The domestic slaves rescued from London’s richest streets to World – 356 points –
The domestic slaves rescued from London’s richest streets

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Surely the super rich will go to jail over having literal slaves... right?

Rich people and jail? Like, they own it right? Cause I couldn't possibly think of any other reason they would be in one.

For keeping people as actual slaves yeah they'll go for jail for that. Even rich people have limits of what what they're allowed to get away with, this isn't The United States.

Lad, you are 'avin a giraffe. Don't matter where you are from, the rich always win in the end. Even if sentenced they will get off with a slap on the wrist.

They dindu nuffin!

Just doing rich people stuff and these slaves are having a bad attitude about working for free. Disgusting

Oh I'm sure there's some sort of contract and pay. Work place violence related crimes maybe, unpaid hours? paying below minimum wages? I couldn't tell if the one woman was claiming he raped her, or she was a previous victim of rape being abused again. But if he raped her too that would be the big charge.