алсааас [she/they]

@алсааас [she/they]@lemmy.dbzer0.com
46 Post – 181 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


ur local depressed transfem, mostly here to liquidate years of piled up meme reserves

also on mastodon

that's pretty rad

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new Labour is dead labour anyway. Nothing but neoliberal bs

Imagine internalizing Microsoft/Apple abuse so deeply that you get angry at ppl who don't want any of that shit

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Was the credit cut? Bc Existential Comics really be a classic

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my bloodline ends with me lmal

uuu time for one of my fav sentences lul

The worst thing the Bolsheviks did was give Ayn Raynd an education

btw here is a step by step guide to Ayn Raynd's life:

1: be born into obscene wealth

2: be 12, a civil war breaks out, flee to white-controlled crimea

3: the reds win, nationalise the fathers pharmacy

3.5: the reds win, without that she would have never seen a university from the inside

4: be 16 and among the first women to go to university

7: fuck off to the US to whine and cry

8: write incoherent, economically completely unfeasible, idealist defense of a hypothetical capitalism

9: profit

(this is shamelessly copied from a Reddit comment)

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MBTI is just Astrology for pseudointellectuals rule

Welcome to capitalism babyyyyyy

I don't know what this is about, appreciate the contribution nonetheless

been terribly out of the loop lately

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The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one

hard agree, that should be the long-term goals

that's it, we can all go home

the ultimate bussy joke has been made

Not specifically (yet), it's just good practice to credit someones work. Especially when it's such a good (and dare I say based) webcomic series

this is beautiful, thx for sharing lol

aockengkfopfltk >w<

I'm rly happy when ppl switch to a GNU/Linux OS, tho I would never recommend Ubuntu to anyone (anymore), since Linux Mint has a much saner no bs team that is not fucked over by a corporate

Or just plain Debian, which is wonderful as well

If I can't watch it without ads (be it adblocker or otherwise), I'm not watching it

I won't waste my time with senseless clips trying to psychologically manipulate me into buying things I don't need

The USA has a two faced one party system. Two sides of the same coin or "good cop/bad cop" if you will.

Both parties serve the rich, support imperialism and so on. In terms of economics they have the exact same function of serving the 10% over the 90%.

In terms of domestic affairs the good/bad cop dynamic really kicks in. The reps are ultraconservative, while the dems try to mud the waters with their slight progressiveness, in the end only coopting those things as not to endanger capitalism.

The best you will get from the dems is a
"I'll try to not make things worse - for now. Vote for me or my buddy elephant over there will beat you up".
(the not making things worse refers to their social policy, not their economic ones. Those will still get progressively worse for the working majority, even if it might be a bit more indirect. All the dems really are is a silken glove over the iron fist of capital).

And tbh, for everyone outside of the US it doesn't make a difference whether the bombs the policeman of the world drops wherever they please & the bags of money they send to genociders/reactionaries/fascists/terrorists have prideflag & BLM stickers on them, or not...

Now I'd like to inquire the wizard convention (lol) on the status of the "testicular torsion" and "ovary obliteration" spells

are humans that find that thread later [...]

that's the point too tho. Having content on their platform only provides value to Reddit shareholders. Removing that content deminishes the platform's value as a whole

Ik it's not much, but it might be a spec of sand in the cogs of capital. Also if a person was on that platform for quite a while, the effect is quite a bit larger

"trust me, consooming the green way is going to save the planet. just buy our TWS earbuds, no this is not the reason we removed the headphone jack"

mbmb, didn't pay enough attention in Bioshock

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which is based

actually, communists program free/libre and reject open source as corporate 🤓

Smth like yaCy?


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LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring (Directors Cut)

should be good in filtering out some of the people I wouldn't want to interact with anyway


no thank you, I like my eyes

the whole quote for context:

The IRA claimed responsibility the next day, and said that it would try again. Its statement read:

Mrs. Thatcher will now realise that Britain cannot occupy our country and torture our prisoners and shoot our people in their own streets and get away with it. Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once. You will have to be lucky always. Give Ireland peace and there will be no more war.

Just a disclaimer for normal ppl:
What op is referring to as "Marxists" are (what the irl leftists call) revisionists who think that Marxism is somehow compatible with bourgeois counter revolution (PRC after Deng, under whom the crackdowns in Tiananmen happened btw) and "anti-american" imperialism (what Russia and modern-day China are doing militarily (mostly Russia) and financially (mostly China))

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In what world? Outside of the shitposting of some political internet bubbles Stirner is practically unheard of, while Engels is a cornerstone of scientific socialism and materialist philosophy in general

goals to aspire to

- a 183cm + boot sole trans fem (me)


I have exclusuvely been listening to "The History of Rome" by Mike Duncan

still not done with it lol

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usually means "minors dni"

Praying works: "Thank God!111!"

Praying doesn't work: "God works in mysterious ways... 🤷‍♀️"

Like sure if you need that as a way to cope with a depressing reality. But that is the main function of religion: to keep folks complacent, governable and prevent systemic change

(dw am not some kind of "religion bad!! no, I never interacted with organized spirituality, why do you ask?"-person. That's just what growing up with real /j Orthodox Christianity and two hours of liturgy per week does to a critically inclined mf lol)

not a meme, please use the sister communities for content like this
(I hate to do this bc I agree with it, but my brain hates twitter posts or just generally walls of text in a meme community)

The lib shitshow during US election season is always wild

mood, can't wait to get out of my union busting workplace (still have 2.5 yrs of apprenticeship left 🙃)

It's the definition of "customization for customizations sake". It's ok if you like that, just not for me