3 Post – 222 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No no, you are the child in this context

It wouldn't be "no guns", it would be "carry this insurance if you have guns" and then fining the people who don't or won't carry the insurance.

15 more...

it’s going to hurt the pay of the people working there

So there are a lot of reasons to be against stealing, but this isn't one of them.

Wal-Mart and County-Wide Poverty

Corporate owned stores like this are the ones that people are talking about stealing from. The facts are, the wages that are paid by Walmart can't possibly be less. Walmart enjoys being the most highly profitable in the list mentioned.

If Walmart paid less, they couldn't maintain their staffing levels. The workers would be even more highly impoverished, if they choose to stay.

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They took me to the emergency department at the hospital. While I sat in a corner crying, the doctors there told the police that they could look after me and that they could leave.
This wasn’t what they wanted to hear. They took me to another hospital with a gynaecological department, where more police were waiting for me. All this time they never said a word about what I was supposed to have done wrong.
The doctors at the second hospital seemed intimidated by the police. They were told to take my blood and give me a vaginal exam. My consent didn’t seem to matter. The doctor who was examining me let me know he didn’t want to get involved. “I do not care about any of this,” he told me.
After the examination, the police got more aggressive. Female officers took me to a gynaecologist’s office and the doctor left me. They told me to strip naked but I refused to take off my knickers. They made me squat and cough in front of them. Why would they do this but to frighten and humiliate me?
They threatened me with a cavity search. With my back to the wall, crying and naked except for my knickers, I felt like a hunted animal. I screamed at them, “What do you even want from me?”

This is a really awful take. Fringe hate groups are organising and training for combat. The ending of fight club was domestic terrorism, did you actually watch that movie?

Walking into dressing rooms because they "just let you"

Nowadays girls can’t wait to prostitute themselves

She should have been doing something more productive

Yo bro this is blaming the victim

6 "lobe" is torx too. Nobody calls Allen bolts hexagon either.

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Isn't the full amount posted by somebody? And if you leave the bondsman can find you and take you to the cops?

Don vs Dog the bounty hunter would be a battle of the bad haircuts

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Immigration isn't a huge deal. It's a completely manageable concept that's held up as this bogeyman in rich countries like Canada, the US, and the UK. The people holding up the bogeyman benefit from a disenfranchised underclass that can't amass wealth or power due to the precarious nature of their existence in that rich country.

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Seems more simple to have easily accessible emergency contraceptives, and maybe some better welfare so vulnerable women are less reliant on shitty men.

A bunch of campus housing is empty during the summer months, depending on what city you are in.

There is a dorm an hour north of me that gets rented out for staff housing needed during local festivals, I stayed there when I had that job.

After your shit gets raided and there's evidence that you sent out two sets of information to different people... Yeah that's extremely probable.

You don't understand how much of an electronic trail mass mailing would leave. If your mark and a burned mark were on the same email provider, a warrant would uncover this extremely simple scam.

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My take is blood is a biohazard unless it's quality is regulated, and therefore it's a biohazard unless it's expensive. I'll go read the article in a bit maybe I'm wrong.

HOAs implement illegal rules all the time. They were literally first used to end run discrimination laws. It doesn't even have to be insurance, it could be something else to frustrate gun owners lives. That's the beauty of selective enforcement /s

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Also don't forget, gun control came after the black panthers were open carrying.

Well shit like this is exactly why people opposed this being a tort

I'm really getting the vibe that he was forced to buy it, he doesn't want it, he'll burn it to the ground to get rid of it.

Next year when it shutters, he'll be like "it was unsalvageable" and simpletons will lick it up like "he's made a hard choice" or some bullshit.

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Any strong feelings are undesirable.

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Well firstly interview all of the child's caregivers. Determine the living conditions the child has experienced for the past several years. Determine what failures of supervision happened that resulted in an 8 year old gaining access to a firearm.

Then remediate unsafe living conditions, provide therapy, and charge whatever people who were responsible for the kid with manslaughter.

Probably kids will increase risk to themselves by using less secure sites, using chat platforms to source pornography, or uploading their real ID to people providing photoshopping services.

It's more like "idiot billionaire builds bigger shiny gadget for a non specific purpose"

Like what's the problem being solved here?

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Omegle’s moderation even had a positive impact beyond the site. Omegle worked with law enforcement agencies, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, to help put evildoers in prison where they belong. There are “people” rotting behind bars right now thanks in part to evidence that Omegle proactively collected against them, and tipped the authorities off to.

Not sure how you expect websites to perform better.

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Because the ex boss got a random woman to call and say she worked at the hotel.

When OP followed up with the hotel they were like "yeah sure your drug test results will be a false positive. /s" red flag.

Does that matter? In the context of sustained abuse of workers? Every dollar that is used for employees' food stamps and other benefits is a dollar taken from tax payers.

The difference between a shoplifter and Wal-Mart is a matter of degrees, not morality.

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Quadruple A is the coke talking

They don't want smart teachers the same way they don't want smart cops.

By they I mean the people funding lobbyists and cop unions, they go support the ones that cut the budget or push oppressive policies.

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Good rule

If we are talking about music L7 is great

Sleater Kinney and other girl rock is worth the time to listen to.

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It might be ARMA you don't know

Nah it was everyone's business before that. People "drink responsibly". They can and do imbibe other drugs responsibly.

No, moderating forums is not immoral.

By participating in a moderated forum, you have traded your ability to post whatever you want in exchange of everyone else being bound by the same restriction.

If you don't like it, you can go post in some unmoderated forum. If you can't find one without spam or low quality posts, them's the breaks kid if you want the wild west you get the wild west.

These jobs are the actual valuable work that is being done around AI. There's a huge problem of poisoned and dirty data sets, evidenced by chatbot Nazi diatribes and otherwise garbage outputs.

That being said, these sweatshop apps are fractionally deriving value from nothing but facilitating communication and branding, things that are very cheap to implement. As more players enter the market, that paradigm will either get worse or better for the workers that are trying to live their lives.

Corporations will divorce workers and the communities they live in from the value of their labors.

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Idiot didn't follow the golden rule

Only one crime at a time.

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So for half these things, early on the costs of doing business were carried by other people. Streaming services relied on studios to produce content, and Uber relied on drivers to carry maintenance costs and downtime cost.

Now Netflix is a full studio and all the other services that are competitive have original content. Uber drivers are unionized.

Cloud services are fine for set low computation things, but once you scale past a certain point keeping your own IT staff busy is easy, and they provide a tailor made infrastructure.

I bought a POE switch that seemed really expensive, but I bought it with 6 very inexpensive POE cameras so all in the price was not bad.

When I got the switch i found the build quality was great, it's an industrial format switch so it has DC input for power and wall mount flanges. I might buy a second one if my buddy needs it for his house.

lol selling stolen property to the owners political opponent is not a protected form of expression who knew /s

Yeah shit happened like a guy lifting liquor got tackled and got bottle glass pushed into his torso and employees got hurt and or killed in other incidents, shoppers got harassed and confined, all these people sued and now if you want to arrest some guy, get trained for it and do it properly.

Man you are one dumb cunt

Ford government didn't allow that data to get collected. Every time there is a test, quality of life and market participation improve. Every time.

But that means individuals aren't desperate, which they should be or something.