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Joined 4 months ago

It originally said "unlike those kids" the op changed it on me

Over 2 million on backorder. They say avg 5 year wait, but if they've only made 11,000 (it was 4,000 for the first recall iirc) its gonna be waaaaay more than 5 years wait for those idiots

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Ahh didn't realize, thanks for the info!

I'm not sure how your race plays into this, but i would move AC58 foward one space

Its probably similar to elan.school. Schools where "kidnapping" is a thing are fucking disgusting

They have billions of dollars i have hundreds. I'm sure they'll survive me not giving them any of my hard earned money

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Why is 20% of your movie a sex scene? Pick a sexless movie you fools!

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I grew up in the same area as this place had no idea it existed. So messed up thinking about what was happening 20 minutes from my house and it ran until like 2011!

I love Niagara, even paid for lifetime. I switched to Kvaesitso a while back, its open source and feels a bit better to navigate imo


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Holy shit, she's Bee-sexual

The Pi is a bit overpriced/underpowered for a streaming platform. I'd look into something more like a mini pc, i.e. n100

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Everything is under control, just don't look up exponential temperature increase

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Nah, some do be playing at 1440/2160p

How is the camera bump getting worse???

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Paddington 2

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Over 2 million goddamn people?! i know they're "only" about 60-100k, but holy shit. Also 5 year wait, seems more like 10 years would be realistic for most people

Fuck em

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Fasting? I thought they called this "depression", at least thats what they keep telling me..

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It happens already. Windows "Defender" consistently quarantines pirated dll files i.e. EMP.dll might get flagged and you won't be able to play your game like you expected because the file is now missing and you have to restore it.

Youtube Music alt players are all over the place. Blackhole, ViMusic, Innertune, Revanced to name a few

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The Crew is a decent plugin for kodi, to watch live channels

Thanks for spoilering the whole thing makes the whole

::: spoilers post soo easy to read!!! :::

Dr. Becky is the best!

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You DO know that Link is on the right?

Idk Pixel 6 feels like the most iconic version so far, really sad seeing what direction they've taken it

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I found archinstall to be very simple to follow, even though the whole thing is shown through the CLI, its basically just one page where you setup everything like partitions, boot, etc. Was a lot easier than I expected with the way everyone talks about it

Theres a sweet spot before like 2010 where computer skills are still prevalent enough to be taught en masse, but the upcoming generation seem to be learning touchscreen keyboards and app stores long before they ever use a mouse or try to download off a website. The older generation has had time to adjust but a lot still struggle with tech.

Oh, maybe these?

Horizon Forbidden West just released on PC, been hooked on it since then.

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Facial recognition is somewhat unreliable. I remember when Samsung had to update their phones because photos of people were able to unlock their devices, and even people who just "looked similar" were able to access them.

Take a look at this site that goes into the details of the shortcomings of Flatpak, its from 2020 but I'm sure some of this is relevant still

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Avatar : TLA i don't even need to be a bender tbh

Either for privacy or because we destroyed the biosphere mining the precious minerals we needed for stupid gadgets that the earth becomes uninhabitable due to rapid ecosystem collapse as the ocean heats up to a point where photosynthesis is no longer possible and we all suffocate slowly on a desolate planet.

I hope its the first one.

For Steam Deck and AMD processors:

  1. Run in terminal sudo nano /etc/default/grub Replace nano with the text editor you are using.
  3. Add clearcpuid=514 inside the quotes.
  4. Update the settings with sudo update-grub for Ubuntu/Mint and similar or sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg for Arch and the like.
  5. Reboot the system.
  6. Play!

Doing this helped me, running archlinux so i used systemd-boot instead of grub.

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I liked Debian, but really you can't go wrong with most Linux distros, just find one that suits your needs. Mint was another one that worked well on my MacBook

If you say you've been drinking Cerveza Crystal, I don't think they'll let you work? At least my boss would say not to come in

I think


Elon Musk is obviously such a genious that he was forced to buy Twitter. He tried to play it to his benefit and screwed himself over.


Heard good things but i never tried it. I have an old rpi 3b+ with 1 gb ram but it struggles with Kodi, not sure how much the extra ram/speed of the newer ones have improved them but I don't think I'd want to use it as a daily use device myself