Apple’s iMessage is not a “core platform” in EU, so it can stay walled off to – 55 points –
Apple’s iMessage is not a “core platform” in EU, so it can stay walled off

iMessages is like a footnote here. I was surprised it was even considered.

Now that you’ve let your guard down, Apple is free to do whatever they want. It’s exactly exactly what Apple wanted.

they wanted to be irrelevant in the European market for chat applications?

no, merely considered irrelevant— for legal purposes. why? read the headline.

Im not sure you understands how this work. but anyway... they can do whatever with their service. I (or any person I know) dont plan to use it 🤷

Im not sure you understands how this work.

nobody use it it Europe, therefore not worthy of consideration. doesn’t take a genius to figure out, but if it was strain for you, I understand why you feel threatened when small dogs get the concept.

they can do whatever with their service

again, not a concept that’s difficult to understand. but I understand why you’re upset why you’re mad that you neighbors cat understood it before you did.

I (or any person I know) dont plan to use it 🤷

I don’t concern myself with what the kids who eat heir own poo do.

best of luck with combating giardia!

Insulting people isn't nice. The only rule on this understand is to be(e) nice. This is not appropriate behavior for our instance. You didn't need to insult someone to make your point. I'm giving you a 7 day ban to think things over.

Dude, you tried to lead OP off on a weird tangent that

a) they didn't follow you on and
b) was nonsense and lacked understanding on your part from the get go.

Stop insulting people as being stupid when clearly you didn't (want to) understand what was said and just tried to tell people who told personal anecdotes that their anecdotes are wrong....

sorry you don’t like nuanced conversation you couldn’t follow. and if you find that insulting, perhaps you should keep to conversations suited to your.. ahem intellectual level.

in any case, let others speak for themselves. the virtue signal got a bit tired in the days of old reddit. we all saw it as a way to signal boost a bad idea on the backs of oppressed people who were not, ya know, you. slimy and wrong.


crawl back into your cave and come back out hen you have an argument that doesn’t require the irrelevant sweatshop of the suffering of others to make your point.

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It’s a win for Apple, but isn’t it also sort of a loss because they’re not popular enough to count?

@Bitrot Kinda like that. Most friends of mine don't even own an iPhone. Those who do, generally use Facebook Messenger to speak to each other. If anyone is not on Facebook, they are surely on WhatsApp, or they can be reached via the classical phone calls and SMS messages (but I've yet to meet someone who I need to use these with, as they are clearly inconvenient as hell). If there's a group chat, it is generally on WhatsApp.

I heard Telegram is popular as well in the post-soviet space. It is my fallback as well, and I'm not in one. Plenty of Romanian channels (news or organizations), and I speak with a couple of friends from there. I realize this is just "a different WhatsApp" from the POV of a centralized silo, but the features are great and I'd clearly trust Telegram more than Meta.

The government labeling something that Apple fans love as “not needing regulation” is purely a win for Apple. Imagine if 99% of text messages sent were via iMessage, and the EU kept the same ruling. That means that Apple has a functioning monopoly that is not considered a monopoly because there’s technically an alternative.

Imagine if 99% of text messages sent were via iMessage, and the EU kept the same ruling.

If 99% of messages were sent via iMessage the ruling would have been different. if it ever fulfils the criteria needed to be considered gatekeepers, then they will be designed as such.

I’m sure the rule would be different. My point was mostly to say this is in no way bad for Apple

It's not bad for apple, but iMessage is so irrelevant here in Germany, even the most die hard Apple fans will use WhatsApp no matter what.

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A loss for European consumers, you mean.

Apple would rather a hit to their ego than a legal restriction anywhere. A little marketing can fix the former, but the latter can be permanent and fatal.

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🤖 I'm a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles: ::: spoiler Click here to see the summary The iMessage service did meet the definition of a "core platform," serving at least 45 million EU users monthly and being controlled by a firm with at least 75 billion euros in market capitalization.

But after "a thorough assessment of all arguments" during a five-month investigation, the Commission found that iMessage and Microsoft's Bing search, Edge browser, and ad platform "do not qualify as gatekeeper services."

While Apple has agreed to take up RCS, an upgraded form of carrier messaging with typing indicators and better image and video quality, it will not provide encryption for Android-to-iPhone SMS, nor remove the harsh green coloring that particularly resonates with younger users.

Apple is still obligated to comply with the Digital Markets Act's other implications on its iOS operating system, its App Store, and its Safari browser.

While it's unlikely to result in the same kind of action, Brendan Carr, a commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission, said at a conference yesterday that the FCC "has a role to play" in investigating whether Apple's blocking of the Beeper Mini app violated Part 14 rules regarding accessibility and usability.

The blocking and workarounds continued until Beeper announced that it was shifting its focus away from iMessage and back to being a multi-service chat app, minus one particular service.

Saved 64% of original text. :::