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Joined 4 months ago

is that a point for or against bears?

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I'm not against religion, but that's not how evidence and proof works. Do you have any proof that tiny invisible pink elephants aren't hiding in your fridge?

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Student loans for in-person university. I'll be paying for that for a long time.

Eventually dropped out and finished my degree with WGU. I highly recommend that for anyone considering a college degree. I was able to finish with PELL grants so I added no debt and have a degree

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That comment meant anything that needs root will prompt for it WITHOUT you running as root. Running GUI apps as root directly won't work well (1, it isn't a good idea. 2, your user likely owns the X session)

I was weirded out by the 12288 filesize. If anyone else is wondering.

So used to seeing 4096 lol

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This isn't DOS and probably isn't a FAT filesystem. Tilde isn't a wildcard in linux

Ball jars are made by Newell Brands. Ball makes spaceships now instead

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In high school, i was watching a movie online free and got a popup from the FBI. I panicked and closed instead of paying the $99. After the panic cooled, I was so glad my panic response is running away. Clearly a spam popup

Not enough shout outs for Super Tux Kart soccer mode. Getting a group of friends playing that is awesome

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A lot of people are recommending version control. While it's good practice, that isn't a requirement of sharing your code. If you want to make it really simple at first, add a License (as others have mentioned) and just post the code anywhere. Upload a tar archive to a website, use sourceforge or even lemmy.

Learning git would still be useful for you and potential contributors but it is not a requirement. Open source just means you share the source and explicitely provide a license for others to use and modify it

You may have heard of them, but I love Shattered Pixel Dungeon and unCiv ... maybe try rming that file, then /sbin/grub-install. All else fails, use package manager to purge and reinstall grub

looks like this will do it. no-fail and a systemd timeout

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I think they should also be paid using their state's disability/unemployment system and get food through their state's EBT system.

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Maybe I'm bad at but it looks like they are both free. Lemme offer another analogy.

Your and your friend have sandwhich parties and one day you compare notes. Your friend's sandwich is really good, so you make it yourself and add some things. Now you really like the sandwich so you throw a sandwhcih party with the new sandwich and tell everyone it's based on your friend's sandwich.

Then your friend asks why you coppied his sandwich and you're a jerk about.

That's how this reads to me

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Whoa! Me too! Tbf, i didn't really look at them often, but it feels more right knowing they're there

It's useful as it makes it harder for AI to use it. Derivates can still reach out to ask to be allowed to sell it

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Probably easier to explain to a 1700s peasant than most americans today

I play king and lose 9/10 times. still great

I'm fine with making people email me if they want to sell derivatives of a creative work tho

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My DOS computer from the 90s is sluggish with some of the more complex hand-written assembly things. C and UNIX were for powerful multi-user uses.

Roller Coaster Tycoon was written in assembly for optimization too.

Especially because people who want to pirate games for playing have no qualms. Right now the restriction is specificall on people who want to research legally

IRC is for chatting. Need help? Hop on and see who's around. If no one answers, come back later

It says in the article that he explicitly stated it was a clone, so yeah. only bad thing was being kinda a jerk when asked to take it down

the lobby tvs are so annoying. if i'm alone for a while, i turn one off for a quiet section of the room

i wonder how many old thinkpads are still running linux... Honestly, it's possible some arbitrary single model may still outnumber steam decks.

Universal Paperclip

My t430 is still going, but my x201 is in better shape.

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The fact that you count as a dependent on FAFSA until well after your parents don't write you as a dependant is wild.

Capitalism creates monopoly. The consumer's needs can be manufactured. In a society organized around capital shareholder needs are paramount.

rio’s color scheme may be modified by editing the .c configuration files and re-compiling:

Note: Someone will mock you for doing this.

What's wrong with the pretty gray background?

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Especially just getting into linux. Ext4 works well enough, when you learn enough to care about what it doesn't do well try something then

My reading was it wasn't based purely on number of files, but metadata related to files and stuff (idk what that is in ext4, but movies tend to be large and complex related to music). it's probably irrelevant because that's still a really small number on a modern hard drive.

I don't know if millions is as big a number you think it is

I mean, that's one of the things that definitely needs permissions, right? You're overwriting system config and executables for all users on your system. Otherwise a malicious actor could just replace firewall configs, or embed malicious code into your executables. If not /bin and /etc what else should need privileges?

it's like you've never heard of roommates. If you get a third job and find a couple people, i'm sure you could afford to rent a shed

I'm not sure that's true in a lot of linux use cases. Linux and windows handle drivers very differently. There are a lot of graphics problems which have nothing to do with the driver, and when they do it's usually wrong driver instead of driver acting up

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I'm in a similar boat, but tend to mirror my important files across a lot of my drives. Also, whenever I move hard drives computer to computer, I first look at the drive and copy everything I don't wanna lose, just in case.. Basically, learned to be careful the hard way a few times lol

Yeah. I'd recommend using ssh keys and disabling password authentication whenever something is exposed to a public network

Runs KDE and xfce fine.