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Is setting off 100 firecrackers anything more than a misdemeanor? I'd like to start patreon or gofundme and chase these assholes.

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Boeing introduces: "free range seating!" It's just a fully padded area where they cram 150 ppl into what should be 100. Tickets for seats are raised 30%.

"...after making disparaging remarks in a local newspaper article"

Looks like the general got fired and he came back to shoot up the place.

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Yup, we entered the European theater because the ppl we loaned all that money were getting their asses kicked and knew if they lost we'd never see a cent back.

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Democrats should name all their laws after the Bible. Eye of the Needle bill: wealth tax and just demagogue that we need to pass this to save American souls. Mark 1:40 bill: universal healthcare

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Then 6 months later gets a VP job somewhere else because he "has experience" all the while eyeing another run at CEO.

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If he left, the stock would bounce up 20%. Put an engineer at the head and start producing decent model 3, Y. Work on reaching 25k MSRP. I'm sure there's bottlenecks and inefficiencies that could get them there.

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Trump's broke. That's why he put Lara trump as co chair and you hear that some ppl want the RNC to pay donnie's bills even though that would mean less money for down ballot candidates. Basically means about a billion needed and it would fuck the GOP in congress. I hope they go bankrupt.

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Rape, fraud, etc is fine because it doesn't affect them. Him causing the Reps to not vote uniformly and needing Dem help is a catastrophe.

I'm going to take a guess and assume it's about taking over DeSantis's war chest and campaign ppl since trump's broke and no real personnel as his are getting indicted.

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Once they find a box, even if you bring them a blanket, they'll stay in the box. The children yearn for the mines.

Congress can vote to kick him out, but they won't. Conservatives have been scheming and buying up anyone they could since the 80s to have a major conservative court to push their agenda: an evangelical christian based country, but only the parts that benefit them and tax cuts for the super wealthy. They didn't spend billions to never get a return on their investments.

Look at what they stole from us!

The wrong kid died!

Biden could also argue that trump was a threat to America and its democracy.

Why doesn't trump, a "billionaire", pay his own damn bond? You just said Blbillionaires can afford it.

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On reddit, I got banned in the conservative sub because I agreed with someone arguing that the country should just go with a monarchy. I said after Hillary wins she should adopt AOC to take over when she dies. Do you not think about the power your giving people? What if it's someone you don't like?

Me walking into the thread...

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From the NY fraud case testimony and word on the street, she's distancing from daddy. She sees the writing on the wall. Plus, kushner got 2 billion for the Saudis so she don't need his money/ connections.

Yeah, he takes a sec, realizes what he said and then tries to play it off

The special operation is starting to get multi generational. "3 days to Kyiv"

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Everytime someone describes trump with "best, most, ever" in a positive statement I always assume it's trump telling them specifically to say that. He has the best words after all.

The fact that people give money to the US, or any country, for essentially an IOU slip of paper promising to pay you back with interest is so weird.

Speaking of gold reminds me of this sci-fi book where aliens come to earth and cause damage. They ask how they can make things right and are explained gold and the monetary system. They go oh, we can totally filter gold from the oceans and pay you back in tons of gold per day. This caused panic as the huge influx would crash the system. I think it was an asimov short story.

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The problem is that Republicans literally run "on the government is useless". They don't want to govern. They want power. They want to finish turning the government into an extension of our corporate overlords and cut any and all benefits, except corporate handouts.

This is what they want, but it's a bad look since their voters might see exactly what they stand for. All they've done is hold meetings where they talk but nothing gets done. They're using their committees to run interference for trump and poison the well for Biden like they did for decades with Hillary. Then scream deep state is holding us back. Fuck 'em. They have the majority, figure it out.

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Damn you weren't kidding

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His lawyers actually said that while he was president. They said he was incapable of being deposed without perjuring himself. Eventually they sent 10 questions written out and he had his lawyers with him to help respond.

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He's been avoiding the debates. His rallies are basically a greatest hits from 2016, even though he was president already and could have fixed those things. he's now using dictator language to dehumanize the opposition so his thugs will be more likely to use violence. All this and he's leading the Republican race. He'll run from prison because the Republicans are purely for power now and clearly won't relinquish it next time.

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Does the house still have that one vote to call for a new speaker? Once they push back the debt ceiling for the...third? time, someone should troll and see what happens. The trumpists aren't gonna pass anything anyway.

If he can't loans from "shithole" states like New York, why doesn't he get loans from red states? Are they poor or something?

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That press conference where his brain rebooted mid sentence was crazy.

Helped change a water heater at my parents place. Got quoted 1k in labor. Took us a little less than 2 hrs of actual work to do it. Had to buy new flexible connectors and Teflon tape. Possible fire or water damage is no joke so i understand the hesitation to DIY, but the work is pretty straight forward.

Trades are absolutely a viable option. There will always be a need.

There are a lot more jobs in the medical profession than doctor or nurse. It's indoors so climate controlled. There's 2 yr programs that start out around 60k a year.

Oh, so a professional finance talking head.

How's he gonna start a new line when he's trying to fire 20% of the people that actual create something.

He's been falling asleep except for when pecker is testifying. The reporters have said his demeanor completely changed. Went from just sitting there to leaning forward or folding his arms.

I wonder if you look back at photos of him doing that, if he's being told shit he doesn't like.

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Wasn't there an article recently where they told them not to report the crime from vets? Since they did they tour instead of full time in prison, all those model citizens are home. I guess a bullet is cheap solution to that problem.

He's playing both sides. Like any corporation, the goal is money. He knows there's money to be had from the right. He might be trying to get that tucker Carlson demo. Bringing in interesting guests like scientist, philosophers, etc. Just keeps the general public from leaving outright.

We gotta teach the trump's how to count? No wonder they committed extensive fraud for decades.

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"any vessel that leaves from a United States port and returns without calling at a foreign port or place has not departed the United States."

There goes my idea of running a gambling boat in international waters.

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