Does anyone enjoy intimate kissing scenes in movies? to No Stupid – 233 points –

I just feel like I'm intruding on a private moment and just sit there tense and embarrassed until it's over. Trying not to listen to the schlorp schlorp noises.

But it's such a common trope, I so assume I'm in some weird minority.

Does anyone find it enjoyable to watch? If so, why and how?


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I haaaate this shit, and have since I was a kid. I actually recently had a discussion with my gf (both of us in our 30s) along these lines, though I more specifically asked her if she could think of a scene in any media in which the story just absolutely could not move forward without one of those stupid, bawdy, explicit sex scenes, and neither of us could think of one.

Shortbus, maybe? The whole film is about becoming more sexually aware. No idea if it’s any good, though. My research into the matter was only so thorough...

On-screen kissing doesn't bother me, just don't like the ones that seemed forced or are cheesy.

Racked my mind for good examples, and came up with Tobey Spider-Man kissing Mary Jane upside down in the rain and Jack and Rose's first kiss on the deck of the Titanic.

Savage Grace used its sex scene's extremely well. A lot like the other reply about Shortbus, the sexuality is at the front and center of the film's plot. PS: there should be a bit of a trigger warning as there's a strong element of parental sexual abuse and this movie gets fucked up

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