2 Post – 256 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I worship a shitload of deities and you should too


For the love of gods everyone please delete FB now

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Cool, fleeing one megacorp run by a huge tool for another megacorp run by a huge tool

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Is blocking people illegal in your country

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Dang spez, hope the money you'll be getting from each api call is enough to pay for all the free work the community has been doing over the years


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This is how protests work. You inconvenience other people so that they pressure the target of the protests to give in to the protesters. Never understand why people from that country do not get this

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That thumbnail tho

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Holy shit the amount of bootlickers in that comment thread makes me so happy to leave that place

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This said it all perfectly. Think I'll check out more of his videos.

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When people say a politician "raised taxes." More often than not it's a tax that does not apply to 99.99% of the population and they raised it from 0.000001% to 0.000002%

But boy do those campaign ads look good

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Reddit ia gonna get fat soon

Absolutely agree. I love the high barrier to entry and how it has kept the conversations (for the most part) more substantial.

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And Hollywood's gay character is ALWAYS the same: "gay" voice, fashionable, sassy, uptight, obsessive, but no real emotions or depth. It's like someone once told them what gay men are like based on a 90s stereotype and they just stuck with it.

And lesbians are always ugly and butch

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I have an onlyfans for my feet pics that finances all of it

It still data mines on your phone even when you don't open it

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Looks like reddit is about to hire 1000 unpaid interns

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As a non-American I really appreciate this

All of them with a severe fetish for soviet nostalgia

because the snap folder in your home directory by default starts with a lowercase letter while all the other folders start with uppercase (hidden folders don't count)

all other reasons are secondary

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"cum" is Latin for "with" and is sometimes used in English to show that something is two things at once, so "minstrel-cum-clown" would be someone who is both a minstrel and a clown

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This server runs on linux, better delete your account from it

Lol i told my family and friends if they want to talk to me they have to install signal. Those that want to talk to me did and those that don't didn't. Problem solved.

Maybe you need to sub to more communities. I see a shitton of new content on my feed.

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Darude - Sandstorm

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Get them ready for prison in advance

Just leave reddit, problem solved, that place is a shithole

Or even better, fire the MBAs who came up with the stupid idea in the first place

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This is gonna become waaaaay more common. I am already working on code words with my family members just in case.

Be sure to read our sidebar and check the wiki!

Unless they actually meant singing

This is the most tryhard post ever

I bet you tell everyone you hate mainstream movies too, especially if they never ask

Probably bc Macs cost twenty times the average annual salary there

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Always felt that the way redditors treated Ellen Pao was horrendous. That place is a cesspit

Exactly. Let reddit and FB and twitter keep the bottom-of-the-barrel users

pigs are intelligent and loving creatures

Let's not compare them to spez

21st century people have only ever known capitalist control, they can't help it

There isn't any, some people like to create drama where none exists

I mean calling someone an r-slur and then being what sounds like a free-speech absolutist would get you banned from any instance I would run without hesitation.

Luckily for you, you can start your own instance and call people whatever names you want. Sounds powerful to me.

I am one of those people who does not want massive widespread adoption. Then we just turn into something else to be monetized with no privacy or security. If someone wants that, there are plenty of godawful social networks they can go to.

I see this in the Linux ecosystem as well. Everyone who wants it to overtake Microsoft or Apple is more than willing to sacrifice what makes Linux better in the first place just for what? Numbers? I would rather have the greatest thing in the world that has a steep learning curve so only twenty people use it but who appreciate it than sacrifice everything about it that is great so 20,000 people can use it.

Same with Signal. People complained about the devs getting rid of SMS support because now Memaw won't use the app anymore, despite the devs stating that to keep SMS support would make the app inherently less secure, which is the entire point of the app.

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