Trump’s bond set at $200,000 in Georgia election-related case to politics – 473 points –
Trump’s bond set at $200,000 in Georgia election-related case

The order also explicitly limits Trump’s ability to attack witnesses or his co-defendants, including on social media.


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Isn't the full amount posted by somebody? And if you leave the bondsman can find you and take you to the cops?

Don vs Dog the bounty hunter would be a battle of the bad haircuts

Dog the Bounty Hunter tackling Trump is such an absurdly perfect image. I'll expect to see a New York Times article about it in a month.

Given that we're in the dumbest time line, this is actually a plausible scenario.

Yeah I’d be curious to see what happens if he skips, because he has Secret Service protection for the rest of his life.

The Secret Service has an obligation to protect him, but they’re also federal officers. Would they protect him from the bounty hunters? Would they rat him out? Would they act as the bounty hunters and drag him back to the courthouse against his will?

It also raises questions about a potential conviction. If he gets convicted, will the Secret Service simply post extra guards specifically for his (isolated) prison cell? They’d probably want to try and outsource it to the prison directly, but then you run into the issue of having a person who still has Top Secret clearance and has proven to be irresponsible with it being guarded by people who don’t have that clearance. The Secret Service would probably need to clear several of their members and post them there as guards, simply to prevent Don from blabbing national secrets to anyone who will listen. Basically, limit his contact to only people who also have clearance.

Regardless, I’d pay good money to get a livestream of the bounty hunters taking Don down.

I don't get why the secret service would do anything to stop it. They aren't loyal to a person, I thought, they're federal officers charged to protect an individual. Protect from... who, the government? No, from harm. Is it their job to turn him in? Maybe not, quite frankly I don't know, but I don't see how they'd turn against other police forces - they aren't his personal militia.

I doubt they'd up and go to war for him, but if some of the SS were part of his cult, I could see them doing ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING they could to keep him free.

Talking our of my butt, but it would be worth it to either put him is ADX, or build a new prison just for him.

Reopen Alcatraz and put him in there.

I'm sure the irony of having him in prison in California would be lost on no one except him.

Yes, it's usually 10% if you go to a bail bondsman. And yes, you still owe them if you skip out, and they can hunt you down.

I don't think the secret service would let that happen though.

You mean the same secret service that deleted subpeonaed evidence to protect themselves and trump?

I think Biden did some housecleaning in the secret service staff.

Why wouldn't the secret service let a bail bondsman carry out the active attest warrant that's sure to follow if he skips.

Why would Trump even need a bail bondsman? He can surely afford to pay his own bail and get it all back, rather than taking the 10% bond as a loss.

I was about to agree, but

  1. Trump never pays for anything up front.

  2. Trump never pays anyone who does a service for him.

  3. Logic and reason do not apply to his behavior.

I mean they wouldn't let him skip bail. If he somehow did, they'd probably help get him back.

But we have no idea how much cash he actually has on hand.

I would imagine they would. Their duty is to keep him safe, not help him carry out illegal activities. I think they could make the moral choice to take him in as long as they could be sure he would be safe being arrested. And if they can’t be I would imagine they would be pulling the strings to make it safe while keeping tabs and not staying hidden.