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Joined 11 months ago

Maybe it can be safely burned?


You’re not wrong. And anybody who could afford to stop them is too busy fighting a culture war to organize. Who do you think is stoking animosity? MLKJ wasn’t assassinated for civil rights, it was for the Poor Peoples Campaign. The only thing that could stop them is the unity of all those living paycheck to paycheck, regardless of religion or race.

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On the other hand, Gowdiak has not provided the technical details of his findings to Microsoft. The researcher is displeased with the way the tech giant handled his previous PlayReady vulnerability report, saying that his work was mostly ignored. Gowdiak claims Microsoft has now requested additional information on the findings, informing him that the research may be eligible for a bug bounty reward, but the researcher says at this point he is only willing to share the information with the vendor through a commercial agreement.

I believe the most computer proficient people were born between 1975 and 1995. Before that and they were too old to figure it out without a lot of effort. After that they grew up with touch screens and it’s all just magic. Right in the middle we were able to grow along with advancements in computing.

I was teaching a class with mostly students born after 2000. One of them had never used a computer with a keyboard and mouse. Never used folders and files. Kind of blew me away.

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We need a federal constitutional amendment of bodily autonomy. Abortions, tattoos, personal drug use, gender reassignment, plastic surgery, suicide, neuralink, etc. All the same issue: My body, fuck off. You can make it more complicated than that but it’s not.

It doesn’t matter whether you agree with face tattoos or not. Nobody is making you get one. It’s not your concern. An artist can choose not to give face tattoos, as a doctor can choose whether they want to give a vasectomy to a young child-free man. But the government should have no say about what a person is allowed to do or have done to their own body. The government can regulate to make it safer, but not disallow.

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The solution is simple, as it is for gay marriage. Marriage is not recognized by the state/government.

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Salt is sodium chloride. Sodium is a metal, and it is right below Lithium on the periodic table (behaves and reacts similarly).

Just weigh and charge people with their baggage. Privacy and embarrassment about mass can be blamed on the bag.

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According to Social Security’s Actuarial Life Tables, Joe Biden has a life expectancy of 7 years, and there’s about a 1/3 chance he will die before he is 86.

Trump currently has a life expectancy of 9 years, and there’s about a 1/4 chance he will die before he is 82.

So, as it’s looking now, regardless of the election results it’s about a 29% chance that the next president dies in office. At that level of risk you basically have to plan for it - or it would be foolish not to.

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Just ban plastic surgery from the contestants.

A part-time lecturer makes $3100 for a 3-unit class for the semester. Basically volunteering.

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Bullies are part of a cycle of abuse. They belittle others so they themselves can feel less pathetic. The strategy my mom taught me is to be untouchable. Don’t give them the satisfaction of getting under your skin. Shrug, chuckle, and genuinely forget about them. They’re insignificant. No need to butt heads. It also an effective strategy for road rage. You can’t lose if you’re not playing the game. You can even make them think they won. Some of these assholes genuinely get furious at unwavering positivity.

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Billionaires have a completely different level of capital as the doctors, lawyers, engineers, and business owners who have $1-5 million in assets. I’m not going to fault somebody for being successful and using their money to buy capital to make more money. Billionaires are the only ones who should be named, shamed, and blamed. It’s an entirely different level of greed and exploitation, because it’s totally needless. It’s like you already won capitalism, but that’s not enough, no, you have to rig it so that nobody else ever wins like you did. Those people are so rich they can employ bot farms to throw fuel on the social media fires that keep us all hating each other instead of them. It’s pretty simple. Don’t trust anybody with a private jet.

In California we have a project called Flood-MAR, which stands for Managed Aquifer Recharge. Farmers who have land that wont be damaged by floods volunteer to pump lots of water onto their lands during floods. This reduces the downstream flooding slightly, and the water soaks deep into the ground for safe keeping until it needs to be pumped up during a drought.

You wouldn’t bring your life saving water-resistant GPS and communication device into the mountains when sustained exposure to weather would kill you? Also most of Tahoe has pretty good cellular reception, especially high up on a gondola.

Anyone want to revive the GitTorrent project?

Another big plot hole in the Martian, also present in the book, is that messages are encoded in hexadecimal. But then why did he have a separate question mark card, when all punctuation can be encoded in ASCII/hex? Also both him andNASA wrote in all caps. Again they have a full ascii set. Makes no sense.

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Piwigo is more like a shared gallery. Users create album/folders and upload individual photos, which other users can access. Piwigo has poor support for videos and no support for Live Photos.

Photoprism has only a single user for the free tier. It supports Live Photos and videos, and individual photo uploads. It does facial recognition tagging.

Immich supports video/Live Photos, facial recognition, and has multiple users, but it expects a full backup/synchronization (not individual photos). Sharing between users is manual, not automatic or permissions-based like Piwigo. Each user has access only to their own backups or shared albums.

In summary, I think Piwigo is the simplest to set up and use, but it doesn’t do much beyond photos - it’s a simple shared gallery. Photoprism is good and stable, but you have to pay a subscription for multiple user accounts. Immich is rapidly developing, which means things will break, but also it has the most features. My only issue with Immich is that I don’t want to use it as a backup - only as a “best of” shared gallery. While it’s possible with Immich, I would have to maintain an Immich album on my phone, and sync only that, and I would have to set up shares with other users manually.

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I think fish and sharks aren’t intelligent enough to realize that mammals have lungs. Orcas however are smart enough to know how to drown a great white shark.

Laundry machine, whether at home or laundromat. It’s one household chore that almost nobody does manually in the developed world.

Hot water heater. It’s almost dirt cheap to run, but damn if I don’t love me some hot water.

Refrigeration. Shit is so cheap and ubiquitous, but fucking ice and cold beverages, hell yes.

Cannabis. It’s not free but it’s really not expensive. A little goes a long way these days.

Internet maps and GPS. Usually you don’t have your pay for the maps, or GPS, but somebody has to store and update all that information about places you’ve never been. Also phones and data connections aren’t free. Trips used to take a lot more planning, and getting lost. I think a smart phone is worth its cost for mapping alone. And it also calls people too. And plenty of other amazing stuff.

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Just re-download in a better bitrate and format.

Not sure if you did the math on my figure but even at 15 units, it’s $31k per year. You want to learn something from somebody with a lot of education and experience, you need pay them fairly for their time. If the job paid well, you’d get a larger pool of qualified and passionate instructors. It’s hard to be passionate about teaching students who don’t want to be there, who are all paying way too much for tuition, while being paid a poverty wage.

I’ve been on both sides of the classroom in the past 10 years. I have a full time job that makes $130k. I think $8 to $9k for teaching a 3-unit course would be a fair wage. Roughly triple the current rate.

Also worth noting my number is for a part time lecturer. These are mostly working professionals and retired professors. They are not represented by the College Faculty Assn. However, they do represent a significant portion of instruction at CSU, and they do displace/diminish bargaining power of higher wage workers in CFA.

Here is the full transcript of Hancock’s (@DaveHan06) post on X/Twitter:

Is anyone surprised that Kyle’s far-right political handlers ensured this particular detail didn’t make it into his book? (Referring to photo of email detailing how Rittenhouse was banned from ever applying to the Marine Corp again due to failing the entrance exam so terribly)

Regarding his online high school diploma, we had to force him to complete the four years of credits in just ten months, which he did using the “Google machine.”

We invested significant effort to craft the image you witnessed during the trial. We outfitted him in new suits, arranged for his haircut every weekend during the trial, and dedicated over 200 hours to prepare him for direct and cross-examination. We employed the world’s leading jury consultant and conducted extensive research through three mock trials to identify the ideal jurors and the most effective approach for his testimony.

Transforming a middle school dropout who was “angry at the world” with a history of violence and an unhealthy obsession with guns and killing into a respectable young man with a desire for higher education and a promising future was no easy feat.

It was a meticulously crafted facade, which we sincerely hoped he would grow into. Instead, he squandered a full scholarship to study any subject at any university in the country to become a divisive douchebag and antagonize black Americans on college campuses. Kyle failed to learn a single thing. He remains the same uneducated, arrogant, and antagonistic individual, incapable of telling the truth.

Now, he genuinely believes he is the show pony we created and has surrounded himself with sycophants who fuel his inflated ego because they prioritize their political agenda and Christian Nationalist worldview over his well-being.

Despite my efforts to guide him toward a better path in life, the allure of notoriety triumphed over the prospect of putting in the hard work of pursuing an education. Kyle is ill-equipped to offer advice to young people. I regret my role in shaping him into whatever he has become. If I had known what I know now about Kyle’s history, I wouldn’t have been involved.

Seems to fall under any other form of legal public humiliation to me, UNLESS it is purported to be true or genuine. I think if there’s a clear AI watermark or artists signature that’s free speech. If not, it falls under Libel - false and defamatory statements or facts, published as truth. Any harmful deep fake released as truth should be prosecuted as Libel or Slander, whether it’s sexual or not.

Since it’s trained on celebrities, can it do ugly people or would it try to make them prettier in animation?

The teeth change sizes, which is kinda weird, but probably fixable.

It’s not too hard to notice for an up close face shot, but if it was farther away it might be hard - the intonation and facial expressions are spot on. They should use this to re-do all the digital faces in Star Wars.

Somebody has to make the call. There was this dinosaur book for kids in a little free library. It didn’t even have an author or publisher, because it was AI garbage. Full of misspellings, etc. I contemplated throwing it in the trash because I don’t think it should exist. But for some reason I had trouble deciding that for others.

Digitize and delete? Scan straight to OCR and dump the books. One hard drive can store a lot of books.

We need a GitTorrent protocol with DHT. All forks could be one repository, and the identical code shared between them can be cross-seeded.

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I hate racists and bigots, but there’s not much to be done about it. Stress and anger will take years off your own life - don’t let them harm you. On the other hand if you can troll them a bit, you may be sending some of them to an early grave, just with words. It’s not hard to do they’re triggered by anything gay, reparations, dominant women, intelligence and education, health foods, immigrants, solar power, and so on. So you don’t really have to send them any hate, you just need to be an example of the world you want to live in and they’ll rage about it.

Not a retirement age but to run for public office, I think the candidate should have at least 20 years of median actuarial life expectancy remaining. They need to make long-term decisions so they better be around to see how it goes. Right now this is age 60 for men and age 64 for women. In the future it may go as high as 70. If you really wanted to push it I think 18 years would be symmetrical with childhood. First 18 and “last 18” you can’t be in office.

Hopefully my rough estimate of 1995 was not too exclusive. I’m sure there’s not a hard cutoff, and the same goes for pre-1975. But being right in the middle of that range, it was pretty cool to use the full spectrum of PCs, and all the game consoles, and see the internet bloom and explode and decay.

Not sure if you’ve been paying attention but citizens have no say over stuff like this. 99% of the politicians in office were placed there by rich people - they have the only true votes. The bill included money to Ukraine (great), and Israel (WTF), and Taiwan, and TikTok. It shouldn’t be legal to package all that stuff together, but it’s pretty standard. Anyway not sure who you’re talking to - there are like a few hundred politicians who supported this bill, most of them probably for other reasons, and none of them are on Lemmy.

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No need to vilify fungi specifically. Plants can kill you too. Or even animals. If you’re going to hunt or forage you have to know your shit.

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Amazing. I wonder how well it could work in reverse: generating an accurate caption for any image, including graphs and charts. Could be useful for visually impaired and accessibility.

Sharing your life with somebody requires a lot of flexibility and compromise. The longer you spend alone, pretending to know which traits you want in a partner, the less likely you’ll ever be able to find a real partner. Or if you find one, she won’t like you very much. It takes practice and patience to get good at sharing your life with somebody.

Your best bet is to murder your waifu, and embrace the loneliness to motivate you to find something more meaningful.

Alpaca > Llama > Camel

Yeast > Mold > Brie Rind > Chanterelle

Algae > Fern > Sunflower > Eucalyptus Tree

Squirrel > Raccoon > Bear

Deer > Elk/Caribou > Moose

Cow > Yak > Bison

Magpie > Crow > Raven

Ant > Termite > Bee > Hornet

Tick > Spider > Crab

Fox > Coyote > Wolf

Pillbug > Horseshoe Crab > Armadillo

Chess is a very complex rules game, while Checkers is quite simple. Waymo has a complex approach to self driving:

  • Expensive suite of sensors
  • High resolution maps of operating areas
  • Remote operators standing by

While Teslas approach is simple:

  • Capture a bazillion miles of camera footage, feed into AI, profit?
  • Unpaid volunteers teach the AI safe driving
  • Car has only a basic map for routing, the rest is inferred in real time from cameras

Waymo’s successful approach scales linearly. They have to high-res map every city they want to operate in, and they can gradually bring down the cost of the sensors. They will require fewer remote operator interactions over time.

Teslas success is more difficult, but it scales exponentially. They already produce vehicles at scale and full control over all the equipment on board. The existing fleet would be able to participate as well. If they succeed, they may want to offer buy-backs for customers who didnt buy FSD - the cars would be worth more to Tesla than the owner.

In both checkers and chess, the player gains super powers for reaching the other side of the board. Time will tell who reaches the other side of the board first. They are playing different games on the same board. Okay that’s fair.

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How about subscriptions lasting 1 week, 1 day, or 1 hour? Make it stupidly easy to buy, and give it an access token. That token can continue to access articles published in that timeframe, as if you had purchased the physical paper copy.

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No use of your body is a pretty desperate situation. Before the procedure he had to yell for his parents that he wanted to use the computer, they’d come sit him upright and put a joystick in his mouth, leaving him unable to speak. And he was often very uncomfortable in that position, so he couldn’t do it long. Now, he can use the computer fully laying down, without anyone’s help. The next logical step would be to have some robotic helper arms.

Anyway he can’t shoot himself. He can’t hold a gun or anything else. There’s little reason for this to be about Musk at all other than money. This is the culmination of decades of research from many medical professionals. It’s about a lot more than one person.

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If your web browser can play it once, it can play it any number of times. Look into Widevine decryption. Basically you load the video in a special browser, save both the video and decryption keys, then decrypt the video file.

Interesting, my rake makes some sounds when I use it. It’s pretty loud on hard surfaces.