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Why it is a bad idea to offer public services on a for profit platform: A case study

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An algorithm suggesting things you might like doesn't have to be AI. There are simple metrics to achieve that (e.g. things other people who liked this also liked)

Or are we calling every algorithm AI now?

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That is exactly what it doesn't. There is no "understanding" and that is exactly the problem. It generates some output that is similar to what it has already seen from the dataset it's been fed with that might correlate to your input.

The implied difference is if someone or even you know how the algorithm works, which for "new" is relatively straightforward.

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If they want less government involvement then explain to me why they make it their cause to forbit abortion, label abortion pills unsafe and even make teaching scientific theories forbidden?

I though they were about the government being involved less not more?

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That's not even true, I run my own mailserver for private and a business and it works like expected.

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Say you have critical information that you want to delete

Then you shouldn't have uploaded it publicly.

other instances can just ignore this deletion request, than I could technically write a plugin that uses an extra instance, to always display all deleted comments to me

The same was always possible with Reddit and was even implemented. Why is this a problem now?

For other sites you’d need a crawler

Only if they don't have an API.

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Why isn't it just federating though? Do I have to create an account just to read the Twitter instance?

No. Programs cannot reprogram themselves in a useful way and are very very far from it.

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I see you are a man of tights

The analogy is that you buy a car (because if it breaks, the car and your entertainment stuff, you will buy a new one to replace it, you will also carry all maintenance) but suddenly you can't drive backwards anymore because the manufacturer decided retroactively that you should pay extra for that (possibly in a subscription).

I would say it is your good right then to make your car drive backwards regardless of what it may take.

The load distributes across more shoulders automatically.

If you only host a server for yourself and 10 friends it costs next to nothing, if you have a big operation it can get just as expensive, it depends on what you are willing to do.

With centralized systems there is no choice but for the one centralized host to host everything.

This won't happen in our lifetime. Not only because this is more complex than rambling vaguely correlated human speech while hallucinating half the time.

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The developer can yank the software from under you, he can change the monetisation model, or he can drop support for the software. With Free or Open Source software you could just take over the responsibility of maintainership or outsource it some other developer you can trust instead.

Sure, good point but in the real world this will never happen.

If Mozilla suddenly decides to implode you won't just casually take over Firefox or hire another maintainer to develop it for you.

In theory this sounds nice but for any software that is of any real complexity (and thus use) it is pretty much irrelevant.

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Hosting (or simply just using) a crawler takes less resources and skill than hosting Lemmy let alone modify it the way you intend.

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Unfortunately everything AI does is kind of shitty. Sure you might have a query for which the chosen AI works well but you might as well not.

It you accept that it sometimes just doesn't work at all sure AI is your revolution. Unfortunately there are not too many use cases where this is helpful.

Which is exactly the problem people think has been solved but isn't anywhere near being solved. It cannot comprehend semantics, the meaning of things is completely beyond it and all other AIs.

Unfortunately saying I made a thing that creates vaguely human looking speech with little content isn't astonishing to most people hence they are looking for something useful this breakthrough machine must be able to do and then they don't find anything leading to these articles.

If you use something like C# at least source management and packaging are being done for you by the development tools.

But yeah it needs to do something useful and one needs to know how to operate it. That doesn't go away.

Sure but until I see such a thing I chose not to believe in fairy tales.

Decompiling arbitrary architecture machine code is quite a few levels above everything I've seen so far which is generally pretty basic pattern recognition paired with statistics and training reinforcement.

I'd argue decompiling arbitrary machine code into either another machine code or legible higher level code is in a whol other league than what AO has proven to be capable of.

Especially because with this being 90% accurate is useless.

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No. There was nothing to extend and extinguish with XMPP. It was a dead on arrival protocol that nobody ever used seriously. I've been to the internet at that time and what people actually used was: AIM, ICQ, MSN and possibly even Yahoo!. (IRC for the nerds and Counter-Strike)

It was exactly the other way around. Nobody ever used XMPP, then Google opened federation on their first chat and suddenly someone was actually reachable via XMPP which was a cool thing for some nerds that were into XML then, but when Google noticed that it only imports problems with nothing to gain from the XMPP network they just shut it off.

At the time nobody cared because the people accidentally using XMPP didn't give a shit about it because they used Google not XMPP in the first place.

I see you are correct.

I had such hopes for SE but seeing the developers drift into some dimension where the game works and it's time to sell dlc... Oh well. Hope their awesome AI startup that will definitely fly SE spaceships when it's done is coming along.

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Funny you would think that using the fediverse. Discord has exactly the same problems Reddit and Twitter had where at any moment someone for whatever reason could alter the deal significantly.

It's basically the same thing that happened to Homer Simpson. The original did dumb things but never intended for things to fail or to be evil. Of course it is easier to write cheap gags if you throw all of that out of the window.

Yet people claim it writes all their programming code...

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True but the difference is the ability to choose what you deem best. The government could simply run their own instances with their own rules (the german public television runs a mastodon instance for example) and supply information/services as they see fit.

It is irrelevant what other instance owners do or think about it because the instance owner is in control.

An XMPP developer would likely have been delusional about the protocol he himself developed. But at the time I can assure you XMPP was completely irrelevant. AIM/ICQ/MSN/Yahoo! and maybe IRC were the tools of the day back then.

Because of actual competition (which XMPP had absolutely no part in) multi protocol messengers had their golden age then.

This is a core problem of distributed systems though. Signal even cites this as their reason to not federate with anyone.

Once you get decentralization going you need everyone to stay kind of up to date or stuff will just not work.

What do we do if it doesn't? Just crawl back and apologize?

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If the fediverse idea doesn't work out and it's yet another company the cycle is bound to continue.

A big chance is in front of us to break the cycle!

I've been using Mastodon for some time now so the Fediverse won't lose me, the question is if my redditing can be migrated.

I mean even Reddit wasn't really "endless" for me. On particularly boring days I could definitely reach the end of content that interests me.

I kinda grew out of it. It was funny when I was an edgy teenager but it got progressively more cringeworthy as time progressed for me, even though the content may not have changed much.

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That is in part because the reddit algorithm doesn't like thoughtful contributions. These take time and understanding of the discussed matter. When your metric is positive (upvote) interaction per timeframe you need easily digestable content that people immediately react to. If I have to carefully read and think about the content my vote/comment is far too late to be "hot" on reddit.

One of these three is not like the others.

I mean the writing was on the wall like a month after launch. How did you not quit back then?

It was fun to dominate Hutball for like 2 weeks and... that was basically it...

A fancy way to say do nothing is not the same as translating back and forth. Example: Show me the intermediate translation.

Also we live in a 64bit world now old man

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Might be true for you but most people do have a concept of true and false and don't just dream up stuff to say.

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It's the other way round. Code is being written to fit how a specific machine works. This is what makes Assembly so hard.

Also there is by design no understanding required, a machine doesn't "get" what you are trying to do it just does what is there.

If you want a machine to understand what specific code does and modify that for another machine that is extremely hard because the machine would need to understand the semantics of the operation. It would need to "get" what you were doing which isn't happening.

Exactly and the model of make changes and remove trademark has worked very well for them. Why not introduce arbitrary other limitations when they are clearly not neccessary?

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