5 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I enjoy cheap tacos, long walks on the beach at sunset, and all things baseball.

Let's go Padres!

With so many states (US) legalizing weed, people are quickly forgetting that yes, pot is a drug and yes, it is addivitve.

4 more...

So fucking happy I deleted twitter. At this point it's just a horse race to see which site dies faster reddit or twitter.

13 more...

I just found Bookwyrm and love it! Now that's a great idea for a federated site.

Reservoir Dogs (1992) by Quentin Tarantino

"Let me tell you what like a virgin is about. It's all about a girl who digs a guy with a big dick. The entire song is a metaphor for big dicks."

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The are a few art house theaters in my city that will do showings of The Room in the same style as like a Rocky Horror showing. People will yell and scream and generally make of the movie in a fun and jovial way. I've always wanted to check it out.

"You're tearing me apart, Lisa!!!"

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Whaaaaat? But BTILC is a great film!

"I want my two dollars!!!"

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Android stock cause I'm a basic bitch like that

The Dude Abides

Lines of cocaine

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While it was certainly entertaining, I was always more of a Deep Impact fan myself.

I thought it was weird that two movies about a comet hitting earth came out within a year of each other.

"How do you want to induce YOUR Linux migraine today?!"

Lots of actors already smoke in their personal lives off screen. Also a really good actor will do whatever they have to in order to commit to a role.

A casual baseball game! Been trying to get one together for awhile now, but we can only get 3, maybe 4, people at a time.

Either that or a sexy party ;)

Hmmm, that's a good one to use but I prefer sudo chmod -R 777 /

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Always loved this tune!

Did you know Katie Holmes turned down her role in the Dark Knight because of her sex scene with Aaron Eckhart in Thank You For Smoking?

She was still in a relationship with Tom Cruise at the time and he was jealous (typical Cruise) of the on screen chemistry she had with Eckhart.

Jesus, did you see what god just did to us, man?!

Jfc... They made three of these? LMAO

I was kinda drunk when I saw a comment chain in another thread and decided to have a bit of fun ;)


Let me get in touch with the other mods of this community, but you may be interested in our discord server. We have one mod currently working on a toxicity bot.

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A lot of shows tend to lose steam around seasons four and five or so. Actors and actresses come and go and writers struggle to find new ideas so storylines get recycled and repackaged. Breaking Bad handled this perfectly by willing ending after 5 seasons.

Additionally, one of the admins of this instance is working on a site wide automod. The Lemmy world discord server is open to the public now, I believe.

Smoke, smoke, smoke, that cigarette!

Oh, dude! I am a huge Stephen King fan, although I haven't read as much as you! I really like his short story collections since he notoriously hates writing endings. Might I recommend the short story collections, Night Shift, Skeleton Crew, Different Seasons, and Four Past Midnight? Also, if you liked the The Shining you should totally read it's sequel Doctor Sleep.

I just rewatched 11.22.63 recently and now I'm listening to the audiobook for it. That one is by far my favorite modern Stephen King book.

Yeah, that's gonna be a naw from me, dawg. I've done every drug under the sun and uppers were the ones that stuck for me. Like...I kinda had a bit of a problem. I've been clean for a while now and do not intend to ever return to it though. Mushrooms were pretty fun, though.

This song is triggering of a bad time in my life. Thanks.

I'll leave your post up, but please see rules #2 and 5 in the sidebar for future reference. Thank you! :)

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I really don't do much pirating anymore. I have a terabyte that's almost full that I've been curating for around seven years. I have my collection of favorite films and movies that I just rewatch all the time. For new stuff, just have a folder full of bookmarks to pirate streaming sites. I used to do Kodi add-ons for streaming, but that got to be a pain in the ass.

But also in general it's a good idea to play along with the site-wide rules as well. There is a link to the Instance Code Of Conduct in the sidebar. :)

I almost prefer it to Pulp Fiction. It's a close one though.

So when I'm looking in the mirror at myself, I use the right taper on my right side? Thank you so much! I've been doing this for years but I don't know why that has always been confusing for me....

All Star catcher in an amateur baseball league.

laughs in my 2009-era Intel MPB

I have been using for MLB games and it seems to be fine. Didn't even make an account. I don't know what CONCACAF is but they have a bunch of other sports too.

Please try to format new posts in the form of a question. Thank you! :)

Rule #2 in the sidebar.

I checked that out from a library once on a recommendation and ended up returning it in less than a week. Shit was waaaaaaaaaay too confusing for me lmao

Bold of you to assume I am "big enough" for that to be an issue


There is no way this is real. He would not be allowed to be hunched over and angled like that with a shadow crossing over this face.