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Joined 11 months ago

Yeah, I’m uninterested in buying any new controllers until they make a Steam Deck without the screen. I’m convinced no controller has ever been more comfortable or more versatile than the Steam Deck

“Yesterday, I Asked You how do you prepare jewish-japanese meals and sex, and how do you raise wolves? Here are your best answers.”

If you’ve never played Super Space ________ and you’re looking for local split screen games I highly recommend it. It’s an amazing blend of competitive and cooperative design that’s always fun and chaotic. And it’s free! But it’s not on Steam since it’s a collegiate project. Link

From what I’ve heard of Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, that’s a very similar game but I haven’t tried it.

If you’ve never played Super Space ________ and you’re looking for local split screen games I highly recommend it. It’s an amazing blend of competitive and cooperative design that’s always fun and chaotic. And it’s free! But it’s not on Steam since it’s a collegiate project. Link

From what I’ve heard of Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, that’s a very similar game but I haven’t tried it.

Liking an OS isn’t a personality trait, but evangelizing for Free and Open Source Software which generally has no budget for advertising is a noble cause.

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The optimist in me says “maybe this is just to prevent cheaters from using XIM and Cronus and it’ll be cheap and easy for other manufacturers to get authorized”

The pessimist in me says “so Microsoft is going to charge a shitton for authorization… great”

The realist in me says “I play on PC”

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The wild monetary successes of Call of Duty and Fortnite send a clear message: treat unsupervised children as prey and you will earn billions of dollars

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Ah yes, the notoriously most expensive of all the vegetables: the potato.

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I had a lot of conversations with my dad about how glorifying people is setting yourself up for failure when there were loads of protests were going on about bringing down statues of famously racist people who did like a handful of notable things i.e. most of the U.S. founding fathers.

I wouldn’t suggest keeping a list of names that you admire. Maybe keep a list of things about those names that you admire

I voted for Gary Johnson because Hillary sounded awful in 2016 and I 1000x regret it. Fuck this system for making me choose between bad and worse, but yes obviously I have to choose bad over worse.

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If a game even remotely looks like a chore, I’m passing. I don’t have time to just mosey around limitless planets, mining for resources to build a gun or some shit.

Unless you let me swing around like fuckin Spider-man. Nothing’s a chore when you get to swing from chore to chore like fuckin Spider-man. Fuckin cool ass bitch with the pendulums and zipping and swinging and shit. Fuckin love Spider-man.

Edit: Spider-man

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t patient gaming all about enjoying games that are proven to be worth the money, and also saving money? If you hate the new normal, just play through the endless list of good games from decades prior

Maybe the Steam Link and Controller weren’t as popular as Valve hoped they would be, but damn everyone who still has them seems to love them. Maybe I’m biased because I still have my controller and love it, and I gave away my Steam link because my Deck can do that too, but my friend who received the link is loving it.

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Sounds like the Team Fortress 2 team has been busy, but didn’t want to count to 3

Funny. My worst fear is being stuck in the middle of the ocean with no boats or land in sight. But I’m trying to be more open-minded so I guess I shouldn’t judge.

… but also at the same time my greatest fear about the gaming industry is that all indie games will start having battle passes and subscriptions. But I guess some people who still think the base version of Call of Duty is worth the yearly $70 subscription fee might be deathly afraid of being reminded that MW3 is actually just MW2 with a few new guns.

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Mirror’s Edge-style gameplay (specifically first person) for experiencing Spider-man’s first few weeks of having powers, including the time prior to having built the web-shooters. I have wanted this ever since the teaser trailer for the first Andrew Garfield movie.

Imagine you just finished playing Arkham Knight, and you get an interview with Rocksteady as a game developer. They love you, your passion, your creative skills, and they onboard you. This “game” is what Warner Bros hands down to you to work on. The well-known head of the studio leaves within a few years of you joining. You hold out hope that everything will come together so people can enjoy the art that you’ve worked so hard on. Warner Bros adds a battle pass. Warner Bros makes it a “game”-as-a-service. Warner Bros announces nonsensical lore additions for the sake of post-launch content. Warner Bros denies review copies. The “studio” you thought you were signing up for has become nothing but a slot machine for the higher-ups.

What a shitty thing to do to a whole group of wonderfully creative and skilled people.

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IDK if it’s unpopular, but I’m worried that TikTok, Instagram, and Youtube Shorts have completely screwed with what kind of music gets popular nowadays. It seems like every popular song has some kind of intense drop because content creators love the “quick build up to some kind of visual punchline” video format and it has ruined what I think could otherwise influence and encourage originality

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You lost the last 23 years of your life, but you still have Zoidberg. YOU ALL STILL HAVE ZOIDBERG

I thought it said “Clarence Thomas missing eyebrows” and honestly that would make his face look as soulless as his soul is

More than once I have thought about getting a bunch of business card-sized notes professionally printed that say “I love how S H I N Y your truck is!” with tons of glitter and a rainbow-colored font for the word “shiny” to put on the windshields of all the clean trucks I see in the city near me

Pokemon with guns and more slavery…

“How could someone make money with such a stupid idea?”

“And how could you NOT make money with such a BRILLIANT idea!”

Despite the privacy concerns, Microsoft says that the Recall index remains local and private on-device, encrypted in a way that is linked to a particular user's account.

Just like how Microsoft domain-bound emails were stored locally on machines running Outlook, right? Or how purchasing and downloading music, movies, and video games meant that we owned them, right?

I don’t believe for a fucking second that this “feature” will remain locally encrypted forever. Fuck Microsoft, fuck the AI bubble.

“Don’t be evil!

wait, you say you’ll pay me to be evil? Well fuck that changes everything!”

I haven’t played Tears of the Kingdom but that construction mechanic seems like the coolest and most engaging implementation of “crafting” ever.

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Wow… that sounds really bad for the economy

The shower or the car?

I’m convinced people get on their soapbox in their car because it’s the only place people can film themselves without being self conscious about other people listening to them while they do it.

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Assume the best of people and the worst of circumstances. It just makes my life a little bit happier giving my friends and family, and even strangers, the benefit of the doubt.

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They listed reasons why the PS5 and XboS were not the platform of the year, but nothing about the Steam Deck. It seems like the reason they claimed the Switch was the platform of the year was due to exclusives, so I suppose if that’s their only metric I guess the Switch wins out by a longshot. But I gotta say in any other metric except maybe raw usability (due to some UI bugs) the Deck wins against all other current platforms.

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Alt title: Reddit looking to steal value from their millions of free users

Do you understand that in the primary there is no contest between Trump and Biden? Biden’s going to get the Democratic nomination anyway, so voting uncommitted in the primary has no negative consequences in the actual election that happens in November?

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And I’m not too happy with how capitalism chows down on the poor like the fucking Oroborus it is yet here we fuckin are.

This could either be extremely progressive and supportive or extremely transphobic, and thanks to the ambiguity of crying I can’t tell if the brother in christ is the transphobic one or the other guy is.

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“Live Service? Oh it never works. I mean, these people delude themselves into thinking it might but…

it might work for us…” -WB, after watching WB’s Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League tank

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Pretty sure you just described like every sports team with a fanbase. The Football Team of Theseus.

49ers fans love to brag that the 49ers are among the teams with the most Super Bowl wins, but they haven’t gotten one in like 3 generations of players so you tell me, 49ers of Theseus. Do you have any Super Bowl wins?

I’m relatively confident that Microsoft understands its only leg up on Apple is that its ecosystem isn’t a walled garden.

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What a Borts moment

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If I remember correctly, the in-universe name for the genre of music played in the Mos Eisley cantina in Star Wars is “Jizz” because George Lucas has all the best ideas

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