'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them

seaQueue@lemmy.world to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 1017 points –
'Scripture is very clear': New House Speaker tells Congress God has 'ordained' them

Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, in his first remarks after being elected Wednesday afternoon, told Members of Congress that “Scripture” and “the Bible” are clear that they have been “ordained” by God.


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Democrats should name all their laws after the Bible. Eye of the Needle bill: wealth tax and just demagogue that we need to pass this to save American souls. Mark 1:40 bill: universal healthcare

I legitimately and unironically would support this initiative. It’s a good idea.

Vote YES on Joshua 6:25 and Ezekiel 23:20!

I've been saying this for a long time. I genuinely think this would yield better results.

It's a great idea but unfortunately it has some significant flaws.

First, I imagine quite a lot of the Christianity in American politics is performative. The politicians could just hand wave away the passages and say "That's not what Jesus meant, he personally told me so".

The fundamentalists suckers would believe them and vote for them even harder and the ones that are drawn to religion for the excuse to abuse people won't care as long as their abusive itches get scratched.

The other problem is that if it did work, it's comes across as more than a little Christofascist.

The far-right and religious "in it for abuse" crowds would take to it like flies to dog shit and the bible has some horrific stuff in it that you'd definitely never want becoming law.

Better to just pry fundamentalists and neoliberals from power so all they can do is seethe while progressives pass these kinds of laws. With genuine end times just around the corner, time is a factor.

Republicans will always find a way. Even if it contradicts what they just said a minute prior. You're not gonna stop suckers from going along with ppl using them for power/money. We should just take the win.

a lot of the Christianity in American politics is performative

That’s the point. Break suspension of disbelief and see the stage crumble.

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Take my Lemmy Lemon 🍋

When lemmy gives you lemons, make lemmy-nades! 💣

It wouldn't work since none of the GOP has ever read the Bible.

“The I Stand to be Counted as the Faithful of the Lord Spending and Appropriations Bill will now be voted on.”

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