
0 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's funny to me that it's socialist oriented spending, which in relation is a drop in a bucket, is so controversial but everything else is okay. It is not even funny how huge the disparity is. But yeah, it is such a no-go to do good things... man, the gymnastics involved to reach that level of thinking are so stupid, it should be comical

The fun part is accomplishing that but somehow forgetting all the stuff you learned down the line.

That ist something I ask myself, too. It's so irritating, having to decline all these greasy fingered little fuckers one-by-one. That is just a way for me, nowadays, to delete the app completely.

And who might that be? The people forcing their queer-ness on you, I mean. It's somehow always told but never experienced. I wonder why that is. Could it be bigotry? From insecure and hateful little people like you? Couldn't you just find something that makes you happy without hurting other people? Don't answer that, it's clearly not what you want. Being miserable but hateful is perfect. I'd rather be dumb as a rock than being like you.

No. ADHD just sucks. Why would you involve other people into that?

Did you ever think about looking up information on how to handle batteries online before doing something like punching holes in your battery?!?!?

The reason why he charges does not matter at all. Anyone wanting a service for free is not in the position to demand anything. Would it be nice to get stuff for free? Sure! But demanding free service and badmouthing if you don't get it? Fuck off.

Telling me you have nothing to contribute without telling you have nothing to contribute.

Are you mad? What kind of response is that? Grow up and I hope you feel ashamed. Would you have the courage to say that in person? I don't think so, but here you are, being a giant asshole.

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It's funny that you're getting down voted for telling the truth. Nothing to be subjective about either. 😅

Wow, I can't comprehend how much of a crayon eating, gasoline guzzling failure of a human one can be, just because "it's so much fun". It makes me furious only reading about it.

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If you made a valid point in a discussion positive manner, then people might take you seriously. But then again, maybe you want to come across as an asshole.

Yeah, well, sorry. I was annoyed by people being unreasonable and either jumping to conclusions or not really interested in a constructive discussion. What's the point in trying to have a discussion if there is nobody really trying?

I'll just leave it at that.

Yeah, that would be nice too, but do you honestly see that happening either? I don't. And for that Matter: there are more problems with children having unlimited access to media through irresponsible parents than just data and privacy not being respected.

Aren't you a real grown up. So manly, too. Wow. Of course you can show me your toys. You play them all by yourself? Such a big boy.. man!

How about: Grow up?

You could just as yourself: has anything changed or is the situation still the same?

  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Death Stranding
  • Diablo 2: Resurrected
  • Stardew Valley
  • No Mans Sky

So far any of those games perform really well. Especially RDR2 is nice to play. The visuals of that game are stunning, but then again Death Stranding is nothing to sneeze at, too

There is a difference between telling someone to kill themselves and despairing about... Why do I have to explain this, even? It is not okay to say stuff like that. That reason should suffice. It's called decency. You just don't go around and tell people to end their lifes, do you?

That looks really elegant. I think I'm gonna give it a try. Thanks a lot for the recommendation!

How about “There will always be someone exploiting the system/people”

How to identify someone pulling shit out of their asses? Your comment.

See how that works?

Why are you a mod anyway? You don't seem very connected to reality if the few posts here alone are any indication of your political worldview.

Looks really nice! What bugs me is that Cache::find creates a directory. 😅

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Sorry, couldn't help myself 😂 Nice setup though. I wish I had the time and energy to setup my system like that again.

Yeah, hopefully. Because walking around in a foreign country without any kind of navigation is a pure joy.

Yes, exactly. Thanks!

Sorry, If it wasn't clear to you. I thought it was obvious, so I didn't think much about it. I meant that those people, who pick on you for having sensory issues, are assholes. I also have problems with sensory input and if someone were to make fun of me for having these problems, I'd be absolutely livid about it.

Is it just me or does he look like he is holding up some mannequin hands? Sorry, OP, it's just confusing as hell 😂

More OT: I think most of us know beforehand and have to wade through a sea of shit to get a confirmation and medication. Annoying as duck, but then again it is the jobs of professionals to make sure, so I wasn't not too mad about that.

I wonder if anyone will ever read this. 🤔

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Why would you want that? It seems a bit arbitrary for me to make sense.

If you aren’t human, perhaps

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That's not socialism...

That's why you have multiple instances such laws have to go through. It would all work so much better if people would vote, too.

For the people involved it absolutely can. But here? I don't think so.

You should ready before you write. Not bothering to answer honestly I you don't do the minimum.

Why are you all so fucking aggressive? How fuck it's annoying me to the point to not even wanting to participate at all. How about some civility? Can you imagine how a nice discussion there could be? Ffs

I know I can limit what my child might see on their phone, but there are other children and other phones and you just can't regulate like you want to.

Internet safety would be one concern but not all. It's not that simple like you make it out to be.

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Can't you go back to reddit with your stupid jokes on behalf of other people's very real miseries? Do people like you don't have any sense of decency?

"Bael422 lost his arm in a tragic car accident"

Huehuehue. Guess someone went out on a limb there.

Would you think that you'd find that funny, then? No? Then stop that stupid childish bullshit. Kindly.

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You shouldn't need a law, but the reality is that you simply can not control it. Your kid will interact with other kids and most will have access to a smart phone.

There absolutely needs to be a law of some kind

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