Decentralization Revolution: Reclaiming the Internet's True Vision from Big Tech's Grasp to – 75 points –

It doesn't need to provide value to everyone. That would be nice, but I don't mind it just being a smaller amount of enthusiasts. I've been having some really good discussions here lately. That's the value I see at least.

I love that idea so much. I wasn't a Twitter user, so Mastodon kinda felt a little off. But I definitely was a Reddit user, and I am so happy to participate in the Fediverse now. It's pure joy.

I wish at some point contributing to the fediverse will be as simple as plugging a Raspberry Pi and forget about it. "Here is some bandwidth, some storage and some compute power. Do whatever you need."

This is the future I want.

My biggest fear is always bots and astroturfing. We need some tools or methods that will reliably stop this. And we need it to be implemented ASAP. I honestly wouldn’t mind paying $1 a month for this, or some kind of rolling human tests to continue posting and commenting. PLEASE

100% this, bots and astroturfing was the reason I stayed off of Reddit after the blackout. I love how Lemmy feels, populated with real people, who reply thoughtfully. I very much hope some kind of anti-bot measures can be taken to help keep it this way.

This is a great start. I think a first goal should not be to replace big tech, but the create thriving alternatives. You should not have to feel that you are missing out by not using facebook, twitter, instagram, reddit etc. And with Mastodon/Lemmy/kbin we are getting there even if it is very very early still.

So... one person migrated to Mastodon, therefore not a failure?

On what metric did Mastodon fail? It has a vibrant community and lively conversations. I have seen what counts as "succsses" by corporate standards - a site that is ad infested to the point of unusability, and where users are kept in a state od agitation by the algorhythm for maximum retention and exploitation. I hope that Mastodon, and Kbin/Lemmy never become a "succsses" by corpo silo standards.

The fact that we're here means it's not a failure. Have you seen the stats on fediverse growth over the past few weeks?

The total apathy and pessimism I see on reddit is crazy, let's keep it over there.

More than one person, and it's just the beginning. I already left Reddit, I'm using Twitter less and less often, etc.