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Nah, it was just a show in Germany, even at Nuremberg only like 10 Nazi were executed. Most Nazis were just absorbed back into their society but the Germans just passed specific laws to prevent the display of Nazi flags. That is really the biggest difference. The Germans even let former Nazis back into the government.

Seems like the cops should now be worried about civilian phones exploding and now might consider shooting anyone that tries to hand them a phone /s

"She was also ordered to forfeit more than $11bn (£8.2bn) to the court."

That sounds like profit to me. It was the cooperation with the court that really did it.

It's so annoying to hear certain folks acting like all the problems in America come from this Thunderdome type situation at the boarder with Mexico. And never do they have any recommendation that doesn't involve hurting people or invading Mexico out other ridiculous things. Just the other day I heard someone talking about all the Chinese people coming across the Mexico boarder and how they were actually spies for China. Fifteen years ago they were Muslims and terrorists.

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I live in the southern USA, evangelical folks in my area are fully onboard with Israel support. Facebook links constantly, sign boards in front of churches, those annoying free newspapers they publish and leave in the driveway.

It's all anti Muslim and some really creepy genocide talk.

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What the hell were the thieves doing with the tools? They had 15,000 of them, were they going to open a Home Depot? Was this a crew of a few dozen people? How were they making money of they had 15,000 tools in like 12 storage units? Even if this was some shady eBay marketplace operation they must have been having serious trouble finding buyers for these tools or something.

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Nikki Haley and others like her keep insisting that the 'real' GOP isn't based on Trump politics, when are they are going admit that it's the REAL GOP committing a murder/suicide on America. And the Dems are just the meme of the dog in the room on fire.

It's complete insanity that neither party is using this case against Trump during the primaries. Especially Haley, it's a gift wrapped opportunity for her to score points on Trump and she completely ignores it. Her campaign was a lost cause from the start but none of the Republican candidates have acted like they are even trying.

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It costs what $30k a year to keep someone in prison? Great use to taxpayer money for that $100 theft.

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Nah, Haley is in it for 2028 or the lotto chance that Trump drops dead. She's still raising plenty of money. Trump is the nominee for sure but her staying in is at least driving him crazy and getting him to spend a lot of money he wouldn't otherwise need to. Trump is outspending his fundraising so this just makes him weaker in the general.

This article is pretty close to pure clip bait and possible just media spin from Greenpeace, other more reputable articles don't even mention Greenpeace and highlight a lot of local support against the rice.

I mean, Microsoft themselves regularly shits the bed with updates, even with Defender updates. It's the nature of security, they have to have that kind of access to stop legit malware. That's why these kind of outages happen every few years. This one just got to much coverage from the banking and airline issues. And I'm sure future outages will continue to get similar coverage.

But the Crowdstrike CEO was also at McAfee in 2010 when they shit the bed and shut down millions of XP machines so it seems like he needs a different career...

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As someone that was born and raised, and still lives in a super majority pro Trump part of the rural South, boy is this article true. I can't begin to explain the rabid love so many have for Trump and the republican party.

I was eating with some family at a restaurant and got to listen to them railing about the public schools grooming kids and letting them read porn. Even pointing out that they literally know the local teachers and go to church with them. Asking who is supposed to be doing what they are claiming gets absolutely nowhere.

So one of the cops shot the other cop in the torso? Talk about a well trained police force. It's like something out of Naked Gun. And clearly the cops being there clearly made the situation much worse and injured more people. These stooges should never carry a gun again.

I'm sure NYC will be on the hook for a few lawsuits out of this one situation alone that will at least get into the low millions! Great job NYPD for a subway fare!

Just remember the DoD have the troops and get all the budget money, the VA have the veterans that don't get shit! If the DoD budget didn't have to go up every year then maybe we could actually have money for other things.

I'm still having so much fun with this game that the lack of DLC hurts my feelings, lol! I'm just amazed they didn't give Larian a blank check to do anything DLC wise once the awards kept flooding in.

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There is no learning, companies just move to different antivirus. The new hotness, the cycle repeats over and over until the new antivirus does this same shit. Look at McAfee in 2010, in fact the CEO of Crowdstrike was the CTO of McAfee then. That easily took down millions of windows XP machines.

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Server side ads sound more expensive for Google to me. I'll just use some future plugin that blacks out the screen or whatever if it comes to that.

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You're fooling yourself if you think the Israeli military actually knows where Hamas is and is target bombing. If they knew where Hamas bomb factories and the like were, then they would have bombed them before the attack. Israel is just bombing random targets. Like apparently several thousand strikes, some serious WW2 level bombardment. Seems much more likely such factories would be underground.

You're falling into the trap of thinking Israel has some kind of legendary intelligence force when the attack showed they were only fooling themselves.

The intense bombing is just to drive away the population and empty out the area so the Israeli military can go in with ground forces without taking a lot of casualties. They won't go in on the ground unless a majority of people leave the area. Urban fighting with high rise buildings is a guarantee for mass casualties on the attacking force. The Israeli military is mostly reservists, so a lot of people with minimal combat experience and mostly did checkpoint duties in their active time in the IDF.

I would argue that Carter was, he was even pro solar energy back during his presidency. He got screwed by the whiplash from previous administrations economic policy and got all the blame, so that really framed his time in office. It's only recently that people have really started looking at his tenure differently.

Just to add

To be fair all guys like this remember is that we dropped nukes on Japan and the war ended. That's the depth of the thought process. Maybe also that we didn't drop nukes on Vietnam and we lost. That sounds about right for that guy's age.

Using Teams always reminds me that Microsoft bought Skype for billions, ruined it and developed a shifty replacement.

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Granted my company is much, much smaller but they have leaned into work from home. They didn't renew the office lease on our larger space and instead just moved to a small we work space for a few folks that like to work in the office. The CEO actually loves it because it saves the company a ton in rent/leasing.

But Meta is probably just trying to triage folks without having to pay severance or unemployment.

Work from home has made the staring at Excel thing much nicer than it was in the past. I'm in an IT role with no on call duties and I can wander around my house while on Zoom calls and no one notices. I can stream videos or podcasts on my home PC while doing my job. I consider myself pretty lucky.

"Nobody" as in the world at large isn't paying enough attention to the clown? He still gets plenty of coverage in the US! For his followers the more international attention Trump gets, the better, it doesn't matter what kind it is.

Assuming the link works, this is a great resource of research papers on the topic -

Seems like about every pubic US university was selling those back in the late 90's. So overpriced, even for the time!

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I wonder if the DoJ actually does split up Google if separating Chrome would make any difference with behavior like this?

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I take this as a good sign that the data tracking market is growing stale. Like what value can tracking my viewing habits provide anyone, other than Roku, that the streaming platforms aren't already doing on their own? It's straight double dipping.

I live in rural NC and still see a bunch of signs for him around. I still think he's going to lose, but I know my county will probably still be like 75% Trump and Robinson voters.

More than anything I just hope this could get the US term limits. If an older person gets elected so be it, but let's get rid of people serving in Congress for 20+ years. Two terms Senate, two House gets you twenty years, that is long enough and follows the existing model with the Presidency.

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This is my wife's biggest trigger, people not responding to texts, for some reason it will lodge in her brain all day when her friends do this.

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Bluetooth with mobile devices I'd agree. But my work pc hates Bluetooth devices. Such as refusing to use the correct audio channel with headphones, so I still use wired headphones.

I've always felt Windows could be temperament with Bluetooth, especially pre Windows 7. Like XP seemed to be a shitshow for Bluetooth.

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The training deliberately is to aim for center mass, the police have made no secret to that.

I admit I've not look into any numbers, if they are available, but I bet Amazon has an advantage of Prime customers that don't have it primarily as a video streaming service. Those customers probably wouldn't consider ads a big deal.

Legit Scorn game vibes, full on creepy!

It's basically the Social Security plus Medicare combo like seniors in America get. It's not great or perfect but even if that's all you live on you can get by ok. The USA could just lower the ages. I know lowering the Medicare age comes and goes in the conversation about healthcare reform

I would certainly recommend giving rooting it a shot, then you won't have this problem anymore.

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I mean the Bible is full of killing and God telling people to kill. Pastors have been full of fire and brimstone for generations. Preaching against immigrants in the US basically since the country was founded, burning witches and calling for slaves to be lynched.

Having grown up a southern Baptist, I can assure you that religion in the South has always been full of this behavior.