Its not wrong though to Programmer – 805 points –

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Sure but until I see such a thing I chose not to believe in fairy tales.

Decompiling arbitrary architecture machine code is quite a few levels above everything I've seen so far which is generally pretty basic pattern recognition paired with statistics and training reinforcement.

I'd argue decompiling arbitrary machine code into either another machine code or legible higher level code is in a whol other league than what AO has proven to be capable of.

Especially because with this being 90% accurate is useless.

Again you aren't seeing this because these models are being developed for private enterprise purposes.

Regarding deep machine code analysis, sure, that's gonna take work but the whole hallucination thing is an off the shelf, rookie problem these days

It's not, though. Hallucinations are inherent to the technology, it's not a matter of training. Good training can greatly reduce the likelihood, but cannot solve it.

Training doesn't solve hallucination. I didn't say that