5 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not see it. But I hear this one.

"it's always in the last place you look"

No shit Sherlock. Why would I keep looking after I found it?

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Anyone who says "I don't want to have to draw my rifle", wants to draw their rifle.

Also, draw is a weird word in this context right? Draw your pistol, sure. But a rifle. I guess you can have a sling holster and technically would be "drawing" it.

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Downvoted unkind discourse.

Upvote is for quality. No vote is for noise/disagreements. Downvote is for hate.

In theory, the lower a score, the less people see something. If I disagree with something that's said (like a civil political opinion), then I won't 'like' it. That takes away one potential point. But if someone is being unkind to others (mean, rude, trolling, etc) then I'll downvote, which I see as removing two votes. The one they could have had from me, and one from someone else. Hopefully, that means they won't get as much attention.

If it's really bad, then I'll also report

Don't buy cheap daily use items.

Shoes Mattress Car TV Computer

That doesn't mean buy the most expensive thing. if you rely on this thing to get you through the day, get yourself something of quality. Do your research. Often times, buying the more expensive thing now, can be cheaper in the long run.

Secondly: Use mental health professionals. Go to a therapist, psychologist, or anyone else trained to help people mentally. For years I advocated for my employees to seek help. I built work schedules around their appointments. I could tell that it help or productivity as a team. I did this for years. Finally, this year, I went to see a therapist myself. I've been having depression problems for a while but I never took my own advice. Now, just 4 months later I'm doing way better. Not perfect, but I can tell I've made very good progress.

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Factorio. All about letting the factory grow.

I also started playing wizards of legend recently. It takes maybe 20 minutes to get through the tutorial, then it's just game. I'm enjoying it so far

Buddhism. I first learned about it when someone was discussing whether it's a religion or a way of life. They specifically mentioned that it doesn't necessarily prevent you from being Christian (which I was) at the same time.

3 years later and I disagree with that statement, to a certain extent. You could choose to ignore the "supernatural" parts of Buddhism and just learn from the lessons. But I think the more you learn, the more it just kinda makes sense.

For instance, buddhist believe in "re-incarnation" but there's a lot of debate about what that is. I prefer death and rebirth. Which I interpret as: I'm a different person than I was 10 years ago. The old me died and was reborn as what I am now.

Other things that I like about it: it is encouraged that you have skeptisicm about what you learn. I'm fact, you shouldn't just accept it because without questioning what your being told, you can not come to a true understanding and belief. The lessons all revolve around how to be a better person. How to achieve nirvana through your thoughts, actions, views, etc. Many of the principles were first introduced when buddha was alive 2500 years ago. Today, psychology studies have shown that many of them really do have long lasting, extremely beneficial effects. Think meditation and mindfulness (not necessarily invented by Buddhism, but popularized by it)

For me it really resonates. A lot of the things I care about are discussed. From mental health to treating life with respect to the environment to forgiveness. I also don't find much hipocracy.

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When I delivered pizza in 2012, if you gave a 5 I'd always be happy. The thing with delivery is that the service is the delivery, not making the food. So it doesn't really make sense to be percentage based. Whether you ordered 2 large pizzas and a coke or just some cheese bread, my labor was the same. Of course, if you order 30 pizzas then yeah, tip more. Or if you lived far from the store. If you were literally two blocks over, a dollar is fine.

Think about how much time you're taking up. If you're 15 minutes away, it's also 15 minutes back. Assuming it's not Friday night, you may be the only delivery on that route. Which means, I could only make 2 deliveries an hour. Papa John's only paid me 2.50/hr while driving and 7.25 while in the store. So with those assumptions, I'd only make 12.50 that hour. And that's not accounting for gas, which I paid for myself.

It really varies a lot. But if you tip 5 bucks, I'd be at least making more than minimum wage. Less than 5 and it's not even worth leaving the store and wasting my gas.

The liberalism run wild concept is kinda what I'm curious about. Like what things? I know California protects abortions and has stronger gun control laws. But is that really it? There's gotta be more actual examples

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I blame apple for this. They are using imessage and the green bubbles as marketing to get people to buy their hardware. So it's either you talk to people with iPhones or you use sms.

Meanwhile Google has been trying to get apple to use RCS for years. I would be curious if RCS and iMessage are susceptible. I didn't see anything about them when I glanced through your link.

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I really care about my privacy. But I just can't break from SwiftKey keyboard. It's just so good. It's really unfortunate that it's owned by Microsoft.

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My guess, the internal wire likely has an open in the copper somewhere. But since it's wrapped in rubber, the copper wires are still near each other. So it's working right now, but I'd bet if you wiggled the wire it'll cut out again.

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Drugs mostly. No criminal records or anything, but I'd probably have to pay out some hush money

Look at Fiio. They're a Chinese company that makes pretty good quality mp3 players. They have some expensive models but also a few for less than a hundred bucks. I've owned two of them now and love them.

You can just drag and drop files onto a microSD card and then the player will recognize that new files have been added. It's super simple to manage and no iTunes or other software required.

Edit: The M5 and M3 pro both use a proprietary OS. The M6 is android based so you can also load Spotify/YT music/tidal/etc. These models are all touchscreen. If you want one more old school without the touch screen, they're m3k model is still on aliexpress. And they used to have models with scroll wheels (I dont remember the model number) that I'm sure you could find used on ebay or something.

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I used the iPhone 12 mini for about a year before I gave up and went back to android. Some of my thoughts:

I don't actually understand your comment about apps being easier to find. There is no way to organize them alphabetically. You can't choose which folders they go in. It's only "easier" because people default to searching for apps. Which is very annoying to me personally. My GF does it that way. But I really don't like it.

I am a little jealous of IOS widgets and the ecosystem. While I haven't tried a pixel watch yet, the apple watch is absolutely amazing and it's the only real reason for me considering to go back.

My two biggest gripes is that there is a serious inconsistency in their apps. I never hear people talk about it. But some apps, have their settings inside the actual apps. Other apps are you tied into the apple settings app. Most apps use gesture navigation. Some, especially older ones, don't react to it and still rely on a back button in the top left. Which was a good option when the phone were sub 5", but not anymore.

Other stuff, while the ecosystem is great, being locked into it is extremely annoying. Not being able to put a torrent app on the phone is annoying. There's still a lot of things you cant do.

Maybe I'll buy the iPhone 16, I seem to try it out every 4 or 5 years. But I doubt they'll fix anything other than the back button, because no one really complains about it.

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My favorite tetris fact is that it may help with PTSD flashbacks. Link for the curious.

Pre-installed is the biggest factor. Go to Walmart or best buy. You'll find windows and Mac and chromebooks.

I don't think it's "laziness" per se, but rather people aren't that technically inclined. It's too much of a challenge for the average person especially when they don't understand the benefits.

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I've used ios quite a bit and have many, many complaints. But you just reminded me of one. My work has two ipads for us to use in the field. One is the biggest sized model, the other is a mini. The password has an exclamation point. For one iPad, the exclamation point is in the first page of symbols. The other is two pages back. Like what the fuck

Oh boy. I love Niagara. I've used it one every phone for quite a few years now.

Two of my favorite features are the ability to tuck widgets into folders. I use the system ui communications widget in my messaging folder to take me straight to my most used chats.

When you connect to bluetooth, it automatically pulls up a now playing widget (it's hidden when bluetooth is disconnected) and pulls up links to my music/podcast apps. It's so dynamic and highly customizable.

Because I was married to someone else. She was also married.

Ologies by Allie Ward!!

She basically interviews scientists about their job and asks all the dumb questions you wish you could ask. She has a huge number of episodes on everything from black holes and dark matter to squirrels to Emojis. And it's all from the perspective of "the study of".

One of my favorite episodes is "Ferro-equinology". The study of iron horses. Trains. I knew trains were cool, but had no idea how cool they really were until that episode.

Her energy is addictive too. Great personality. If you are a part of her patron (which I am) you'll get a heads up before her interviews and she give an opportunity for you to post questions that she'll ask the Ologist.

I build loudspeakers, both home and car. But, mostly car subwoofers, amplifiers, head units etc. But also home speakers for home theaters.

I absolutely love it. Music is a big passion of mine (despite never learning to play an instrument). I love it because every project has so many challenges. I love electrical work and designing a system from scratch and then getting to see it actually work iis awesome. It's like little engineering challenges all throughout. Very engaging for me.

There's also a lot of wood working involved. Making a functional piece of furniture and getting to expirement with different techniques is a lot of fun.

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And we should give extra points to people who grew up in disadvantaged situations but still had decent grades. A 'C' in AP History by someone working a job in high school, is just as good as someone who got an 'A' And didn't have to work.

Merit isn't just a good GPA. It takes into account all of the things that made it some more difficult for a person. Getting a decent score on an SAT exam when you went to a shit school, should be able to get you into a good college. But the reality is someone who lived in a zip code with better schools is more likely to get into that college purely by where they grew up. And you tend to grow up in a good neighborhood if you're parents were well off or had a degree themselves.

Purely looking at grades and scores is bad. Unfortunately, people of color tend (not always) be from worse neighborhoods. They tend to have a lot of disadvantages when it comes to getting good grades and good scores. Affirmative action is/was supposed to break the cycle. It's supposed to help give a little more merit to the situations surrounding grades Ultimately, it's supposed to diversify the nicer neighborhoods.

So let's say you want to buy a painting for your house. You've got a few options. You can go online, look at various items and choose to buy it. You could go to a gallery, look around and decide to buy whichever one suits you.

But crucially, you get to what you're buying before you commit to the ownership. You may not own the rights to the paintings (its probably a print), but you know what you're getting. Why would I pay for a movie if I don't know whether or not it's worth it.

Netflix, Hulu, amazon, etc. Are like galleries. They have an entrance fee and that's ok. But what most of them don't have anyway for me to actually buy a copy. Netflix movies require you to pay month over month to maintain access. So you are forever required to go to their gallery.

Like your friend, I'll pirate to watch a movie and if I like it, then I'll buy it. I try to buy physical discs, but they are becoming more and more rare. I pirate because I want ownership. Subscription models work because they are more convenient than physical purchases. But that convience is getting smaller every day.

There is a few reasons why I want physical copies. License deals expire and thus the content may disappear from the service it's on. My internet may be out. Yes, I can download, but that requires inconvenient forethought and you're always limited in the number of downloads and quality of those downloads. Having a large collection of movies in my home means I'm never without option.

Basically, I pirate because I'm not going to buy something that I don't know if I want it, and because I'm a doomsday prepper who has no other option 90% of the time.

I hear uncle bens instant rice is also an excellent place 😉

Ologies by Allie Ward!!

She basically interviews scientists about their job and asks all the dumb questions you wish you could ask. She has a huge number of episodes on everything from black holes and dark matter to squirrels to Emojis. And it's all from the perspective of "the study of".

One of my favorite episodes is "Ferro-equinology". The study of iron horses. Trains. I knew trains were cool, but had no idea how cool they really were until that episode.

Her energy is addictive too. Great personality. If you are a part of her patron (which I am) you'll get a heads up before her interviews and she give an opportunity for you to post questions that she'll ask the Ologist.

Cyan. It's a good, almost neon blue. Anytime I can set something with my own choice of color, I use cyan.

Oh my god! Thank you. I just made my post about those exact same two gripes. Its so rare to see people complain about it and I really don't understand why.

I'm glad I'm not the only one

Yeah problem is that is usually works. It work often enough that you get used to it. But then an app comes along that doesn't use it and its infuriating. Android has ALWAYS had a os based back button, so implementing gestures means they just work.

Oh boy. I'm not the kind of person that rewatches shows, but I've seen Yu Yu Hakusho 3 times and HxH twice. Both of them are just so excellent. I had no idea they were by the same guy. That's awesome

Huh. No crackling at all? That is certainly weird. Sometimes electrical things that are acting weird, start just working correctly again. Usually when I see something like that's it's a physical problem not electrical. Think about it like rust in a switch, you move it a bunch, the rust falls off and the switch works again.

So my thought is that you got water, or more likely sweat, onto the actual speaker. Which then hydrolocked the driver. Maybe the water finally dried out and the salts dried, cracked and fell out when you finally tried it again.

That's a total guess and I have no way of proving it.

Late last year I bought a house. 1 hour from work because I couldn't buy a house closer. It still cost 499k for 1480sq ft. My mortgage is $3600/mo

Moving closer to work and I couldn't find any similar sized homes for less than 750k and those were fixer-uppers.

The only one that really pissed me off was a distro called biglinux. It's arch based and very popular in Brazil. It's actually very stable. Everything works great. It's got some nice features.

Butttt, it uses latte dock or panel (kde). They have built in presets for how to arrange the panels and what not. It's nice, however, I was trying to move some panels around from the base options and broke kde. I wasn't doing anything more than changing GUI settings and the whole desktop broke. I seriously don't understand.

Yeah! Lots of research has been happening for the last decade or so. It seems Americans are finally getting passed it and realizing these drugs can actually be super useful.

All I wanted was the ancient horse armor to summon Epona. I basically don't ever use horses because it's just so Inconvient to

Nicely put. I recently bought a new house and was thinking about this same concept. I moved to a area with a high COL, but the markup on houses was much higher than other goods (still high, but not as big).

So when applying for my loan, they use debt to income ratios to determine if you're eligible. So let's say you bought a house and the price (yearly) was 50% of your income. If one house was at 500k and the other at 200k, your 50% for other goods is vastly different. My mortgage came out to 3600/month, right about 50%. But that still leaves another 3600 for other goods. If my mortgage was 50% at 1200, then I would have 1200 leftover for other goods, which just doesn't go nearly as far. But the bank sees these two scenarios as exactly the same.

There we go. This is what I was looking for.

Prop 65 is definitely useless. But I don't see that as a reason to move out of the state.

The whole thing that prompted me to ask was that I was told some people left the state for Montana because of the "policies" but I couldn't get a good answer on which policies they disagreed with.

Homelessness is certainly a problem here that's worse than most places. But it's still a problem everywhere you go.

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For sure. You aren't supposed to "worship" buddha in the same way as gods from other religions. Rather he is seen as a role model.

Dude. Are you me? I'm 3 years sober and I'm still struggling to enjoy things. I find that I get angry/frustrated very easily.

I hope it goes away eventually, therapy seems to be helping.

Same with me.

Snapchat is so bloated. But the ability to just take easily take a video and send it is awesome. It's really a convience factor. My most used group chat is on signal, but we still use snapchat for videos with eachother

I don't know if I have the same disorder, but I definitely feel this. It's so much nicer at night. A lot of people fuck up their sleep schedule on the weekends. I keep the weekends the same as my work week and have no problems being sleepy.

But I'm considering applying for a new position at my organization which will mean I have to shift back to days. I'm not sure if the promotion is worth the headache of early mornings and the commute.

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