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I can say, with absolute certainty, that is not the norm.

For every sale they make, there are countless others they don't. And they still have to put in the time.

I've gone through many realtors looking for a house, all of them gave me hours of their time and didn't see a penny in return.

That said, I don't think realtors are necessary and we should push the idea that people shouldn't use them unless they think they need to.

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yet refuse to negotiate for a viable piece?

Look at any colonized people who have made peace on their colonizer's terms for why they might not want to do that.

Let's see here, just off the top of my head:

Native Americans, Native Australians, Native South Africans.

To be fair, Palestine already resembles the reservations and slums the native people I mentioned have been forced into by their colonizers.

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A lot of it is an instinctual response.

Hearing 'jews this, jews that' since birth causes people to want to 'fit in' and go along with what everyone else is doing even if they don't understand it.

I was surprised by how much anti-Semitism existed when I went to high school, because I never experienced it before outside of South Park. For everyone else, it was just normal and understood (even if they didn't support it.) It really cemented the idea in my mind that most people do things without thinking just to fit in with others.

Wait, we're giving handouts to landlords so they can charge us rent?

What the fuck is wrong with america, lol.

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Eh. Anger can make you decisive and actually enhance your patience.

You're probably thinking of rage.

I'm sure they don't even care about what happened.

It's just a paycheck to them.

I'm sure a lot of people don't know off the top of there head what is and is not a lot of caffeine.

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I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone.

Glad Nvidia has seen the writing on the walls and isn't treating desktop Linux like a second-class citizen.

Funny. We've actually been doing the same thing with salt and sugar for decades.

But overconsuming those doesn't usually result in an immediate death. Just diabetes and stroke.

I haven't seen anyone encouraging this attack.

Copyright and patent laws need to die.

people share consequences with their government regardless of whether it’s a democracy or whether they personally support said government.

So Hamas is justified in killing Israeli citizens just as the IDF is justified in killing Gazan citizens?

Weird watching you twist your brain into knots to find ways to only condemn one side while praising the other.

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It's awful news.

It would be great news if the housing was owned by the public.

This is just funneling public money to private businesses so the private businesses can continue to profit off the public.

$45 billion so landlords can charge people rent. Great. So they get the handout for free, and the rent for free. Just free money all around, lol.

But taxpayers and tenants will be paying.

What are you talking about? This entire comment chain is from someone talking about how hostages may be getting treated.

If anyone is moving goalposts, it's you. Lol.

  1. It's not coffee.

  2. "Energy" drinks don't give you much energy.

I don't think you should be picking the names for things.

Let me try: "Caffeinated lemonade"


I don't think the two are related, at all.

I'd be happy with the destruction of copyright and patent laws.

Who cares?

Just wanna dispel the notion that people only do things for money: you're posting on Lemmy right now.

I think that's fair.

Eventually, the Rust-alternatives will be battle-hardened too and we can simply choose what suits us best.

It's a good time for software, honestly.

Nah. It's just a normal reddit comment.

What's funny is Java solved an issue that is pretty much non-existent in today's environment: compatibility.

It's much less like the Wild West these days. People have a clearer picture of what to support, how to support it, and generic tools to abstract platform-specific code.

I like Java. I think they did good things and had a pragmatic approach to the problems they were trying to solve.

But time goes on, and this young discipline progresses fast. It'll be interesting to see decades from now what languages survive and which ones don't.

I predict as time goes on, we'll get fewer big languages (popular, widespread, useful, etc.) and they will stick around for much longer.

Kind of like human language, if you think about it.

Are you suggesting we only do what is easy?

Smart business move.

They’re freaking out because they spent $$$$ on buildings that won’t have a return any more.

Exactly this. And they're using the government to bail them out, as usual.

someone who doesn’t want to confess can still plead not guilty.

Then they would be contesting the charges. A plea of 'not guilty' means you are contesting the charges.

has a completely different function than pleading no contest.

Yes, contesting the charges has a completely different function than not contesting the charges.

You seem to equate a plea of 'not guilty' with 'not confessing.' This isn't true. A plea of not guilty means you are contesting the charges.

A plea of 'no contest' means you are not contesting the charges, nor are you admitting guilt (confessing.)

Sorry, I've explained things as best I can. If you don't get it now, you never will and I think we should both move on.

for being a soulless international conglomerate.

I think this rhetoric would hit harder if the alternatives were willing to sacrifice profit to give us a better deal.

Weird how we're using tax dollars for someone else's investments, lol.*

I guess it would make sense if the buildings were publicly owned, but instead they're going to be owned by someone who charges as much rent as possible while expending as few resources as possible to do it.

*not weird at all. The one time democrats and republicans unite on anything is when we're funneling money to the ruling class.

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Remember, whoever buys this, for whatever price, feels like they're entitled to that money while children go without: food, water, shelter, electricity, and education.

They also have armies of useful idiots to defend them in the vain hopes they can join them.

Oh don't get me wrong, I talk about how ridiculously expensive traveling is all the time. Anyone who engages in this sort of behavior has no right to complain about 'not having enough money', yet they routinely do. Lol.

Some people just don't know the difference between needs and wants.

Shut the fuck up bitch.

Come on man, there's no need to be doing that.

The difference here is that one side has been constantly provoking and the other side has been constantly trying to create safety for themselves.

Did you know Israel and Egypt have been blockading Gaza since 2007?

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I believe it.

I don't think it was justified.

That's what I like to see.

I'd say it's both.

they pissed off everyone else.

Who exactly is everyone else?

Seems like bud light is the meathead beer for jocks at college parties or cookouts.

Who the fuck downplays a death with other deaths?

It's just a bit weird to see this death paraded around the internet to condemn Hamas while Israel is killing thousands more.

Kind of makes it seem like "their lives worth less than this teenager’s."

Where are the individual articles for each person Israel killed? You know what they say, one death is a tragedy, thousands are a statistic.

Most big companies have feedback channels for customers on their websites.

What company are you talking about in particular?

I don't really thing the security 'guarantees' of rust matter that much.

I think it's a better language to work in than C or C++, though. That's not a reason to change utilities now, but a larger Rust ecosystem is always better in my humble opinion.

So... Israel isn't a neutral actor "just trying to defend themselves." They're cutting Gazans off from the rest of the world.

At what point do you admit when you're wrong?

What does it take?