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Look, Biden is unambiguously better than anything the Republicans are offering, and everyone should vote for him in 2024.

But he's failed us so many times now. He broke the railroad strike, he let the Republicans push him around on the budget when the Dems could have passed it back in December when they still had a majority, he let student loan forgiveness fall through, the Dems didn't codify abortion rights when they had the chance (they had a LOT of chances), and while it's good that Dems have actually been defending gay marriage on a national level, they did very little to protect trans rights on a federal level when they had the chance.

So yeah, vote for Biden because that's most likely to lead to the best outcome as far as voting goes. But don't buy into this electorialist lie that we have to back Democrats on everything they do, and that we shouldn't criticize them when they fuck up and flounder in the face of fascists in the Republican party. Don't buy in to the lie that the left is at fault for Republican wins because they critiqued the Democrats. There's more to political action than voting.

So, saying Biden broke up the rail strike doesn't tell the whole story. They were going to strike over sick days, Biden got them sick days.

Biden forced through some amount of forgiveness, despite the SCOTUS decision.

The rest of what you said, Yeah, can't refute that. But until we get STV voting Democrats are the best option we have. Perfect is the enemy of Good.

I don't disagree that the democrats are preferable and are worth voting for in the generals. Only that criticizing them isn't the same as both-sidesing.

This is why primaries are so important. Go vote to have an actually good option in the general election.

100%. When it comes to elections, this is where leftists have seen the most success. Especially when it's on the state and local level.

I love that I have the option to vote for people on specific platforms in NY. I can show support for the Working Families Party while still voting for Democrats as the politicians can run under multiple parties so I'm not just tossing away a vote just to send a message

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