1 Post – 453 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Literally every single day we have idiots doing Musk's PR work for free.

Downvote Musk spam. The billionaire doesn't need your help making sure his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle.

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Turbo Tax is the reason why the government doesn't just give you a number to pay. The process could be easy, but the giant corporation Intuit and their political lobbying is why it sucks.

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Sex work is work. This woman did nothing wrong. Fuck the puritans who fired her.

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Literally every single day we have idiots doing Musk’s PR work for free.

Downvote Musk spam. The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle.

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Stupid metric by some rich asshole who is solely focused on making more money.

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Fuck billionaires

Almost like the 1% are stealing from each and every one of us. With a fraction of their profits each one of us would live a better life.

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Some US states do not have Good Samaritan laws. This means that you could save someone's life, they could sue you, and they could win. It's pretty fucked up.

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Downvote Musk spam.

The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring him and his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle. Don’t be a useful idiot.

If only American workers had this kind of solidarity and stood up for themselves.

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Downvote Musk spam.

The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring him and his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle. Don’t be a useful idiot.

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Corporate bootlickers: OMG they're actually using our unlimited service as if they were unlimited. THIS IS ABUSE!1!

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Surely the super rich will go to jail over having literal slaves... right?

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Corporate playbook:

When the company does well: Reward leadership by giving all the profits to the executives and shareholders.

When the company fails: Give the CEO a golden parachute and layoff the peasants.

Do Walmart next.

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Countries like Switzerland don't have mass shootings like the USA, yet they have tons of guns. The lack of mental health support and the orphan crushing machine are a HUGE part of the mass murders here in America.

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Downvote Musk spam.

The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring him and his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle. Don’t be a useful idiot.

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Nobody is forcing me to use Office or Teams, but I'm stuck with a single ISP.

Why won't regulators even LOOK at the ISP oligopoly? For fucks sake.

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It's a good thing that shitty jobs are being automated.

However, we also need UBI (funded by corporations using automation).

Fines need to scale with the net worth of the person, otherwise they only impact poor people.

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It's bad when US citizens are sucking up all the water.

It's even worse when a foreign country that has made hostile attacks against the United States does the same thing.

Literally every single day we have idiots doing Musk’s PR work for free.

Downvote Musk spam. The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle.

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We're all right to be afraid of AI. But we shouldn't be afraid that it can do voice over, we should be afraid that it will take everyone's jobs and the government won't implement UBI fast enough.

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Strong economy == corporate price gouging while everyone else's wages stagnate.

Please focus on curbing your own satisfaction, so the oil industry can continue to be the biggest polluter AND make money hand over fist.

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This isn't a broadband grant. It's free money for corporations that currently hold an oligopoly on the ISP industry.

Over the years there have been several instances where ISPs like Comcast, received substantial government funding to expand and improve their networks. However, the ISPs largely failed to follow through on the network improvements and instead just pocketed the money.

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Shame our country doesn't take the separation of church and state seriously. This sort of mental deficiency should not be part of our government.

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Charles Littlejohn is a hero.

Tips are an excuse for employers not to pay their employees a livable wage. If you rely on tips to get by, your employer doesn't deserve to be in business.

Monarchies should be abolished. King Charles is above many laws. He doesn't even have to pay taxes (despite being richer than the majority of the country).

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Corporate landlords are using price-fixing software to illegally raise prices and gouge average Americans. Executives need to go to jail for robbing us all.

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It sounds tough being a billionaire. She should give it all up.

Capcom President salary is 'Too High'

Step 1) Find out the name of the cop who shot your son

Step 2) Call a mental health check on the cop

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Downvote Musk spam.

The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring him and his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle. Don’t be a useful idiot.

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Downvote Musk spam.

The billionaire doesn’t need your help ensuring him and his businesses stay in the 24 hour news cycle. Don’t be a useful idiot.

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This Karen is an asshole, but so are the supermarkets who collude on prices and collectively steal from everyone else just because they can.

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If executives don't go to jail for stealing from consumers, they will continue to steal from you and everyone else.

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It's almost as if the half-assed decriminalization effort was not done in earnest because opponents want to see it fail. We have cops not doing their jobs, government officials not emulating existing models (like Portugal), and recovery clinics that will turn you away if you haven't been doing the "right" opiates.

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Republicans are pro war for literal decades.

Republicans become "isolationists" for two years so that they don't disturb Russia's imperialistic genocide.

Republicans become pro war again.