6 Post – 101 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

"You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of the output generated using SDK elements for the purpose of translating such output artifacts to target a non-NVIDIA platform.,"

This is literally a protected right in multiple countries, so um...


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The US Textbook industry single-handedly justifies the existence of Library Genesis (if it requires justification)

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The FTC argued this would happen, it's the court that swallowed Microsoft's tripe. This is the FTC's "I told you, bro!"

Who could have ever guessed that naming different software the same thing would ever come back to bite them

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There is an actually moral alternative to opt-out that doesn't have the poor-sampling problem of opt-in: ask for consent explicitly.

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Image macro of a goose chasing a person, shouting "what was it replaced with?!" in an increasingly fervent pitch

DuckDuckGo uses Bing's results

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Probably to get some other benefitof the PR system, such as CI tests

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Will we ever stop referring to the Web as "the Internet"?

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Just in case you're not just satirically listing things that are already awful;

Supermarkets increase their "retention" by limiting signage to keep you wandering and avoid "just get that thing and go" shopping. I don't know how common this is, but when I was a kid the major supermarkets had long lists of what items were in each aisle, plus highly visible signs in the aisle to show exactly where each category was. Now days at the major chains those in aisle signs are completely gone, and the categories have been whittled down to a few major categories; most products aren't represented on the sign at all e.g. you have to assume "cake mix/decorating" are in the same aisle as "flour".

Unskippable ads on all pumps are absolutely a thing that are getting more popular. Mobil is particularly bad for it in my experience.

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Avoiding spyware doesn't mean you're opposed to labor-saving technology

Neither does being a Luddite

They confined their attacks to manufacturers who used machines in what they called “a fraudulent and deceitful manner” to get around standard labor practices. “They just wanted machines that made high-quality goods,” says Binfield, “and they wanted these machines to be run by workers who had gone through an apprenticeship and got paid decent wages. Those were their only concerns.”

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If anyone is considering how to avoid this on their own site:

I appreciate the ambiguity in your comment created by the missing pronoun.

This article seems to have a bizarre assumption all the way through that the schools must use Microsoft 365.

Obviously Microsoft is failing morally and probably legally (what else is new), but the schools also have a moral and legal requirement to choose software which protects the rights of the children. Microsoft is sort of right in the way they surely didn't mean; schools have the responsibility to not use Microsoft 365.

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Simulink has a concept called Test Harnesses which are models that isolate individual blocks for testing. The tests themselves are then driven programmatically from MATLAB

There are a few PCB drones out there.

Most PCBs, even really cheap ones, are made from FR-4, which is a very robust fibreglass. It's would be a pretty decent choice for drone components in general.

Not drones, but Carl Bugeja on YouTube makes some fascinating machines almost entirely out of PCBs (although he uses a lot of flex PCBs, not just FR-4).

What does "cookie-cutter" mean in this context?

There's a video introduction that talks a little about it and shows a bit of usage.

The canonical proprietary version of this is the SpaceMouse.

These are used in concert with a traditional mouse, with the 3d mouse being used for navigation of the 3d space. They have six degrees of freedom (as in, you can rotate in any axis or you can push it in any axis) so you can rotate and you can pan any which way with full control.

If you've ever gotten frustrated in a 3d program trying to figure out the correct sequence of rotations to get to your preferred view, that's the use case the 3d mouse addresses.

I've seen far too manny error messages claiming I did something I most certainly didn't do. This seems like a good way to make those far more prolific.

Care to share any favourites?

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Plus you turn it on/off by clacking the eyes together.

This took me straight from disinterested to sold

It's a watermelon. It's used as a symbol for Palestine due to it's alignment with the colours of the flag

For technical purposes that need to handle both you can just disambiguate it with "Letter (new)" and "Letter (work or school)"

While that is a definition that's used by some, I would argue The OSI's Open Source Definition is more widely used within the field

If it doesn't fulfill the requirements it's not any kind of solution

fucking bone

Is that what they're calling it these days?

Oh god you reminded me of this gem

Someone asks how to do http caching in HAproxy.

The one answer:

don't use the wrong tool

haproxy is a wonderful tool. It does not provide caching. A quick scan of the fine docs can verify this. Unless you want to patch haproxy you need to use a tool that does what you're looking to do.

don't create impossible problems

By asking for haproxy to do something that it doesn't and excluding the tool that seems to do what you want to do you've create an impossible situation. There is no technical solution for this. Don't make choices that box you into a corner.

try varnish or anything that actually caches

If you get over that you might find this tutorial on using varnish with haproxy useful or try varnish by itself. Maybe squid or memcached would be more your speed.

In the comments to this ludicrous tirade we get this simple comment:

This was true and valid back then. Nowadays HAProxy does this.

And just in case someone found this looking for an answer, here's the example from that link

backend bck1
  mode http

  http-request cache-use foobar
  http-response cache-store foobar
  server srv1

cache foobar
  total-max-size 4
  max-age 240

Watched it for the first time following Furiosa. I've seen fewer seeders on new releases.

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All the adjacent windows have various minor ailments and phrases like "fix this? Treat that?" It's trying to give an idea of what chemists can do for you.

In Aus chemists (pharmacists) are medical professionals, capable of providing medical advice and minor treatment, but a lot of people don't consider going to the chemist for anything other then buying specific medicine (or for some reason, perfume or most egregiously, homeopathy).

And in case you're still confused, the baby is crying (implied for medical reasons like colic)

Peertube is a federated video sharing tool. I think the idea is generally that you host your own videos and federate to get viewed.

If you want to check out what's generally available Sepia Search is pretty much the canonical search of federated peertube.

For an example of a general purpose instance that people can upload to, check out TILVids

For an example of a special interest instance, check out Blender Videos

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Nicotine eCigarettes are still available by prescription

I disagree with the chosen changes , but they come as a result of nicotine being found in the vast majority of "nicotine-free" vapes and juices. So we're not really coming from a position of "choose what goes into your body".

That's why you don't stir

That's a completely different statement

Electron applications are notorious and prolific, and resolutions are very specific to versions and details of the program's build process.

Steam can be a big old flashy boi

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The SDA is infamous for fighting against the interests of workers under its umbrella.

Props for finally doing it, but a modding API was promised more than 10 years ago!

It's markdown, you should be able to indent your lines by 4 spaces or fence with triple backtics to get code blocks. Your client's editor may have a button to help

$file = Get-Content -Path .\individuals2.txt

foreach ($line in $file)
    Copy-Item -Path .\template.docx -Destination ".\$(2 + $line + '.docs')"


$file = Get-Content -Path .\individuals2.txt

foreach ($line in $file)
    Copy-Item -Path .\template.docx -Destination ".\$(2 + $line + '.docs')"

A right not being reserved does not mean it is waived, only that it is not exclusive. The last person to commit still has the right to commit, as does everyone else.