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Joined 1 years ago

however I can still seed the torrent how is that possible?

Yes you can still seed as well as download. But you are limited and can only upload and download torrent data in swarms that contain peers that are themselves fully connectable (port forwarded).

So say you join a torrent swarm that only contains peers just like you (firewalled, no ports forwarded) then no one will transfer any torrent data with each other. Everyone is stuck waiting for a fully connectable (port forwarded) peer to join that swarm.

is there anything you would recommend?

You'd need to donate via whatever means they accept donations, it's not something you get to choose yourself. Unless you meant that you are going to keep contacting FOSS projects to ask them to set up new donation methods?

Personally I donate via crypto or other means that they allow donations via credit card (Liberapay / Ko-Fi work well IMO) . No Paypal/Venmo since I can't use those services - some FOSS projects I don't donate at all if they only accept Paypal.

Automation apps have gotten more popular over the years so yes, they are still a thing.

Sonarr/Radarr are the most popular ones but there are others too. Most work with torrents and usenet but you'd need to check the individual projects to be sure.

Book Automation Link Description
LazyLibrarian Audiobooks / Books / Magazines
Mylar3 Comic Books
Readarr Audiobooks / Books
Movies/TV Automation Link Description
DuckieTV TV
Medusa TV
Nefarious Movies/TV app (using Jackett/Transmission)
Radarr Movies
SickChill TV
SickGear TV
Sonarr TV
Watcher Movies
Music Automation Link Description
Headphones Music
Lidarr Music
General Automation Link Description
Autobrr Monitor IRC announce channels and RSS feeds
FlexGet Monitor RSS feeds
RSSToolBot Monitor and aggregate RSS feeds
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Same here.

Interestingly back when myself & others were moderating subs on Reddit, & we locked the subs during the protests, the majority of PMs us mods would receive were from randoms that found a link via Google or wherever & were trying to view the post. It did make me wonder how often people browse Reddit just because they stumbled into a link via Google or whatever search engine.

I can't see how Reddit would survive without the big search engines, without those random visitors the ad revenue would plummet.

I’ve been considering moving to Jellyfin for a while, but I’m worried they will do the same thing in future.

Currently would not be possible. Jellyfin does not have the sort of centralized accounts/logins that Plex does e.g. you're not asking Jellyfin devs for permission to log into your own server. That's just a Plex thing.

If you're asking could they add that "feature" in the future? Highly unlikely but I guess anything is possible. Were that to happen most likely the code would get forked into a new project.

PS - Jellyfin itself is a fork from Emby back when those devs decided to close their source. Myself & tons of other people dropped Emby at that point & migrated to Jellyfin.

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Lemmy world is turning into Reddit v2

Not really, even Reddit still has piracy related subreddits (at least for now).

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No according to admin, see the comment thread in the other post

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Is it really crucial to find a VPN that supports port forwarding?

It is not required but you will have a much better torrenting experience by being connectable (port forwarded). When you are fully connectable you are able to make direct connections to all peers in torrent swarms so overall your upload/download speeds would be faster and you can still participate in small torrent swarms.

When you are firewalled (not port forwarded) you can only make direct connections to peers that themselves are connectable (port forwarded).

In practice when you are in large torrent swarms it may not make much difference, there's often plenty of connectable peers in large torrent swarms that you can connect with. However in smaller torrent swarms if no one is connectable then all the firewalled peers can only see each other, no data will transfer. They are all stuck waiting for a connectable peer to join the swarm & help with the data transfer.

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It's not, whatever you're looking at is just some site re-using the name.

See the earlier posts

Most people have settled on TorrentGalaxy, 1337x, Rutracker, etc. Or work your way into private torrent trackers, they were always better than RARBG anyway.

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But does it happen often with mp4, mkv and other files like mp3 or epub?

Typically is not possible. Those media files are basically just data files (e.g. like a .txt text file) so media players normally do not look for anything to execute inside them. And frankly people should avoid any media player attempting to execute random code found in media files.

Case in point, the old Windows Media Player + old .wmv files used to be able to direct people to random websites to download/execute malware. Leave it to Microsoft to somehow turn a movie file into malware

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I tried creating my own torrent and was able to dl it on another device, but on her machine it stayed at 0% and wouldn’t let me connect to seed

At least one of the torrent clients needs to be fully connectable (port forwarded) for torrents to transfer data. You need to test that e.g. test your torrent client's incoming connection port with a port test website like,, etc. & make sure those port test websites can successfully test connect to your torrent client's incoming connection port. If the test fails then you need to look at opening the port via your OS firewall and/or router firewall.

Is FTP a good option? I set up a proxmox server last night but I don’t really know what I’m doing yet

Probably best to avoid FTP if you don't know what you're doing, it's not all that secure.. you'd want to at least configure SFTP or FTPS which is just going to be more complicated vs fixing your torrent issues. And technically you still need to make those connectable (port forwarded) too, just like your torrent client.

All that aside it's probably easier to use Syncthing if you can't get the torrent working.

You could also try one of those file transfer websites that use WebRTC to transfer data peer to peer e.g. or similar. Not sure how well they work for huge amounts of data but their github page mentions that Firefox is better for that, apparently Chrome starts to choke with data 500+ MB.

Banning piracy? Like the mere encouragement or?

Just the mere encouragement & discussion, yes. The banned communities do not allow direct links to pirated content (! has a rule forbidding that).

It's strange to see people saying there was some sort of legit reasoning, the admins did not receive any sort of legal DMCA/NTD request or anything of the sort. They were simply trolled hard by a brand new account from asking to defederate from "piracy" communities and admins took the bait. See the post yourself

Incidentally that same user has created troll accounts at other instances & have been getting themselves banned, they were already banned at the dbzer0 instance (see so it looks like it was simple retaliation to attempt to trick other instances into defederating/blocking them.

From OP's link under the "operate a Snowflake proxy" section

You can join thousands of volunteers from around the world who have a Snowflake proxy installed and running. There is no need to worry about which websites people are accessing through your Snowflake proxy. Their visible browsing IP address will match their Tor exit node, not yours.

A Snowflake proxy is not a Tor exit node.

If PicoTorrent meets your needs then you're fine, it's a great torrent client.

I tend to use qBittorrent, Deluge, rTorrent/ruTorrent.

Below is the list of desktop/server torrent clients people have mentioned over on the old subreddit.

I'll just add that it's best to avoid current versions of BitTorrent/uTorrent/Vuze nowadays. (Vuze users should migrate to BiglyBT)

I tried it out a while back but wasn't too impressed, it still has a ways to go. During testing what I did was write a script to pin (aka "seed") any public torrent downloaded in qBittorrent into IPFS. My goal was to see if anyone ever found/downloaded my pinned content via the available IPFS search engines.

But the reality is that the available IPFS search engines were crap, they sound nice in theory but are so bad at finding/indexing anything. It was rare that anything I had pinned in IPFS would show up in a search engine let alone someone find it & attempt to download it themselves. There's still a lot of work to do.

The IPFS software itself also had a lot of performance/memory leak issues, I never could get it to run long term before it crashed & I'd have to figure out how to restart it or wipe its data & start over.

The other issue is that the IPFS project sort of feels like it's treading water. The IPFS devs went on to create Filecoin & seem more focused on that nowadays. Think of Filecoin as IPFS + cryptocurrency, so you have the privilege to pay people to pin/host ("seed") your data. And to top it off the Filecoin version of the IPFS network is incompatible with original IPFS network. Funny since it's the same devs but also is a bit illuminating that they purposely designed it that way.

Meh, Reddit admins will do whatever they'll ultimately decide to do with that subreddit. I don't see why anyone needs to make Reddit admins' job easier, they are literally employed and being paid to deal with this stuff. If they want to force replace mods in any subreddit they can, if they want to force close any subreddit they can.

Also remember it's Reddit, the complainers are free to create new subreddits & become moderators themselves.

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Hadn't heard of that one. But there are a few other aggregators around you can check out e.g.,,,,,

A lot of people run searches through qBittorrent search plugins so that's another alternative.

Or use something like Jackett or Prowlarr for multi site search.

There weren't any, it was just a troll account that asked admins at a bunch of different Lemmy instances to block anything related to piracy. admins took the bait. Even in the original announcement they never mentioned anything about dealing with tons of takedown requests. In other words they were blocking piracy related content preemptively before any takedowns occurred.

It's nice they walked back that decision but I'm still not going to create an account there.

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For now you're already posting on the best Lemmy instance for that sort of discussion (

Search around, there's been a bunch of discussion re: FMHY and their instance being down e.g.

Their website is still up ( & they're working on bringing their instance back up. I think the tricky part is whether they can still keep their old posts/comments/user accounts and re-federate with a new domain, I'm not so sure if that's actually possible. Personally I think the old .ml instance is new enough that if they need to re-start from scratch on a new domain then may as well go for it.

Also see the comments in the other post, they do seem to have announcements about this at

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Probably OBS would be your first try, it should be able to do a video capture and is Linux compatible.

Or if you're willing to set up a VM running Windows you could look into the non-free closed-source stream rippers for 720p/1080p. e.g. RedFox AnyStream, DVDFab StreamFab, etc.

EDIT: Just realized AnyStream also has Linux builds so that could be a non-free closed-source solution.

Keep an eye out for open trackers




Or keep an eye on the invite giveaway thread in !

Or interview for the big music trackers and work your way up the ranks to participate in their internal tracker recruitment threads e.g. and

PS - Trackers like TL tend to do open signups a few times a year so it's not really that difficult to get going once you catch an open signup.

I know those site admins like to spam Reddit but beyond that I can't tell why people recommend it. The team behind it are the same people that run tons of proxy sites essentially pretending to be 1337x, TPB, etc.

In other words that site is essentially a 1337x mirror with the word "RARBG" in the name. I looked at the first page of their "Recent Torrents" and they are all from 1337x.

Not to mention the ads are insane there, most normal people won't even be able to do anything there LOL.

And they link a non-functional RSS page while the real RARBG had an awesome RSS feed. If they had that I'd cut them some slack, it'd be a 1337x mirror with a working RSS feed at least. (the actual 1337x has no RSS feeds)

qBittorrent tends to be the popular one but all the standard FOSS clients should work fine with Sonarr (e.g. qBittorrent, Deluge, Transmission).

I don't have Transmission in front of me here to give you specific guidance but auth failed basically means you should double-check Transmission's web ui user/password/port number & make sure it's the same both there & in Sonarr. The same would apply for any other torrent client you want to set up in Sonarr.

Is this for work? Just have your work pay for your Microsoft 365 or whatever, not sure why you'd need to pirate anything for work related reasons.

If this is for home use just get your workflow working with the free open source alternatives, IMO LibreOffice is pretty great.

Or just start using the online office apps like everyone else is nowadays e.g. Google Docs (free with a Google Account), Microsoft 365 (I know at least Word you can use for free with a Microsoft account haven't checked what else), etc.

It's just a bit odd needing to pirate that. But sure if you're dead-set on it then just create a Virtual Machine with Windows OS in it (LOL you may end up pirating that too) and install your MS Office and whatever other cracks/activators you want. Now you have MS Office in your virtual machine whenever you need it. You could use VirtualBox for example.

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Seems easier just to disable queuing altogether. Then if you're worried about bandwidth usage just configure your "global maximum number of connections" and your "global rate limits" to whatever you need them to be. Also keep uTP enabled (under Options / Connection) if you're concerned about the torrent client using up your bandwidth while using the internet.

It's not the answer you're looking for but it might be worth giving a try.

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I hadn't been keeping up with the different dumps so am not sure how up to date it is - But I still have the torrent magnet that was first linked over in /r/PiratedGames, I think (?) it ended up being the first version of that 2004content/rarbg github. Torrent hash is A2CA83E177DF5CB1966DFC1D262BC751E4987405 if anyone needs it.

But yeah I agree with /u/db0 these should all be torrents. Hopefully there's a cleaned up merged version floating around in torrent form.

EDIT: That reminds me, torrents-csv maybe needs some help importing these RARBG torrents into their own database

Obvious answer is that people are sharing otherwise you'd have nothing to download :P

For me I usually permaseed, or at least seed back 5-10x if not planning to keep a download. Also have created new uploads at torrent sites and occasionally fill requests.

So to make it clear: people are allowed to make new piracy centric communities with the express rule to not post direct links to primarily providing copyright infringing material?

Nope, it's more than that. admins don't want you to link to any websites that link to anything that might contain direct links or references to direct links. Strangely that means that linking to Google or Reddit would fail that test so links to those sites should be removed by admins too.

Per admin's own post they removed !

This community, however, contains a pinned Megathread post by a community moderator, which, through a few levels of a pastebin-like site, provides an aggregated overview of various sources of content. Some of these sources are entirely legal content, but it intentionally includes various other references, such as the website referred to from the CrackWatch community, which are primarily intended for copyright infringement.

The megathread post that admins are referring to contains links to a different website that contains links - that website is not on Lemmy at all. admins took this removal action because the community contains a link to another site that may contain links admins don't like.

The issue seems to stem from the fact that the blocked communities posted direct links to copyrighted content

Incorrect, ! has a rule forbidding direct links to content. If those posts/comments exist mods there would simply remove them for breaking rules. Sort of seems like you're making random assumptions.

You forgot the most important part, subscribe to a usenet provider. Your usenet download client can't download anything without a provider.

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It's okay, killbots have a preset kill limit. Just send wave after wave of human soldiers at them until they shut down.

When starting out here I ended up with a few accounts on different Lemmy/Kbin instances, interestingly the dbzero instance usually has the best overall performance/uptime from what I've seen. So no complaints here :)

For what it's worth I'm usually on here via Tor & haven't had issues on dbzero, a lot of other Lemmy instances trip up over Tor connections and end up with crappy performance with Cloudflare/captchas/etc. or just block it outright.

From the /c/piracy rules

  1. Don’t request invites, trade, sell, or self-promote

Wonder how active the project is, to date they still haven't included the old RARBG torrents.

See the /c/Piracy community rules

  1. Don’t request invites, trade, sell, or self-promote

About to buy my first private tracker invite from a forum, any suggestions?


"Best" is probably going to be private torrent trackers.

But if you meant public torrent indexers then the top ones in terms of web traffic are 1337x, ruTracker, TPB, Rutor, & TorrentGalaxy.

Most people that were using RARBG have ended up at 1337x and TorrentGalaxy.

For what it's worth if you just need a website to search the old RARBG torrents might be a good fit.

PS A lot of these sites are also linked at the other torrent site community !