17 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

New Yorker navigating the labyrinth of telecom with a knack for enterprise networking. Python and Linux aficionado, Apple devotee. Currently leveling up in the realm of DevOps. A Yankees enthusiast in my downtime šŸŒšŸš€

One with a union.

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Instead of resorting to anger or insults, let's strive for respectful discussions. Respectful dialogue is key to maintaining a thriving community.

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Ever bitten into a spicy pepper and enjoyed the burn? Thatā€™s what it feels like! Different strokes for different folks, but for me, every drop of sweat is a medal of honor. Itā€™s tough to describe, but itā€™s about the journey of getting stronger, faster, better. Embrace the grind, my friend, and you might just find that elusive gym rat bliss.

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Switching from Reddit to Lemmy feels like going from a mega mall to a local farmerā€™s market; smaller crowd, better conversations, and you know where everything comes from.

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Domain registration ā‰  internet security. Root of trust is in cryptographic keys, not domains. DNS is not the security cornerstone you make it out to be. PKI says hi!

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Iā€™m doing my part šŸ˜‚

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Absolutely. Look at the solidarity of WGA, SAG, and the Teamsters today. They're standing up to the real 'landed gentry' ā€“ corporations trying to strip away job protections and replace workers with generative AI.

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The fediverse will remain alive as long as there are developers maintaining it and sysadmins hosting it. My code is shit but my hardware isn't going anywhere.

Some prioritize Reddit's convenience, others focus on the company's actions. The majority seem to not care. That doesn't mean we can't make something special here! This is a community created and maintained open-source project and I have a feeling it isn't going anywhere yet.

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Bigotry is as it says, bigotry. You should make fun of people for being bigots.

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You've got a friend in me

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This is the new DOCSIS4.0 network. I really donā€™t understand how it is as contentious as everyone makes it out to be. Itā€™s a new standard allowing for faster speeds.

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I get it - complaints about complaints, the 'Inception' of discourse, right? šŸ˜„ My aim was less 'moan-fest', more 'awareness-raising'. But I see how it could have come off as one more tiresome rant. Point taken.

Downvoting? Sure, it's a tool, but it feels like trying to empty an ocean with a bucket. As a community, can't we aim higher? Maybe introduce more efficient levers? Let's not just 'downvote and move on', let's 'upvote and move up'. Let's brainstorm and pull this platform to greater heights.

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Decentralization and time. The technology will continue to grow. Not too long ago, platforms on the scale of Twitter, Facebook, Reddit etc. were thought to be impossible. As adoption increases, so too will the contributions from the open source community.

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Fuck u/spez

Probably creating many communities. Though I agree it is difficult to remain impartial on topics like this.

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If Macon persists in his autocratic style, I can't help but wonderā€”given France's historical penchant for the guillotineā€”what might be metaphorically 'cut off' next.

My betā€™s on 3D printed meat making it to our plates before weā€™re DIYā€™ing insulin.

Regulation for medications like insulin is super tight (rightly so!). You canā€™t just whip up life-saving stuff in your garage without some heavy-duty checks and balances from the FDA and the like. Plus, the DIY part is insane, weā€™re talking high-level genetic engineering and biochemistry here, not homebrew beer.

Then thereā€™s the demand part. The hype for environmentally-friendly, cruelty-free meat is real and growing every day. If they can get the taste and texture right, not to mention a decent price, lab-grown meat is gonna fly off the shelves.

Meanwhile, homebrew insulinā€™s got a smaller audience - mainly type 1 diabetics and some type 2s. And given that botched insulin can be lethal, a lot of folks might stick to the tried-and-true stuff from pharmaceutical companies.

So yeah, Iā€™m thinking lab-grown burgers beat homebrew insulin to the punch. But hey, itā€™s 2023, who knows whatā€™s around the corner? Fun to think about though!

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Someoneā€™s taking ā€˜practical examsā€™ to a whole new level.

The King of Jordan


Iā€™m not sure that this is surprising coming from Jordan, but heā€™s a monarchist not a fascist.

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Whatever he decides to focus on next (after some deserved time off!), I think itā€™s safe to say that heā€™ll have the communities support ā¤ļø

Swatting is a huge problem and needs addressing, no argument there. But it's not about disbanding SWAT teams. These units exist for high-risk situations like hostage crises and active shooters - genuine threats.

The focus should be on improving how these incidents are handled and preventing false calls in the first place. We need better training for 911 operators to spot potential swatting calls and more targeted legislation to crack down on these dangerous pranks. Tech companies could also step up their game in addressing online harassment that often leads to swatting.

It's about creating a system that can respond to real threats while safeguarding innocent people from becoming victims of cruel pranks. Not an easy task, but something we should definitely aim for. Let's fight for change where it's needed most.

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What are the ā€œactual speeds?ā€ Theyā€™re selling 10gbps circuits so I donā€™t really see a problem with this.

This article talks about low upload speeds on existing infra and completely ignores the fact that the limitations they spell out are a factor of extremely limited upload spectra on traditional DOCSIS networks. This is a problem with the technical standard, not the carriers (which have their own problems)

The funniest part is that the DOCSIS4.0 spec is addressing this limitation yet here we are.

Is node over subscription a problem? Absolutely. But I donā€™t think the root of that problem is the marketing department.

I would not put much stock in this article because they are either uninformed on what theyā€™re reporting on, or intentionally telling half truths. There are enough reasons to hate cable companies, we donā€™t need to invent new ones.

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Because is still federated with beehaw. No one on beehaw will see anything you do.

Now watch as Sega suddenly discovers a ā€˜business needā€™ to outsource to an independent game studio, I donā€™t know, ā€˜Robotnikā€™s Ruinous Rules,ā€™ perhaps, with absolutely no relation to the unionization. Whatsoever.

Microsoftā€™s new version of Clippy: ā€˜It looks like youā€™re trying to obscure a major security breach. Can I assist you with euphemisms?ā€™

In the geopolitical context of West Africa, this attempted coup highlights the recurrent destabilizing elements that persist in the region. The instability, primarily fueled by jihadist insurgencies, external powers, and internal grievances, significantly hinders democratic progress and socio-economic development. Niger, like its neighbors, Mali and Burkina Faso, finds itself in a precarious situation, walking a fine line between international alliances, internal political dynamics, and threats from non-state actors. This event calls for an in-depth academic exploration into the cyclical nature of power struggles in post-colonial states, specifically examining how external interventions, both past and present, intersect with domestic power dynamics.

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Would we actually know if he was dead considering the widespread prevalence of misinformation from Russia and the capabilities of AI-generated falsehoods?

Iā€™ve not touched Reddit since the blackout started, and I wonā€™t be going back.

Fuck u/spez

I believe that the core tenets of the fediverse are the same of Web3. I posit:


A core aspect of Web3.0 is the push towards a decentralized internet, where users control their own data and interactions rather than these being centralized in a few major platforms. The fediverse embodies this. Platforms in the fediverse operate independently but can communicate with one another, allowing users to switch between platforms.

User Control and Ownership:

In Web3.0, the aim is for users to have complete control over their own data. While the fediverse does not use blockchain technology to implement this, its federated nature does mean that users have a significant amount of control over their data. Users can choose which instance of a service to join based on their values, the rules of that instance, and how that instance handles data.


Web3.0 envisions a highly interoperable web where data and services can easily be shared and used across different platforms. The fediverse is built on this principle. Different services, whether microblogging sites like Mastodon or video sharing sites like PeerTube, can all interact because they use the same protocol (ActivityPub).

sudo rm -rf /naughty/list

I hope Santa uses version control! šŸŽ…šŸ’¾šŸ”„

Itā€™s alarming to think about losing our gaming history. How can we work together to preserve and safeguard beloved classics?

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Weighing in on complex foreign affairs like it's another episode of The Apprentice, all while dodging an array of charges back home. Talks about making peace with Russia, gives China a 48-hour ultimatum, but can't seem to figure out how not to commit a bajillion crimes himself. šŸ™„

It's peak irony that he's all for deporting socialists while he's on a one-way trip to 'Crimeville'. The audacity of the guy!

Stay informed, folks, and don't let the noise drown out the facts. šŸæšŸ‘€

Sounds like a bad idea to announce when the hardware will be moving. Weā€™ve seen past weapons transfers announced to be happening ā€œsoonā€ though theyā€™ve already occurred. They may well already be in Ukraine.

Itā€™s crucial to remember that Niger is a key western ally in the fight against Islamist militancy in West Africa. Therefore, direct involvement from countries such as the KSA, China, or Russia seems less likely, as it would conflict with their international relations and objectives.

While itā€™s conceivable that non-state actors could have a hand in the unrest, available information doesnā€™t provide concrete evidence for this claim. Itā€™s also worth noting that jihadist groups in the region are not homogenous, and often have differing interests, making their involvement in political coups complicated and less probable.

However, you rightly point out that these situations are rarely as simple as they appear. The truth may well be a mix of local grievances and foreign influences, given the complex and interconnected nature of global politics. Until thereā€™s more information, though, any assertions remain largely speculative.

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Your words are meaningless and you are unpleasant to speak with. You should learn how to read and then youā€™ll understand the workflow that is clearly documented. Bye.

I agree. It would be one thing if they advertised symmetric speeds, but they arenā€™t. The FCC will also have cable companies labeling internet plans with these soon. This seems like a nonissue.

Paying $15 for that wrap is the real crime. Why do you shop there?

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Fix is coming soon in next patch. Until then I recommend that you show subscribed content and sort by new.

Good luck on your CCNA! That's where I started my journey many years ago and I will never regret it.

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