
24 Post – 152 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Justa she/her girl in a weird weird world

Speaks: se,en,fr

Queer asf, vegan, GNU fangirl, libertarian socialist

Yup, that's what happened when I found out other people were trans. I was like 'You can do that!?'. The feeling had always been there but seeing others made it obvious that you don't have to just be dysphoric and depressed.

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Chad meme saying "Yes"

Fuck Opera, all my homies use Firefox

Chiming in to say that Debian is great if you're comfortable with how Ubuntu works, as Ubuntu is basically Debian + Corporate support + Snaps.

I switched all my machines from Ubuntu to Debian during the Red Hat debacle, since I don't have faith in corporate distros anymore and generally prefer the more democratic approach that the Debian foundation takes.

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I know people don't actually crush living creatures in these but they make me feel so fucking bad when they pop up on my page. Just the thought is fucking disgusting.

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Yeah, sometimes people use loli stuff which is definitely a red flag for pedo behavior IMHO, but posting with a MILF is quite literally the opposite xd.

Honestly, just taxing the rich is one of the most milquetoast and obvious takes ever. Should not even be radical imo since it just makes sense

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Signs like this make me sad

I remember reading that this is because studios don't compress game assets any more. I'd gladly trade a few seconds load time for reasonable disk usage.

It's quite obvious that it's very different to use it as a verb and as a noun to refer to someone.

I don't read this as the discussion disenfranchising young men, rather just stating that the broader disenfranchisement of the working class has its effect of making many men vulnerable to far right rhetoric of a day where many white cis-het men did not have to try, like at all (at least, that's the rhetoric).

I read this as saying that we need to counter these societal issues on multiple fronts; not pandering to right-wing men, while also not letting the far right rhetoric take hold of younger men. Offering a good alternative which actually helps them (leftism) instead.

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Searching up 'Things Betwixt' on maps rn

Echoing another user to say that this is indeed a post that makes me feel like shit

I think they got democratic socialism confused with social democracy (which is understandable given the similar names). The difference is that democratic socialism is... well, socialism and that social democracy is just liberalism with a social safety net.

(Side-note: Socialism is in essence about organizing the economy democratically so the fact that tankies have coopted the term to also mean totalitarian state capitalism unless democratic is added as a prefix is such a shame.)

Not to discourage piracy but GIMP is better lol

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Debian is rock-solid! A very low maintenance and comfy system in my opinion

Why was she suspended on Twitter?

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Funny meme, just jumping in to say that Marx didn't advocate for planned/command economies, but rather worker-owned economies.

Nuclear family: 🙅‍♀️

Blåhaj family: 👍👏🥰

They call me -------rwx

chmod 007 bruh.txt

Lmao, yeah I really threw this together in a bit of a haste

Biblically accurate bottom

I love light rices! Very nice!

Honestly, I'm surprised that OP is being so obtuse about this. It's clear once you're familiar with intersectionality, but I think it could do well to be explained at least a little bit for those who aren't.

Essentially, the argument is that feminism, while a good force, needs anti-racism to maximize it's potential, just as it needs support for LGBTQ+ rights, since a lot of people are impacted by racism, homophobia, transphobia etc. Focusing largely on cis-het white middle-class women does help them, but we need those other elements too to be able to truly liberate people

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Yep, this is the daily routine of a Linux user.

This roadtrip boring ahh hell

What's missing in PipeWire for it to be "pro audio"? Genuine question, since I've been making some music casually and heard from music producers that it's actually quite good.

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Me when the capitalists are submissive and breedable

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Reasons to learn Arabic:

✖️ Be able to speak a new language and interact with new people

✔️ Send vaguely threatening messages to non-Arabic speakers

Lmao I thought of Allegro Common Lisp at first.

Landlords >:(

SDDM is still X11 based, no matter which desktop you run with it. I have tried enabling Wayland on it, but it's been... Unstable to say the least.

No OS is perfect, as you likely do have to use a proprietary modem and some proprietary apps, but CalyxOS works well for me on my Fairphone 4. I like the base install being as free as realistically possible on a modern Android phone, especially replacing Google apps with microG. Just don't enable SafetyNet if you don't want it to run (sandboxed) Google blobs. That API is deprecated anyways.

The experience is smooth, free and I get a repairable phone without having generative """AI""" shoved down my throat. A win on all fronts in my opinion.

I'm absolutely devestated! You cannot do this 😭😭😭

(If the ratioes look a bit low, that's because they are. I switched my torrents over from Transmission to qBittorrent because the latter works more reliably for me)

lemmy(grad).ml has their own 1000012289

I fucking love GNOME. Tried to use other things but I always come back to it. Gotta be one of my favorite genders of all time frfr

And the creator of j🤮vascript

I would make a joke about u/anarcho-stripperism but she's quit porn so

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How can anyone look at these creatures we humans have selectively bred to maximize profits and think that it's a totally fine and moral thing