Markiruler to – 296 points –

That's probably more normal than hearing both Arin Hanson and Dan Avidan as your inner monologue.

Wouldn't that be an inner dialogue?

^I^ ^have^ ^an^ ^inner^ ^dialogue^ ^and^ ^it's^ ^weird^ ^and^ ^makes^ ^me^ ^kinda^ ^uncomfortable^

I relatively often have an inner dialogue, but it's just me twice

I don't mind it tho, it's fine enough

Most of the time I think with my own voice, but sometimes when I've been watching a lot of videos from the same creator I'll start thinking with their voice and speech patterns. This was moderately annoying when I started hearing my thoughts being narrated by Jacksepticeye's high-pitched Irish voice.

Now you're hearing Wheatley from portal 2.

Now Mr. Burns from the Simpsons.

Now Heath Ledgers Joker.

Now James from Team Rocket.


my inner monologue is just words and doesn't have a voice. is there a "cant imagine an apple" thing but for voices?

To me it's like the voice gets beamed into my head, bypassing my ears. I don't "hear" it, it doesn't "sound" like anything but the words are there. It can pronounce things different or with accents but it isn't a real voice.

I can only internally see the contours of objects if I don't focus on them. My inner monologue is my own voice unless I have been with my friends some time, then my inner monologue mimics their voices

Same here. I'm not aware of a term for it, but I've always been a bit self-conscious about the fact that I don't know what my inner monologue sounds like. I've tried giving it a voice, and it never sticks.

i mean, you'd think people would figure it out when they take something called "E"..

Inner brain voice?

Many people have an internal monolog (Note: This implies that many do not)

I only have that sometimes, and it doesn’t sound like anything. No voice, just words.

I wonder if this is just for thinking or if it has to do with auditory processing in the brain.

Do you ever "hear" music in your head?

I don't hear my inner monologue in a specific voice but can hear music. But often I do have a "conversation" between myself and someone else in my head, often when I'm recapping something, I do it as if I'm explaining it to someone else.

Weirdly, Masc Voice and Femme Voice kinda just switch in and out. I have no clue if there's a correlation, or if my brain is still just adjusting, because Femme is definitely the more dominant of the two, but I have to use Masc for work and such, still, vocally.