sparkly gifs which I've painstakingly arranged with my mad ctrl-v ctrl-c skillz! Trust me bro, this is peak internet.


Narrator: What? He's not wrong....

The issue I then see with that is well, which duplicate instance gets to be the Highlander? πŸ˜‹ Does the system automatically show you the post with the most comments? The one that's had its link clicked most? The one from the largest community?

Also, how do you prevent this from being hijacked? Say I post some bright, shiny new OC meme, only to have some bot immediately repost it with exactly the same title, etc...

Not that I have any solutions for any of this, mind...

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Damn dude... This is absolutely brilliant πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Though I gotta say I'm just a bit taken aback by the ease with which you seem to torture... Not judging or anything, by any means, but by the time I got to your 'Fracture the community' section, I was like, 'so how many years did you say you were in charge of gitmo again?'

I came expecting to see more of a 'late 1930s Austrian resistance to German occupation' kinda vibe, and this dude brought the whole 'French underground'

πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ omg, you're cracking me up, dude, quit... First of all, I don't think enough time has passed for there to be 'classic reddit migrant' anything, but I do know that either way you can take your pathetic little attempts at gatekeeping and go fuck yourself with them. 😁Also, if you have such a problem with people coming to lemmy, then why the fuck are you shitposting in a thread that's clearly not for you?

Secondly, I would contend that I can't insult something you don't have.

And I didn't ask you to reply to a single thing I've said, yet... Here you are. Those aren't arguments, they're called facts, junior. Now, please, get outta here with this sad, little man energy.

Same. I don't even understand how you can hold such comically evil fucking viewpoints... Like, Disney villains aren't that atrocious.

Oldpeopefacebook was another just like that

Okay, thank you! As long as I'm not the only one in the dark about this lol I haven't been on reddit since the start of the protests, so if I haven't seen it it's new to me πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

We did it reddit err... sorry guys... old habits and all


Call me a doomer if you want, but i think we're gonna be way fucked a lot sooner than expected climate-wise

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