Pirating Microsoft Office 2019 on Linux?

_comfortablyAverage_@lemmy.ml to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 35 points –

for some background, I'm on latest stable Kubuntu. able to use Microsoft Office via a KVM+Winapps setup currently. it mostly works but there are a few kinks like the display frame getting fucked up when going full screen or windowed, drag and drop being hit or miss and whatnot...

i did read up on Office 2019 being installable using Wine, but wasn't able to find any methods to activate it. MAS isn't really a thing on wine since we don't have Powershell I believe. any ideas?


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Is this for work? Just have your work pay for your Microsoft 365 or whatever, not sure why you'd need to pirate anything for work related reasons.

If this is for home use just get your workflow working with the free open source alternatives, IMO LibreOffice is pretty great.

Or just start using the online office apps like everyone else is nowadays e.g. Google Docs (free with a Google Account), Microsoft 365 (I know at least Word you can use for free with a Microsoft account haven't checked what else), etc.

It's just a bit odd needing to pirate that. But sure if you're dead-set on it then just create a Virtual Machine with Windows OS in it (LOL you may end up pirating that too) and install your MS Office and whatever other cracks/activators you want. Now you have MS Office in your virtual machine whenever you need it. You could use VirtualBox for example.

While we're here, is there a way to have the top toolbar(of LibreOffice) be less confusing?

You can enable ribbon-like top toolbar in LibreOffice, I find it less confusing coping from MS Office. I've worked a lot in MS Office and LibreOffice so don't hesitate to ask :)

Is there a way to conveniently set all of them instead of having to click into the view options for each application?

I enabled them for each application. Don't know if there are some global options sorry :(

I was groaning in despair when I realized: there's an "Apply to All" button in the UI selection menu!
Also, I found contextual groups to be the best. Still thank you for helping me find this menu!

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