Pirating Microsoft Office 2019 on Linux?

_comfortablyAverage_@lemmy.ml to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 35 points –

for some background, I'm on latest stable Kubuntu. able to use Microsoft Office via a KVM+Winapps setup currently. it mostly works but there are a few kinks like the display frame getting fucked up when going full screen or windowed, drag and drop being hit or miss and whatnot...

i did read up on Office 2019 being installable using Wine, but wasn't able to find any methods to activate it. MAS isn't really a thing on wine since we don't have Powershell I believe. any ideas?


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While we're here, is there a way to have the top toolbar(of LibreOffice) be less confusing?

You can enable ribbon-like top toolbar in LibreOffice, I find it less confusing coping from MS Office. I've worked a lot in MS Office and LibreOffice so don't hesitate to ask :)

Is there a way to conveniently set all of them instead of having to click into the view options for each application?

I enabled them for each application. Don't know if there are some global options sorry :(

I was groaning in despair when I realized: there's an "Apply to All" button in the UI selection menu!
Also, I found contextual groups to be the best. Still thank you for helping me find this menu!

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