4 Post – 227 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

how tankies are still surprised that fascist apologia gets them banned in an antifascist community is beyond me

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him accidentally uninstalling gnome shell in the process of installing steam was so fucking good dude

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I mean, it says in the post, they're allowd to federate but are "on probation"

meanwhile linux users:

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admins who feel it necessary to try to police people's thoughts

massive self report that you consider the admins saying "don't be transphobic on our instance" to be "policing people's thoughts"

far left = having standards apparently

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Look, Biden is unambiguously better than anything the Republicans are offering, and everyone should vote for him in 2024.

But he's failed us so many times now. He broke the railroad strike, he let the Republicans push him around on the budget when the Dems could have passed it back in December when they still had a majority, he let student loan forgiveness fall through, the Dems didn't codify abortion rights when they had the chance (they had a LOT of chances), and while it's good that Dems have actually been defending gay marriage on a national level, they did very little to protect trans rights on a federal level when they had the chance.

So yeah, vote for Biden because that's most likely to lead to the best outcome as far as voting goes. But don't buy into this electorialist lie that we have to back Democrats on everything they do, and that we shouldn't criticize them when they fuck up and flounder in the face of fascists in the Republican party. Don't buy in to the lie that the left is at fault for Republican wins because they critiqued the Democrats. There's more to political action than voting.

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It's not a cult. Who told you it was a cult? Whoever told you that is clearly problematic and you should cut them out of your life.

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That's kinda the point though isn't it?

The commenter was pointing out how they personally like boobs, and in the context of a relationship with a trans man who is dysphoric about that kind of thing it would make the relationship uncomfortable. They're not bringing up this example to insinuate that they would harrass a partner like this, they're bringing it up to say they wouldn't wanna do that. I don't think they're saying they think it's acceptable.

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hey that's not true, windows users also shit on windows users

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ok but where's the downside

time to defederate lemmygrad

average js dev

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fortunately for him, the donkey is a sub and is into that shit

just like in real life

it's a tail, he took the catgirl serum

omg hiiiiiiii feds hiiiiiiii :3

I love when "anti-war" people just end up justifying and defending someone else's war, or when "anti-imperialists" just end up justifying someone else's imperialism. Real anti-imperialists (me) think that fighting against imperialism is good, and that only offering lip service to anti-imperialism while also decrying any attempt to put it into action is shitlib behavior, actually

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the political compass is complete bullshit, even if the results were as "accurate" as possible (which they very much aren't)

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The only time someone said something about my Linux desktop in class, they said it looked pretty :)

the best game engine is bevy, exclusively because it gives you the right to tell everyone else that your game is made in rust

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I think there's something to be said here about negotiation in relationships, cause what you want doesn't necessarily line up with what your partner wants or is comfortable with. I see a lot of people talking like they would just avoid such relationships, but I'm not sure how possible that even is and I don't think it really reflects the reality of relationships.

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well, when you have activity on a community called "moretankie196" , you can see why people might be suspicious yeah?

i'd put the words in there too but idk if the mods would be ok with that lmao

Western jews degeneracy capitalism is forcing my hand, we have to put all queer people in the work camps for revolution!

Isn't it strange how much the people advocating for gold standard saying it's more stable overlap with crypto shills, when crypto is notoriously unstable?

when I was a kid we'd leave the gas stove running all day to make our lungs stronger

it started with the Tiananmen Square riots

It actually started with British Marxist-Leninists who criticized the USSR's use of tanks to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, and the communists who defended the USSR's imperialism were called tankies.

It started as a way to call out people who call themselves communists but nonetheless engage in or defend imperialism, and to this day that remains the meaning of the word. There are some liberals out there who use the word against all leftists, as a way to imply that leftism is inherently authoritarian. But that is not largely how it is used online, and it's definitely not how OP was using it.

Yeah, after a number of people tried to go after Mozilla for hiring trans people, those kinds of people are mostly on Brave nowadays

smh didn't even tell people to install gentoo linux to avoid corporate owned operating systems

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They posted the entire comment section this came from further down, and based on reading the exchange this was them saying that they would probably only date a pre-transition trans man if they were comfortable with him liking their boobs.

So I'm unsure what "way" you're implying they're thinking.

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why do contras posts always end up this way lmao

But you still have to download the app, because if you open the site in your actual browser it blocks you from going further if you try to click on any links

come on, there's not even a gender affirming care room? clearly fake smh

Oppenheimer never won the nobel prize. He was nominated numerous times, but never won.

GNOME is much more stable though

Having used both, I actually wouldn't agree with that, at least on Arch Linux I've had more problems with GNOME stability-wise. I think it's because they have a tendency to make breaking changes between releases. Maybe this wouldn't be true for fixed-release distros, though.

Once GNOME reintroduces theming, fixes fractional scaling

Theming is already working, it just took a while for people to get their themes ported/create new themes since theming GTK4/Libadwaita apps and the 40+ shell is so different from before. But as I learned from scrolling unixporn, there's quite a few options available now. And as for fractional scaling, there's a spec that was recently introduced into mainline Wayland for that that GNOME is going to be implementing, though right now the spec is only compatible with QT6 and probably won't support GTK until GTK5. I believe that spec also includes a fix similar to the one Plasma uses for XWayland apps but I might be wrong there.


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x^2^ - 15x + 54 = 0

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wait why is Tim Pool an anarcho bidenist, who the fuck made this

oh no it just gets dumber the more I look at it

I squinted for a moment and that is one cursed fucking duck