It feels like we’re on the brink of something to – 184 points –

Covid, WFH, Musk, The fall of Twitter, Netflix plateau, Reddit Blackout, Crippling interest rates, Trump, Decentralisation, Tech Antitrust, Ukraine

Adding in Edit: AI, Climate Crisis, Nazis, Fascism, Democratic backsliding, automation, mass unemployment, rising homelessness, wild fires

How are you feeling these days?

We sure do live in interesting times


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I had a thought about all the alien stuff and if its true why the US government kept it a secret, and I was like "oh of course, its because the government is made of aliens"

I had to take a moment and think about how plausible that now feels lol.

I usually lean the opposite way - aliens exist but mask their presence because they look at our world and it’s just monkeys throwing fecies at each other

The intro to the game “Disco Elysium” has a monologue that basically says, You live on a ball full of apes. The apes are all beating each other. The only way to win is to beat the other apes.”

It totally feels like that.

It’s far more plausible that they’re all just profit driven sociopaths

Whatever we are the brink of, I just hope the people come out better on the other side. Yes I know lizard aliens running the state sounds crazy, but today it sounds less crazy lol. Alas, we live in such a boring dystopia.

Can we not do the whole "evil is caused by mental illness" thing please? It was annoying enough seeing it on Reddit. ~Cherri

Sorry, I did edit that out of my comment there. did not mean any form of abalism in my comment. I did not consider being a sociopath a mental illness, now I know better. thank you.