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Joined 2 months ago

This is one of the conspiracy theories I believe in.

Most tech workers buy lunch in their local area. If they wfh, they'll make lunch and not spend money. Meaning less commerce in the city... Makes city look bad.

Also, if you're coming to said city, if you can choose to live 2 hours north, suddenly that choice looks terrible from a quality of life pov. You'll likely rent/buy a place in said city. Keeping real estate values higher. (This is another value that benefits both govt and company since they so big they own the majority of buildings they use)

Source: am tech worker at a big river company

Insurance companies can't match real estate prices of the office buildings they own AND the tax incentives large cities are giving them to force their ppl back

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As others have pointed out, the rules of competition don't apply since there's exclusive content at play.

As a metaphor, It's not like one restaurant serving a popular type of food vs multiple restaurants doing so. It's having one Italian, one Thai, one Chinese and one American restaurant being the only ones in 100 miles. Look! There's competition, 4 restaurants! Unless you only want some pad Thai.

So now instead of fixing cables issue of $60-100/month, they made it more complicated by paying $60-100/month to 3-5 different companies instead of one.

As a real life example. If you have kids, or are a big Star wars/marvel fan, 9/10 you need Disney+. It may as well be a Monopoly now so they can raise their prices as much as they want. Parents and nerds will pay through the nose for it.

Source: am a parent and a nerd (but I pirate all my stuff anyway)

  1. Admitting that I don't have control over my symptoms.
  2. Meds. Taking vivanse and wellbutrin in the morning and experimenting (with Dr approval) Adderall in the afternoon
  3. Making sure I have some exercise as part of my morning every day routine (biking/walking on my way to work, going for a walk before walk when I wfh)
  4. Getting out for a walk bike ride during the day
  5. Talk therapy with a CBT pro
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DSA: "hey, Biden sucks because he lets genocide happen"

Rational person: "well, I don't like genocide... who's the alternative?"

Dem party: ...... Biden is our candidate ....

Rep party: Trump Trump Trump!!!!

What they don't tell you is that most American Jews on the super religious part of the spectrum love trump because he explicitly endorses Israel as well, and Bibi is the same friend of right wing extremists/dictators that Trump is.

Personally, I'm not pro Palestine. I'm anti Hamas AND anti Bibi... Just Pro peace and both govts don't want that for different reasons.

Fyi I don't agree with the previous commenters ideology about two separate classes for women.

I however agree that we can't discuss this rationally today because social media (including lemmee) is a terrible forum for this discussion, because, unfortunately, a person who is AFAB and has a DSD, or other naturally occurring condition, which gives them more or less testosterone/lactic acid/something else than the typical woman, and thus an advantage, gets conflated with having a trans woman compete, because then the people who feel strongly about trans people on both sides come out of the wood work and start yelling....

And then everyone gets pissed and/or understandardly triggered and nothing can be argued.

By naturally occurring I mean w/o the use of drugs/doping/surgery. Which in my understanding is what's the case with the boxer.

I don't post this to argue or convince. Just clarify what I think they're trying to say.

I won't respond to the "are they female"/"what to do" debate, only that this forum is terrible to have these debates.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk/soap box lecture

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The BBC series does up to them being on >!prehistoric hairdresser and middle management earth!< Iirc

Which I'm pretty sure is the third book. But I haven't read it in a loooooong time.

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This has happened a lot to me. Or I just be a fan in silence.

There's a great line from the band Sloan about this that comes up whenever I hear this.

"It's not the band I hate, it's their fans"

It's the same as it's always been. We gravitate towards what we feel.

The internet has just allowed certain groups who wmight be ashamed to announce their true feelings to say the quiet part out loud anonymously. This gets the next generation to not see a problem with it and go from there.

As an example. Take an impressionable young boy (14-18), he has trouble getting dates, doesn't have a great home life. Little bit of a loner. Before the internet, hed have to figure out a purpose. Maybe he'd start going to a gym or hitting the books harder to be smarter or something.... With the Internet he's able to find "friends", he finds a community, that community may lead him down dark paths.... Where some in better living situations may say "this is too much" and walk away, he doesn't have anything to walk to... So he gets more and more indoctrinated into the cause.

Apologies I meant the person you were originally replying to. I can see it being ambiguous.

I agree with you, this argument is dumb, sexist, and not fair.

I'm just saying this is just not a good forum to handle it.

I used to very frequently. (For about 3-4 months, 5-7x a week)

Don't anymore. Wish I did

Ah, ok. The [Show]( does the first two books. Not the third.

Because I remember them going to the restaurant and then meeting the hairdressers and telephone sanitizers and the mess they get the main characters into, but forgot about the Krikket/wikket people.
