2 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum.

Yes! mandatory usb C and replaceable battery, and i'd like the 3mm headphonr jack to also be a standard 😁

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Ugh being vegan is too hard, i dont want to only be limited to the literal hundreds of edible plants, and centuries of plant based cooking techniques. let me just eat the same 3 baby animals and their excretions.

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I do feel awful for their families. But I feel more awful for the refugees in the Mediterranean.

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getting a "protect my property value" vibes from this policy. Governing systems should focus first on lifting up our most vulnerable, and people selling houses just isnt it.

I got a new job! finally out after 9 years at a call center. Things are heading in a positive direction. I hope everyone has a great week :)

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I'm so glad I choose Beehaw as my first Lemmy experience, and if I load up the site and it's not working, oh well, it probably will shortly. I don't need instant satisfaction all the time, this is a social place, not a work place. These features and forums are fun, and it sucks people want to take advantage of a volunteers time, Or expect premium features on a passion project many have contributed their free time to.

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Elon's next tweet: "Squatters Rights! Very Interesting!! We are looking into it!!"

He's gonna end up having to get a public defender lol

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Self love is the best kind of love. I hope you find the reason you work so hard for this community again. Thank you, and to all the mods and admins I really appreciate you all. Always fun to read discussions here

God Dammnit! This goddamn piss baby fucking sucks! I wish nothing but bad luck for him in the future. The guy is awful, and he gives no fucks about anybody but himself. Fuck you Greg Abbot you piece of shit piss baby. Every piece of news I hear about him, is how he's gone and oppressed some people. Guy contributes negative value to society.

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Im so sorry to hear about your mother passing last week. We love you so much here, and there are people that care about you. jobs come and go, and they always are going to look out for their best interests. I think it takes a lot of courage to recognize a growing bad habit, I hope you can find a healthier outlet to process your stress and griefs.

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Noticed them immediately! I love yellow accents on things, and fits right into the bee theme being a hexagon (bestagon) and all.

Tofu never started a pandemic!

like all hot news this will be old news.

what will be difficult is all the FOMO, what is reddit doing? whats the top news over there. Im caring less and less.

im intrested in how you're doing instead beehaw, are you okay?

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I just don't understand what politics conservatives do other then push for laws that oppress people they don't feel comfortable sharing a space with? I think the real political discussions are just happening within the left. Conservative party kinda needs to just go away, and the left split into socialists, democrats, and maybe independents. American politics and media have driven it's two party system so opposed to each other, there is no mutual agreement anymore, you either take the blue side or the red side to any and all issues, and I'm sorry the red side is just so cartoonishly evil they just stand in the way of progress, or push to go backwards in history.

Its almost like, if a lot of people stopped eating meat, we wouldnt have this problem. too bad.

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RIF no longer showing content for me :( It's over. 6 years of being my most used app on my phone

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Beans potatos and rice are still cheaper than anything else so i just eat that. vegan cause im poor lol.

fuck you abbot you goddamn piss baby

I'd rather meet the consequences of being late, then being an unsafe driver.

Just take a moment to slow down, and look out for pedestrian crossing signs. Drive the speed limit, You will make it to your destination, it's not a race.

Very much, it was awful. It was below freezing and we did not have power for 3 days strait (and i consider myself lucky it came back when it did! some where out for 2 weeks!). All the gas stations ran out of gas, every hotel room that had power was overbooked. They sent out a notice urging people to stay inside, but some elderly died in their armchairs in their living room. Froze to death, in Texas. This goddamn piss baby doesn't give a shit!

Yes. it just breaks my heart that people seem to have a goal to make the lives of the vulnerable as hard as possible.

-runs cmatrix on transparant terminal emulator "Boys, im in. Transferring all the stars to my bank account." cp stars Bank/mine

There's way too many similarities between my dead-end call center job, and my new assistant director gig. It's all sales, always has been. This job is better, and I'm happier, I place too much of my self value into jobs and money. I've been learning kotlin for a few months now, and I've created a (buggy) version of pong that runs on my phone! Its only a hundred lines added to the main function, but it (kinda) works and I made it with no tutorial. Ha!

Vote em out! not voting is complacency. Not voting is showing that this is acceptable.

I'm not saying voting is the only action needed, but it is an absolute bear minimum.

I had a thought about all the alien stuff and if its true why the US government kept it a secret, and I was like "oh of course, its because the government is made of aliens"

I had to take a moment and think about how plausible that now feels lol.

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I think the majority of people are lactose intolerant, so this article is making the assumption most people consume dairy or are not effected by dairy products negatively. Seems the diet in question has a larger balance of whole plant foods. Which we've known for decades eating a diet of whole-plant foods vastly reduces your risk of heart disease. They are tagging fish and dairy on here because the dairy industry is suffering. Who wants to eat 14 servings of dairy a week? Is this article sponsored by the dairy industry?

Good luck on your interview!

Its okay. But im happy to be rid of my reddit habit.

Awesome job!! BeeeeeHaw!

I thought the same when i saw it in my grocery store in Texas. but i do live in houston and not the really really maga areas.

little daily accoplishmebts like doing the dishes, or cleaning my room and taking care of my hygiene make such a huge difference with how i view myself and my life

Seems potatos were less a risk cooked at high temperatures. more reason to be vegan for me! lol. Also, if you want to eat a raw food diet (not me) - much safer to keep it vegan and not eat raw meat lol. I dont agree that everyone can easily meet a balanced diet eating nothing but raw foods. I need beans! you'll never take my beans away from me

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Whatever we are the brink of, I just hope the people come out better on the other side. Yes I know lizard aliens running the state sounds crazy, but today it sounds less crazy lol. Alas, we live in such a boring dystopia.

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2 months into my new admin job, and it sounded much easier then my last gig at first, but had to get humble quick as things ive been doing wrong are hitting the fan. Still much happier overall.

That's a big day for you and your son! Congratulations and the more empanadas the better!

Ive been learning for a year. I just want to get change careers because ive hit a cap in my earnings in my current one. The past year has been doing a bunch of fun python projects and javascript, and soaking in as much as I can.

Currently, working on codelabs and learning jetpack compose with Kotlin. It has been very fun learning this and a week in.

i gotta get out of this call center, but im ignoreing all the noise and following what makes me excited to learn, and right now thats android development lol.

So I had the 4th session with my new therapist today, and so far they have been really caring. But today they felt kind of annoyed I called them, even though it was for my appointment. And after I talked about what was going on with my week, 28 minutes into our 60 minute session, they told me "okay, do you have any other issues?" And I was like, oh, i guess I don't right now? "Great, talk to you next week" and they hung up. I really don't want to start over with another therapist because the last one was not great either. And I'll tell you that story next, it's short.

My wife's therapist is really nice and I like her, but I can tell she's looking out mostly for my wife (and thats okay). I asked her for a good recommendation and they gave me a newer therapist for her office. He asked about my traumas, and then pivoted hard to "what kinks do you have, I like to be spanked" . And he laughed it off when he saw that made me uncomfortable. I told my wife's therapist, about it, since I think she hired him , and never saw him again. Actually took me a lot longer to try again because of that experience.

Never give up on yourself, you are absolutely worth it. Health care providers are just people and we are all just trying our best. As far as getting medication refilled and having to talk to new healthcare providers a lot that sound disinterested, that sounds hard. You are very brave to be doing that for yourself.

Well Beehaw has been a lot of fun. though I dont feel like i fit in, I'm learning a bunch. Just in a weird place. Im learning Jetpack compose with kotlin and although im understanding everything. i feel like a loser, and imposter syndrom. there is no way Im smart enough to code and develop applications. Im pretty much only skilled at delivering bear minimum stuff. My wife and I decided to try for a baby, but so far we've only managed to argue about petty things that dont matter.

Things are just weird because theres so much uncertainty in the next few months of where we will be. I just need to lead with my head on strait.

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They look Amazing!!