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Joined 4 months ago

That's been a general movement away from rural America for decades (and people have been leaving the countryside to make their fortune in the big city for centuries). However, this line stood out to me because of the timeframe cited:

A whopping 81 percent of rural counties had more deaths than births between 2019 and 2023.

Maybe I'm just still bitter, but maybe they should have tried social distancing, wearing masks, and getting vaccinated.

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Fucking finally. Also, lmao, the article points out that Kushner failed to pass scrutiny a security clearance. Iirc, that was because they said he was a clear security risk, and the only reason he ended up with a clearance was his father in law gave him one.

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"I've already sold everything but my house," Jones said on June 7. "I'm down to my last moves on this."

Then dance harder, ugly monkey, dance harder.

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Price increases happen overnight, or with everything tracked and digitized, this could lead supermarkets to charge more money right when demand spikes or maybe in the future even target particular shoppers willing to pay more.

They're going to take your frequent shopper card and figure out what your price point for different goods are. Then they're going to take their tracking of your cellphone and figure out when you're approaching your favorite goods, to raise the price. The technology for everything part of this already exists and is being used, it's just a question of who links everything up first.

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It'd be better for the country if the felon was sent to prison immediately.

He put up Tesla stock to finance Xitter, so I'm guessing these effing ridiculous demands for salary and bonus are his attempt to backtrack out of that debt. He must be hurting behind the scenes. OhNoAnyway.jpg ...

:woot: !! Every step closer to poverty is a victory!

They gave him an extension until mid-July, supposedly after the hush money sentencing is done. But now the hush money sentencing is pushed back two months because of the immunity decision, so who knows if or when.

Biden could stop supplying weapons and ammunition until the radical Republicans finally pass a budget that includes money for that. He could put limitations on the weapons that we do supply to Israel, like we've put restrictions on the weapons we supply to the rest of the world - including Ukraine. He could put sanctions on the members of the Israeli government and the Israeli press and the Israeli religious community that have publicly called for Palestinian genocide. He could speak against Israel's actions in his speeches, or send surrogates out to do so on his behalf. He could stop vetoing toothless UN resolutions calling for Israel to stop murdering civilians.

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The night of the insurrection, he stayed late to clean the Capitol building.

He might have fake-cried on air, but I'm hoping he real-cried at home and at the lawyers once he realized the Sandy Hook families weren't going to go for his 'deal' that let him off the hook for a measly few million and the judge wasn't going to let him get rid of the debt in bankruptcy. I hope he ends up on the streets.

He's just the front man, it's actually run by his cow.

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She couldn't get enough media attention!

Cokehead MAGAt says what?

I'm sure they'll have an option where you can pay for them to go away ....

One of my friend's life ambitions was to own a Jaguar, and he finally managed to buy a used one. He called his insurance agent to add the car to his policy. The agent was like, "Oh, a second car, a Jaguar, no problem. How many miles do you think you'll be putting on it each year? Five thousand should be plenty, yeah?"

And my friend is like, "No! I'm fixing it up and driving it everywhere! I need lots of miles!. and the insurance agent is very quiet and then suggests starting with 5k miles and see how it goes. Whatever, my friend thinks, this guy just doesn't understand the allure of the Jaguar!

He fixes it up, gets it running, here about three blocks from the house and it breaks down. Pushes it home, fixes it up again, gets about five blocks. This goes on for months.

Eventually, my friend changes his car insurance back to 5k per year, and acknowledges that he'll never ever ever reach that much. It's mostly a garage princess, not (entirely) out of a desire to keep the body fresh, but more because it constantly needs babying.

I'm not sure your dad's Jaguar is any better.

alerting the exchange to "potential market manipulation" in TMTG's stock, asking the exchange to help prevent alleged manipulation.

Me: weird, I wouldn't have thought they'd want an investigation into the Russians and Saudis and the Chinese propping up the stock in order to bribe Trump.

any investigations into the alleged market manipulation in its shares by so-called "naked" short sellers.

Me: hahahahaha! Well, at least that explains why they're upset :)

"anomalies" around trading of TMTG shares "appear to be growing even more severe,"


I'm seconding Simon Tatham's puzzle collection, Nonograms Katana, and Stardew Valley, all of which are in regular rotation and fill different niches in my soul.

Cry harder.

Because we're not a cult, not hypocrites, and we have morals.

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Sounds like at least one oil company contributed to his request for a billion dollar bribe ....

I want Trump's probation terms to include a (pretty standard) clause against associating with people who have a criminal record.

Sounds like connectivity issues. Can you guys manually add the other's IP address? Do you have DHT/PEX enabled?

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Iirc, the original target was supposed to be something like 58 mpg; he's lowered it. We're fucking doomed, all of us, because a bunch of rich boomers don't like change.

Symbiosis. Google drives traffic to reddit (the largest current organic source of natural English content), then harvests all of reddit's data for their AI.

Since it went off in your hands, have you tried googling the make and model to see if there are any similar complaints or even recalls for them?

Dealey Plaza will be so crowded!

More than that. They have your frequent shopper card and your online purchase history and everything else they've aggregated together. They know at what prices you purchase things, they know how much you shop around, they know the days of the week and times of day your more likely to make an impulse purchase. It's lunch on Tuesday and your favorite snack suddenly costs five cents more because they're moving the Overton window on your price points. It's after work Friday and suddenly everything costs 10% more because they know it's the end of the week and you're tired and aren't going to go to another store.

lmao. A bunch of states actually have Civil Rights era laws on the books that say law enforcement can't harass you to or from the polls. So if you live in the right state and were cited literally at the polling place, you could probably argue your way out of the ticket.

With that technology, no. But retailers track where you are in their stores. And even if you don't bring your phone with you, they're using facial recognition technology and will eventually try working with that.

So they probably have a good idea who you are. And they also have your purchase history - what you bought and at what price you bought it. They have your frequent shopper card history, your online purchases, everything they've put together from data aggregators.

They have all the pieces: they can track you in the store, they know the prices you're willing to pay for things, and they can change the price as you walk down the aisle. Do you seriously think someone isn't going to start putting all that together?

Why are you paraphrasing the article like this is your own personal analysis?

I'm assuming both of you can connect to peers on other torrents, just not each other. Again, do you guys have DHT/PEX enabled? Did you accidentally create a private torrent?

I agree this sounds like ADHD to me, but I'm curious and a bit concerned. You say you're doing this to your work computer? Most places I've worked were committed to one flavor of operating system, so I'm a little curious about what you do [which is something you don't have to answer, obs].

On the work side, however, this constant tinkering with your operating system has got to be affecting the amount of work you can get done. If this isn't a job you care about, fair enough. If it is, I'd likely survey my coworkers and use whatever OS they're using - at the very least, it increases the chances of confrere "tech support" when something goes wrong, plus the ability to share tools and methods.

If you're not willing to dual boot, is there a chance you could set up a second PC, running one for each OS? You could get a KVM switch to swap between "instances" and save yourself this endless OS reinstallation process.