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Joined 1 years ago



| Anti-Fascist | Anti-Racist | BLM | LGBTQ+ Rights |

Post-punk nerd working in sustainable Ag and food security. Into growing, fermenting, and brewing. And smashing that global fascism thing.

Don't you know anything, Brits? Apple only strips security features for the Chinese government, you fools!

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“Basically, our revenue is cut in half because we didn’t toe the line,” he said, gun in hand, feet shot to bloody stumps.

Russia crying "no fair!" after every attack makes them all just a little bit more satisfying :)

It also solves the verification problem. It's without a doubt the best way to go for an organization - especially news orgs.

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I mean, they didn't cave to Russia either. Apple just has principles until there's enough cash on the table. Then they claim to "always abide by local laws" wherever they operate.

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Damn. The app situation has improved so dramatically over the last month!


Origin: late Middle English (in the sense ‘sign at the bottom of a document’): from Latin subscribere, from sub- ‘under’ + scribere ‘write’.

From my understanding peertube has less restrictions of content compared with youtube.

It would depend on the PeerTube instance you join.

Congrats on your promotion to a 1! You earned it (by posting).

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FediDB tracks server software across the Fediverse. They track activity and overall 'market share,' which I think is what you're looking for.

They're also tracking the Threadiverse specifically.

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Thanks! It's nice to get a little recognition for putting in the work 😎

It basically means that but they are formal, static groups. The group composition doesn't change based on rankings. Russia was invited into the G7 in the late 90s (and it became the G8) then formally expelled when they invaded Crimea in 2014.

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There's no objective metric at all. It was really just the most important economic allies of the US in 1975.

The G20 was partially founded in response to criticism that 7 countries were making economic decisions for the world. The G7 chose who was invited to join. Indonesia and the Philippines are both kind of members (permanent invitees) through ASEAN.

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Why do you think it's badly federated? I've never been unable to find my peertube account from anywhere I've tried - Mastodon, Firefish, Friendica, Pixelfed, or Lemmy.

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And Firefish has so many more bells and whistles than that! Full-text search, antennas, quotes, drive, pages, channels, MFM.

omg yessssss

Meh. Sounds like a bunch of tankie bullshit.

Yes and no. And verifying by domain is better, especially for people who are likely to be impersonated (ex. Journalists).

Rel="me" doesn't actually verify a user's identity, it verifies that a user has a relationship with a website. The problem is that you need to leave Mastodon to make sure that the website actually verifies their identity. I've verified a connection between a Mastodon and Pixelfed account, for example, but it doesn't tell you anything about who I am. It's also much easier to spoof a website than it is to get the BBC to give you an account on their private instance.

It really works great the other way though! If you have a known identity here, you can be sure that the linked sites are legit.

It's mostly just media first but there are a few features that don't federate. Portfolios and stories are exclusive to pixelfed. And even if you just want to scroll a bunch of photos there just isn't a better way. They have the best Fediverse app I've ever used and the experience is great because it was designed specifically for that purpose.

Not that there's anything wrong with not seeing the appeal. The best thing about the Fediverse is that you can just be wherever you want. So you can post on Mastodon and follow whoever you want on Pixelfed too without having to make another account.

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They could have factories in China and not sell phones there. There are also other places to build factories. They just might have to trim back their 42% profit margin. It's still a willingness to abandon principles for a price, isn't it?

I think it just comes down to what you said: do you really want an experience like IG? If you're a hard no, it's probably not for you. I was kind of in the same place as you re: IG. Looking at my IG feed it's about 50% recommended and promoted. So half my feed is what Meta wants me to see. It sucks now and I was over it. But a version of that without ads or algorithms is honestly pretty great -- and I was skeptical of that until I tried it. I mean, IG has higher engagement than any network except TikTok, so it's a format that people seem to like. They just hate the Meta part :)

I don't think it takes away from Mastodon at all though. Like, I'm using Calckey which is very similar to Masto (and being renamed in literally 40 minutes) and it's not harming the community at all. I think Pixelfed will probably be the thing that makes people realize how powerful the Fediverse is. To most people, being able to communicate between, say, Masto and Misskey probably just seems like having different clients. But the idea that you could communicate with all of Facebook and Twitter from an IG account is kind of mindblowing.

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Me too! And stoked to see if they actually make magically transform into whatever [newthing].social is!

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Apple proactively aids in censorship and stores all customer data, including encryption keys, on servers controlled by the Chinese government. They've also excluded security features from China and crippled existing features to aid government repression.

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Nah you were appropriately smart mouthed. The problem was my clumsy post intro.

That modern UI addon looks pretty cool but doesn't work for me despite running 0.18.2.

Do you have to get your instance manually added for support?

No problem! Cheers :)

Have you contacted your admin? It should be working. I imported like 800 photos from IG on a few days ago.

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I chose my instance because of the admin (Stux). Basically, I knew that I could trust that it would be well run and have great moderation standards. It's a small server for now and pretty sleepy. Most of my subscriptions are from and a few other larger servers but it doesn't matter. I guess "local" might be less useful but that doesn't bother me. I can say that, over the two weeks I've been here, I haven't experienced any sort of performance issues or downtime.

The one case where I could see it being important is creating new communities -- it's probably more likely to have one take off on a larger server.

Have any trademark lawyers weighed in on this? I've only seen speculation.

It seems more complicated to me because it's actually the name of several fish and not just the name of a company. It's not like they're called Ford Motor Company Social, right? I'm also not sure that the other software out there is similar enough. They have to argue that customers would be confused but is social networking all that similar to a CRM?

I don't think there's any evidence of a global compromise but I think you're right that China wouldn't allow access if it didn't ultimately control it.

I couldn't find anything specific about iMessage but the keys are backed up to iCloud -- and we know that's compromised. I can't imagine them leaving users the option to just not back up to iCloud to avoid surveillance, but I haven't seen any specifics. Best to assume that under no circumstances do you ever have privacy from the gov't in China or even when messaging someone in China.

Love it!

Added bonus: people won't think they're being invited to anymore ;)

I used firefox and didn't have a problem. I'd double check that you grabbed the JSON archive from IG. You should contact Dansup though because it should be working. I think there might be "contact admin" link on the upload page.