Sandy Hook families want to seize Alex Jones' social media accounts to – 305 points –

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"I've already sold everything but my house," Jones said on June 7. "I'm down to my last moves on this."

Then dance harder, ugly monkey, dance harder.

It sounds like he needs to get the house on the market. Keep shaking those pockets out, you fascist fuck.

Exactly. They should take everything, he should only be allowed to keep one pair of clothes, but that’s for our benefit so we wouldn’t have to look at his ugly naked ass. When he’s living on the street, eating from the trash, and someone hands him some change, that should be taken away from him immediately. He should not be allowed to own a single cent until his entire debt is paid off.

Nah, I still think housing is a human right.

Send his ass to the projects though.

I still think housing is a human right.

I’ll bet he doesn’t

The fact he can keep his mansion is bullshit. Go rent a studio appartement. Pay your debts

He's going to have to sell the mansion because you can't maintain a mansion without a lot of money. The HVAC bill alone is massive.

He made people kill themselves. His last moves don't come until there is a gun in his mouth and his own finger on the trigger just like those parents he tortured

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