4 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm usually not into social media drama but I did watch the video. It's set up in a way so you don't have to know any of the people mentioned and don't really have to care about the people mentioned afterwards either. It does take a really close look into modern plagiarism, specifically through YouTube and video essays. I thought the way all the information was really well presented.

Hbomberguy starts off with an example of a plagiarist who responded poorly to his accusations. This was a set up for the following examples and call outs of plagiarists which further explored the various reactions and attempts at damage control to preserve a creators reputation. That was the main focus for the first half of the video. The second half then focuses on James Somerset which others have already explained in this thread. What I found interesting was how James Somerset was very much a culmination of all the prior examples. Yet he was able to navigate his way around the accusations while continuing to profit off other peoples honest work. The fact that James Somerset is removing himself from the internet shows how thorough Hbomberguy was in documenting the plagiarism.

The video also touches on a things like Content Mills and AI Generative Art which still falls under the topic of plagiarism.

I'm not an artist or creator in any capacity, I just found the video interesting. Especially how the examples or accused reacted to the discoveries of plagiarism. However, I think artists and creators could probably benefit from watching this video to understand the possibilities of what happens to your work once you release it to the internet. Plagiarism seems to cause a lot more grief and frustration once you start to look further past the act of a person simply taking someone else's work.

This type of "party game" is still at it's core objectifying women. They may be generated images but the whole project is aimed at passing judgement on women you would rate as fuckable or not. It's encouraging behaviour that makes women feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

This type of objectifying isn't exclusive to this project. Groups of men will rate and objectify women casually and frequently. I've worked in the trades and have been surrounded by such talk from men. The more normalized this type of behaviour is, the easier it is to consider women as less than human. Feeling like a replaceable tool with no sense of self or sense of worth is dehumanizing.

They could have chosen to base this project on just about anything else in our world. We have animals, nature, technology and so much more to try this kind of thing out on. Yet, what seems like another "tech bro" idea was focused on hyper sexualizing and objectifying women as if they were just another thing for men's entertainment.

Simply, it's gross behaviour. Just because they are generated images does not make it any less gross or acceptable. People are not objects for another person's amusement and we should not encourage such behaviour.

I was always aware of the subtle misogyny on Reddit, however, it wasn't until the end did I understand how truly bad it was. All it took was one post and 24 hours for me to see how awful some men can be.

I made a post to a collapse support subreddit detailing how I, a man, had been treated by other men in the workplace. I also explained how the men I have been surrounded by were sexist, racist, homophobic and intolerant to anything "unmanly." I also went on to explain how the everyday treatment of women was not much different than how leaders and businessmen of the world acted. The only difference being the scale of which their actions affect other people. I also provided a few personal examples of how men manipulate women in every subtle way possible. My main motivation for making the post was finding out a former co-worker of mine was attempting to sext with a legal but considerably younger person we both knew. He is married and has two young girls with his wife.

The comments section was... interesting. I received many comments from women who had agreed with me, acknowledged what I said or expressed gratitude for simply being acknowledged from what I posted. Some men and wives of men also commented saying they experienced similar treatment in a bunch of different fields of work. Those comments made me satisfied with the post.

The other half of the comments all claimed I was promoting hate and that my post was hate speech. There was no middle ground or attempt at discussion. Worse, once they caught on that the subreddit moderator was a woman, they descended into her dm's with hate filled messages, threats and declaring that she was supporting hate speech against men.

The harrasment was so much that my post was removed by the moderator but she did reach out to me beforehand. It was quite clear to me that my post had unintentionally affected her mental health. We had an understandable back and forth and I don't blame her for taking an unfortunate step in trying to protect her community she worked so hard to build. A community she needed for herself as well.

The last thing she did say was going forward, she would be more heavy handed with the bans and to be less tolerant of intolerance.

Unfortunately, I quit reddit following the API changes so I don't know how that subreddit or moderator has progressed over the past months.

I think stronger moderation for such vulnerable communities is a necessity. I also think being a moderator is also a nightmarish position to be in as well. I imagine seeing countless negative or awful comments would have a lingering effect on a moderators mental health. Even worse when it's a passion project.

I have been trying to be more vocal on Lemmy when I see men attacking feminism and feminist groups. I also try to come from an empathetic and understanding place because matching hostility seems to end the comment thread in flames from my observations.

Unfortunately it seems my comments get ignored while women commenting under the same post will have their comments picked a part letter by letter from hostile men. It seems their goal is simply bullying women.

I wish there was a simpler way to filter out the hate and intolerance but when dealing with so many people, how do you even know where to start? Fighting complexity is a nightmare and people are fucking complex.

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'Show parent comment navigation buttons' under Look and feel should show/hide them

I originally posted the following comment as a reply to another comment that has now been removed. I'm reposting it as I think it still has value to the current conversation under this post.

This type of "party game" is still at it's core objectifying women. They may be generated images but the whole project is aimed at passing judgement on women you would rate as fuckable or not. It's encouraging behaviour that makes women feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

This type of objectifying isn't exclusive to this project. Groups of men will rate and objectify women casually and frequently. I've worked in the trades and have been surrounded by such talk from men. The more normalized this type of behaviour is, the easier it is to consider women as less than human. Feeling like a replaceable tool with no sense of self or sense of worth is dehumanizing.

They could have chosen to base this project on just about anything else in our world. We have animals, nature, technology and so much more to try this kind of thing out on. Yet, what seems like another "tech bro" idea was focused on hyper sexualizing and objectifying women as if they were just another thing for men's entertainment.

Simply, it's gross behaviour. Just because they are generated images does not make it any less gross or acceptable. People are not objects for another person's amusement and we should not encourage such behaviour.``

I had been involved with the labour board over a wrongful termination dispute. I made complaints about about an abusive workplace and was shitcanned as a result.

During the final settlement where the lawyers were fighting over what my settlement payment would be, my lawyer and I had a bit of a discussion revolving around mental health.

She suggested I should consider a move into mental health services as I was essentially writing off continuing my trade apprenticeship by this point. She noted that I am a good listener and have a very clear understanding of mental health. She even offered to get me in contact with those in the mental health field.

It's been heavily on my mind to go down that path but a part of me is intimidated. I've been able to help a few close friends who all experienced some heavy mental issues over the past couple years but these are people who I've become close to and am able to help them through a deep understanding of them.

I tend to get attached to people easily and I'm not sure how I'll be able to separate work thoughts from my own thoughts meant for my own time. What heavy burdens will make it home with me?

Would I be good at working in such a field? According to my lawyer and those closest to me, I'd be great. But what am I going to do about my own mental health if I follow that path path? I can barely handle children and I'm the biggest kid in my own life. It's already a monumental effort to keep myself fed and not spontaneously running into traffic.

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I have a meeting tomorrow morning with a mediator and representatives from my old company with my lawyer tomorrow.

I'm trying to get my job back since they fired me in response to bringing up issues of abusive behaviour in the workplace. They are trying to get me to back down and disappear.

I have mixed feelings. A part of me wants my job back. The act itself would spit in the face of the general manager who is rotten to his very core.

The other part of me thinks I've done enough damage and can safely call it quits by taking a money offer. I exposed to corporate just how awful management at my company was and in response to my firing, corporate has forced several costly updates to work flow practices at the company, cracked down hard on all the unsafe work practices, refused to represent them in my labour board reprisal claim and forced the HR manager to retire ahead of her scheduled retirement plant (I assume, it's convenient she retired a month after my claim was officially filed and not in 2024 as scheduled).

Tomorrow I'll have to pick my battle carefully. As much as I'd love to drag this company to the human rights tribunal, I'm also pretty tired and should consider taking the wins I already achieved.

Bureaucracy is fucking lame.

I recently recieved a bit of offhand news that has made me a lot more relaxed about an important meeting I have at the end of September.

I was speaking with a person I used to work with about a trip he and his fiancé took recently when he caually mentioned out of nowhere that the HR manager at work retired at the end of July. That random little fact sent my mind into a whirlwind for a couple days.

Just over a year ago I had been terminated from my job as an apprentice at a place that builds automation assembly lines. That termination came after I had brought up concerns and frustrations with how the company had begun treating people after covid arrived. I also brought up concerns about workplace culture and how toxic it had become.

I had been terminated approximately 10 months after the monthly employee meeting where I first confronted the GM (General Manager) about how apprentices were being treated poorly and not learning the proper skills. This is important because once people start retiring, there is going to be a huge skill and knowledge gap.

After that monthly meeting, I had a meeting with the fairness committee followed by a meeting with the HR manager with the fairness committee member on "my side." That second meeting was basically me getting belittled and blamed for 3.5 hours.

Unhappy with the results and dealing with my declining mental health, I reached out to the corporate HR manager about the abusive management at my company and this manager made a huge effort to help me. She taught me all my rights as an employee, encouraged me to get help through the corporate employee hotline and when that failed, set up a meeting with me and her boss while beginning an investigation into the abusive environment at my company. Unfortunately before that meeting, my company terminated my employment.

I retained a lawyer and after about a year of some back and forth (things got delayed significantly because my lawyer got covid) I finally submitted my wrongful termination case against my company to the labour board. Up until this point I felt so uncertain and stressed about everything and was really doubting my decisions.

About a month after my submission to the labour board, my company replied back with 16 pages trying to have my case thrown out and attacking my character. They also responded through an outside law firm and not the corporate in-house lawyers. About 1.5 months after my submission, the HR manager retires. I found out she was scheduled to retire in 2024.

Suddenly my mediation meeting with the labour board and my company doesn't seem so intimidating. Corporate refused to legally support my company and the HR manager retires early and is now back home in Central America. A key figure in all of this who conveniently will not be able to attend the labour board meeting.

I have no idea if those two things are related to my case and I may never truly know but it sure is convinient for me. I did leave that company in good standing with corporate so I'm left to believe that corporate has been taking serious action with my company. Action that may have also included updating workflow, security and logistics (costing the GM and management huge money), and cracking down on workplace safety issues (costing the GM and management even more money).

After covid arrived, my dislike of corporations only grew but I think it's pretty humorous to watch corporate turn it's back on my company. It's beautiful in it's own bureaucratic-hellscape kind of way.

My goal at the labour board meeting is going to get my job back and hopefully getting a public apology at the monthly employee meeting while sending a problematic manager to a training course regarding abusive behaviour. After being forced to confront my own mortality through their abusive and negligent behaviour, money means nothing to me. No amount will bring back the dignity this place took from me and the others who work there. I'm hoping my actions are able to throw some power back into the hands of the employees and other workers there as well as bring more awareness to mental health issues.

And to think, I probably wouldn't have gone down this path if it weren't for the head fairness committee member telling me that I should just suck it up. That I should just wait for all these problematic people to retire. He told me I couldn't change anything. His attempt to de-escalate the situation by demotivating me may have backfired slightly.

I've always saw the bias against women on reddit until about a week ago when I got a chance to really understand that it's more like pure, unfiltered hate against women.

I rarely post to social media because it's a huge energy drain on me but I decided to make a post on a support subreddit regarding toxic masculinity. I talked about how I was a target for bullying and harassment for not being 'manly' and shared experiences of witnessing gross and manipulative behaviour against women and lgbt+ people.

I received a lot of positive feedback. Some men spoke up about seeing the same, unacceptable behaviour from their coworkers. Some women confirmed what I said was true and a few were happy just being validated.

My post had to be removed because the moderator of that subreddit had been receiving threats about my post. My post didn't violate any of the reddit or the subreddit rules. Some very angry individuals who couldn't read the nuance in my post had claimed it was hate speech.

The moderator contacted me and thanked me for talking about such topics. Ultimately she couldn't deal with the hate that was being directed at her, which I completely understand.

That whole incident really opened my eyes to just how much hate women get on that site. Leaving reddit for good got so much easier after that.

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After playing Battlefield 3 and feeling an indescribable emptyness for AAA games, I turned to indie developers. The desire for more profits can really suck the uniqueness and character from a game when it's designed for accessibility to as many people as possible.

Bonus points if the game supports modding. It's a great way to extend the life of a game as well. Some of my first online gaming memories are from Quake and it's modding scene. Even Sven Co-op is still developing their mod for Half-Life to this very year.

Games like that seem to have a bit more passion behind it which gives it a bit more charm. It's been a bit sad watching old titles milked dry throughout the years in the name of the mighty dollar. Unfortunately the struggle now is finding those gems in a sea of mediocrity as gaming became more mainstream.

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I've used linux sporadically throughout my life and only started using it daily in the last couple months. I've used ubuntu in the past but I can understand the reason to move away from commercial distributions. Since my knowledge of Linux is quite shallow, I have a ton of questions and a need to understand everything.

What is Debian and what makes it an appropriate choice for Linux Mint to switch over to this base?

Also, what values does the development of Debian have compared to Ubuntu?

I get the feeling that moving away from Ubuntu is a step in the direction of a more open source space away from corporate forced standards, is that accurate? If so, what development direction could this take for a project like Linux Mint?

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In southern Ontario it's both full-size pickups and SUVs. I live in a rural area so many pickups are lifted or have tires that extend outside the fender. Vehicles so big they can't even stay in thier lane. Constantly drift into the empty bike lane even on the straightest part of the road. Can't even control these monstrosities on a good day.

A couple weeks before the Reddit API changes were due, I made a post to a collapse support subreddit. I rarely make posts and preferred to lurk but I had some thoughts that I needed to get out.

In that post expressed my frustration with masculinity. I had been working in the trades recently which is very male dominated. I saw and experienced how much hate and disregard this type of masculinity has for anyone not viewed as masculine. The toxicity in these men grew so much after COVID's arrival that even the quiet or rational acting tradesmen that I had been working with for years started spewing hate.

I also provided some examples from my life where men would abuse any situation they could to take advantage of women. I also made a connection between the everyday micro-aggression towards women and the leaders of countries and corporations. It's an attitude that is so intertwined at every level of the hierarchy created by men. Those on the bottom of the hierarchy will still embrace a heirarchy because women and unmasculine men can still be below them. It's the same as a world or business leader placing other people or countries below them to justify their actions. The only difference is the scale at which their hate is spread and acted upon.

I recieved a lot of comments. Some from women who acknowledge or already understood the connection I made. Some women who were happy to just be acknowledged. Some men who experienced or witnessed the same hateful attitude of men in their respective fields of work. But also a lot of hate from other men. They viewed my post as hate speech. They attacked my post and threatened the female subreddit moderator through DM's. I broke no reddit or subreddit rules or community guidelines, just a few ego's made of thin glass.

The post was eventually removed after 24 hours. The moderator and I had a very civil back and forth through DM's and it was clear to see the hate and threats my post generated was affecting her mental wellbeing. Unfortunate but understandable.

While watching this video, that whole experience was replaying in my head. These men acting out so angrily for being called out on their bad behaviour. Inflicting more anger and pain on to others that has deep consequences. Consequences that affect everyone, including themselves.

I say all this to say that it's not a hard leap of understanding for me to see modern masculinity striking back at the environment when their power and dominance comes into question. It's been an observation sitting in my mind for some time now and it's nice to see it explained so neatly.

I do understand that all this hate and aggression comes from traumas that were in action long before these people were born. I can't blame them for being born into an already broken system. I do hate the fact that they actively refuse to do any self-reflection to better themselves and the people around them and instead inflict more suffering through hate. Because to them, it appears that mother earth, the complex being that gave us life, is yet another woman for them to exploit.

I have this happen with my Beehaw account. Works fine with my account. Probably just have to wait on the next Jerboa release for a bug fix.

I asked a similar question and I was lead to this post.

I got side tracked and eventually lost motivation to get it working. I might give it another try in the new year. Hopefully this is what you are looking for. I assume your distribution is using PipeWire, otherwise you may have to look into HRIR for PulseAudio.

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I've spoken to another user who has the same issue as me and they made a couple suggestions including disabling certain options in BIOS or trying a distribution with a newer kernel.

At first I thought it was issues with iGPU and dGPU switching but I'm beginning to suspect that's not the case.

Reproducing when it freezes is a challenge because it's very inconsistent and does not leave and crash reports.

The only improvement I've seen yet is switching from Linux Mint 21.2 to LMDE 6 but the kernel is still older compared to the versions that I was suggested for my hardware.

I would like to try a newer kernel just for the sake of trying.

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! would fit under hobbies.

I'm hoping in the future it can grow and expand to other communities like bioactive. It's one of the niche communities I miss from reddit.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon is a great game if you are into rogue-like games. Expect to die waaaay more than you win. There is a lot of depth and quite a few ways to solve the the puzzles and enemy encounters.

The developer has done an amazing job picking up where the original developer of Pixel Dungeon left off. Very consistent and solid updates and has plenty of plans for future updates which look interesting.

There are plenty of forks ranging from adjusting difficulty to overhauling the art or expanding the gameplay significantly. If you ever get bored, you can just try something new.

I've enjoyed the growth of this game over the years after the development of the original game stopped.

I don't think I've heard one good user view on snaps, which is what I'm assuming you are refering to when talking about containers. I don't have much experience with it but the view on them is overwhelmingly negative.

I do like the concept of cutting out the middle man in this case. However, I'll probably stick with cinnamon for a while as I'm still learning about the linux environment and distribution hopping will add lots of unnecessary frustration for me.

Thanks for the write up.

In Mint, from the start menu you can right click on the app you want to run and from the drop down menu you can select to launch with dedicated GPU. Otherwise left clicking will launch with the integrated GPU as normal.

From the other comments, it looks like it may be an ubuntu issue so I'll consider another distribution and maybe things will run a bit smoother in general.

You indirectly answered another question that got lost in my head. I'll add those commands to my cheat sheet so I can attempt to diagnose problems myself in the future.

I tried the beta and liked it. The only issue I ran into was that the MozillaVPN app wasn't working on debian.

I also had not seen much progress on the Debian version of the app from what I found. I could be wrong as that was my first dip into Debian.

Mullvad is available and I might switch to that at a later time when the motivation strikes me.

I prefer the idea of community driven projects though.

I'm not experienced enough with linux to understand if this is a question or a statement on what I can do. In either case, I don't know how to interpret what this means.

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Fortunately I updated my BIOS from windows before switching to Linux and as of recently, I still have the latest version.

I added amdgpu.runpm=0 and that did increase stability considerably. My system froze up way less often which was great.

I also found that adding processor.max_cstate=1 has made my system even more stable and I haven't had a freeze up in days now. This page gives a nice run down of what it does.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is a freeze up in the future but overall my system has been a lot more stable making everything far more enjoyable.

That first bit makes sense, I should be able to figure that out I think.

The reason I want to avoid using an external drive is because it takes a minimum an hour to transfer 4 games worth of data currently. That time is an inhibiting factor for me. I'd like to minimize downtime.

Also I'd like to test gaming oriented distributions with newer kernels compared to what Linux Mint ships with.

The last few years after the arrival of covid, I've had a huge change of perspective about myself. I was working as an electrician for a large company. It is a male dominated industry and my place in particular had a lot of older workers. The majority of these men acted like 'men.' They made every attempt to show off their masculinity in any way possible. They would constantly one-up each other, crudely insult each other, make dick size jokes, talk about women in negative ways be it sublte or not, constant homophobia while at the same time making gay jokes with each other, belittle anyone below them (age, sex, hierarchy, apprentices, other trades), and expect others to blindly do as they say. There's probably so much more I can't even remember at the moment but that's a quick glimpse into their mindset.

I've always been a very quiet person content with observing the world and letting others chose to interact with me. I'm also very open and tend to not judge people. I'm also not someone who doesn't "look" or act like they belong in the trades. I have more of a lean body type and have a hard time gaining muscle mass. I never spoke about women in negative or sexual ways, don't own a car, didn't show off my money in material items, ummarried and childless. The amount of pressure on me to be more manly was annoying but tolerable in the beginning. Then it got old but I pushed through because I wanted an apprenticeship.

Then covid came and upended cultural norms overnight. People were told to do things for the safety of others. Part of being a 'man' is to not do what you are told (unless the boss is around!). Those who adapted to the new safety measures easily became targets. That meant I became an even bigger target. Suddenly every aspect of my life came under intense scrutiny. Riding a bicycle to work became a source of constant, daily bullying. Somehow covid reignited my marriage status and child free choices and that came under additional scrutiny by other 'men.' At one point someone kept insisting I take creatine pills in order to bulk up on muscle mass. It seemed like nothing about me was good enough for no sustantial reason at all.

As my mental health declined, my girlfriend at the time became distant and angry at me for being depressed. While she wouldn't outright say it to me, she seemed to expect me to "man up" and just deal with it. That really hurt considering she knew just how much individality and being myself was important to me. It also felt like feminism was for her and not for me as well. Suddenly she wanted me to buy a car so I can fit in and stop complaining. I also had a hard time talking about lgbt+ topics with her because her tone towards me subtly shifted. It was as if she thought I was a closeted gay. This combined with how I was treated at work was mentally devastating for me.

After reaching my lowest, I decided to be the most annoying person possible. Fortunately I didn't have to do much more since being me causes so much insecurity in people already. It also helps that I tend to appear emotionless so their words don't have an outward, immediate affect on me, even if that shit is actually crushing me internally. I did start showing more defiance towards hostile leadership by pointing out their flaws which eventually lead to me getting fired. Oh well.

Between reaching my lowest point to now, a year after being fired that I changed how I view myself and gender. Suddenly masculinity, and by extension, femininity made no fucking sense. Not that it did make much sense before but now the idea is dead to me. Besides a few more tattoos, nothing about my appearance has changed. For medical reasons, I'm still a male. I just don't care to identity as a man. While non-binary is a suitable term for myself, I still prefer to as simply a person. I feel it describes me as simple as possible. A being just like anyone else. Undivided by physical appearance, individuality or heirarchy. It feels more inclusive that way.

Maybe one day I'll adopt the non-binary term but I've always been one to use simple and vague language. Terms and labels have often created more divide than discussion from my personal experiences and I do not like unnecessary confrontation. I also just really hate labels in all forms because I can't remember the meaning of humanities' infinity growing list of labels and ideologies.

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People in general can learn something from stoicism. From a philosophical standpoint it can be a good place to provide tools for improving yourself from within. However, I also find it hard to accept that men are inherently emotionally weaker than women for many of the reasons mentioned by LoreleiSankTheShip.

Modern societies extert incredible pressure on people to conform to unreasonable expectations which greatly repress individuality. These pressures start early and are persistent. Emotionally intelligent men exist and have always existed. I could easily believe many of these men couldn't even begin to define or explain stoicism. Their emotional intelligence could have been learned from family, friends, partners or community.

A broad and over generalized expectation of modern men are that they be strong and courageous. That they act as independent individuals to care for their family or community. Traits which could be mistaken for a surface level of stoicism.

What we are seeing today in is very much a lack of emotional intelligence. There is a very noticeable deficiency in emotional intelligence in men when compared to women. Unable to reflect inwards about their motivations and outward actions. Unable to empathetically understand how their actions affect those around them. Unable to to identity, verbalize or express the emotions which are happening within them. As a result, men don't have the proper understanding of themselves to begin the process of improving themselves. Trans men offer a unique insight into this as they have had the opportunity to experience two worlds of gender expectations.

But humans are social animals. Many mammals exhibit social needs. We can look to our closest friends such as cats and dogs and see how true that is. We've reached a point where our social communities are fragmented and broken. The ideal of a strong man is heavily expected to replace that missing sense of community.

It's become and issue so deep and entangled that it's hard to know where to even begin. I wish there was a simple -ism to unravel this mess but a person is complex. Eight billion people with eight billion unique perspectives is a level of complexity we just don't know how to even comprehend or manage.

We can start by teaching emotional understanding from within, by being good examples, by creating and maintaining communities or by calling out bad behavior. Unfortunately, these actions can be attacked. It's an uphill battle and the hill is looking very steep.

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Thank you, that makes sense.

What reasons would people not like doing that?

I personally feel like separation of user data and OS data is easier for me to manage.

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I may just switch to another distribution in the future when I have the time. I think I'm also traumatized by windows.

Usually I have to schedule an entire day reformatting and updating windows. Compared to setting up Mint the first time which took maybe a couple hours. A lot of that time was going through the settings just to set things to my preferences.

Still can't shake the feeling of dread about installing a new OS when deep down inside I know it's not so bad hahaha

Adding the command seems to work quite well. All of my games are launching just fine now with all the system updates applied. Which is great because the graphics and fps have improved considerably too.

I did some searching around and it seems the Dell G5 SE line seems to have issues in general with Linux. I tried installing Pop!_OS and the live USB would lock up constantly.

I'll have to be patient and hope things get sorted out down the line. For now it's tolerable with Mint, maybe I'll try some other non-ubuntu distributions later when I'm in the mood and see how stable they are.

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My system still freezes outside of Steam and gaming. My best guess based on searching around for issues related to my system is that Linux doesn't handle switching from integrated to discrete graphics that well with amd+amd systems. Other users who have Dell G5 SE systems have had the same issue for at least 3 years now.

It's tolerable because it doesn't freeze while gaming and that's the most intensive thing I do on my system. If I was writing or editing and it froze and I lost work constantly, I'd be more upset and annoyed.

Occasionally it will freeze just from opening discord or steam but the load up time is significantly shorter than a windows hard reset. It's tolerable for me, for now.

I should also add, I can't start steam normally. It still freezes constantly unless I start directly opening to steam Settings from the start menu.

I won't have a chance to try it out soon but that sounds like the solution I am looking for. I'll give it a try when I can.

If it's an ubuntu issue, I may switch over to a different distribution when I have the time to set it up properly.

Thanks for the info.

I have an AMD + AMD setup but apparently the Dell G5 series has issues with linux so it's been an uphill challenge.

I did see that LMDE 6 makes it easy to boot different kernels at startup which is handy. I tried looking at Liquorix Kernel but I don't think it's ready for LMDE 6 just yet. I can't recall exactly why but I got a big nope when trying to download it. I think I tried looking at the Zen Kernel as well but couldn't figure out if it's just for Arch or if it's compatible with Debian.

Too much to learn and now enough hours or attention span. Slow progress but I guess it's a thing to do besides watching my plants grow.

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That makes sense. I guess for my case it's fine since I have more storage than I can use. Additionally, I keep my most important data on multiple offline storages and even that is quite minimal.

When I was younger, I had a list of things I wanted to accomplish like owning property and buying a new car. The generic list of milestones. As I entered the workforce and began working with people older than myself, it was super hard to shake off that unsettling feeling that none of those milestones made sense or didn't seem to equal happiness.

The people I worked with rarely had good things to say about thier life situation. A constant stream of complaints towards significant others, property maintenance, car maintenance, children and the list goes on. I listened to those complaints and slowly grew to avoid those possible headaches after seeing the misery it brings.

I took some opportunities to do things for myself such as travel and living abroad for a few years. After returning, I had a plan to complete an apprenticeship and move to another country. That apprenticeship meant working with trades people and that was the most soul crushing experience. The vast majority of these people are miserable beyond words. They all attempted to follow that life script and all it brought was pain at the cost of their individuality and happinesss.

Their focus is so much on themselves and their own future that they can't see beyond their own nose. They don't care how their decisions affect other people. And even worse is that they encourage others to follow the same path of misery. They force their opinions on you as fact. They tear down any sense of self worth in order to push their way of life on you. They mock and ridicule you for living life differently. They get angry at you for not doing things exactly their way. They expect you to live life like them because if they suffer and are miserable, then you must suffer and be miserable too.

In reality, no one wants to struggle, suffer or live looking forward to misery. It's encouraging to see do many younger people fight back against these old norms, even if it's doing more of nothing.

Life isn't meant to be productive at all waking hours. I believe life shouldn't have such a forward focus on the future. It seems the modern focus is humanity in the stars. That view completely detracts from the beauty this planet holds which is a lot easier to appreciate when you spent time in the moment.

It will always leave me confused as to why people insist on living a lifestyle that requires so much complexity and maintenance. Maintaining all that maintenance is a path to burnout. I believe that a life which is simple, where your actions have meaning to yourself and local community would be more satisfying and healthier for both people and planet.

In order to engage you in meaningful discussion, I need to understand your thoughts and perspectives more from your own words.

Why do you not trust the personal view of another lemmy user? We are on a social platform made for discussing a variety of topics and we will always encounter different views. Hopefully this leads to exploring and expanding our own views on the topics we bring up.

I would also like to stay on the topic of men and emotional intelligence which was brought up by LoreleiSankTheShip. I currently do not see how neurodivergence and generational workforces fit into this discussion unless you can clearly state the connections for me.

I do agree with you that the importance of mental health and it's approaches are not very well explained. However, empathy carries a lot of weight in the discussion of mental health and should not be undermined or under valued.

Lastly, it's easy to link a video of an expert, but experts are human and can fall for personal biases too. If you can explain to me your interpretation of what this expert is saying, we can begin to have a thorough discussion. Otherwise, I fear we may be deadlocked and nothing more will come of this.

I did watch your recommended clip and am still struggling to understand your view point.

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Unfortunately I feel this conversation has become deadlocked for a number of reasons.

You have clearly dismissed a fellow person with a valid observation and left no room for open discussion. When given the opportunity to express why you do not agree, you continue to be dismissive.

You have ignored the topics that has been brought up and are being discussed. In this case emotional intelligence, particularly among men.

You have not made an attempt to clearly connect your various points into a cohesive argument.

You have not expressed what you have studied in your own words. To express ideas in your own words would show the rest of us how you perceive and understand a topic. This would be a great base for having a meaningful conversation.

Lastly, you have done nothing but blindly praise an individual on a podcast. If the words in your initial post are true, we should never worship anyone.

Taking a step back away from everyone and everything to think of why we react to other peoples words may help us to understand ourselves better. And that's a good thing.

At this point I am done. As a fellow individual with ADHD (and Autism), I wish you the best on your mental health journey and I hope you approach it with an open heart and open mind. Thank you for giving me a new perspective for me to think about and hopefully understand in the future.

I'm not really up for adding more games to my library currently, and my gameplay preference has changes to co-op games over the years.

I did check out Silica and it reminds me of Natural Selection. An old mod for Half-Life which combined FPS and RTS. Really interesting to see old ideas still given new life and just another reason why I think games which allow modding is so great.

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