Sensory issues to ADHD – 665 points –

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Wow, I can't comprehend how much of a crayon eating, gasoline guzzling failure of a human one can be, just because "it's so much fun". It makes me furious only reading about it.

Can you please clarify?

They mean that the people fucking with you by making noise on purpose are assholes

I thought they might, but "crayon eating, gasoline guzzling failure of a human" is the kind of language those same people who do that would use, so it's thrown me. If that is what they meant, that's a really poor way of phrasing it, especially in a space like this..

Sorry, If it wasn't clear to you. I thought it was obvious, so I didn't think much about it. I meant that those people, who pick on you for having sensory issues, are assholes. I also have problems with sensory input and if someone were to make fun of me for having these problems, I'd be absolutely livid about it.