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Joined 1 years ago

Why would you want a hydrogen car and still be dependent on gas stations? I'd rather just charge at home using solar panels.

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Too be honest I was fine with seeing an ad every few videos. But at some point it became unskippable ads before , during and after a video.

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Musk probably said something like they used a revolutionary new type of stainless steel, designed for spaceX rockets. Have you ever seen rust in space? No because it's that revolutionary, and we all know space is filled with water and oxygen.

Seriously? Right after Wilders got the most votes?

Extremists in the Netherlands don't call themselves Nazis but the ideology isn't very different.

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About 50% of Apple revenue comes from iPhones. So if an iphone sells less then expected it's a big impact on the company and stock price. The iPhone 15 was OK, but not innovative or interesting enough for people to ditch the previous one and get a new phone.

Also investors really look at future growth, so when the main product they sell shows signs that the end of growth has been reached they are not happy.

In reality the only thing that has unlimited growth is cancer, I just like to add this...

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If you read a book you can talk about it, quote it, draw characters from that book, write your own ending, etc.

Isn't that kind of the same? Let's say some day we have an AI with near human intelligence, why can't the AI be trained on copyright works, just like humans, all our school books are copyrighted works?

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This is where you say you are living in the EU and have the right to be removed

Also copy paste this example letter

I used to call my mobile hotspot virus.exe to prevent strangers trying to connect. Do the same with bluetooth devices that broadcast (like my tv). Neighbors stopped trying to connect after it was called virus.exe

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They are so many good kind of AI written books nowdays

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Also I'd rather wait without ads than wait with ads, like what's the point?

When is that going to happen? I would be very happy to have you back in the club 😊

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Do you think I'm using teams because I want to use teams??

Exactly he's not a full pilot but he'll probably know a lot more than me about flying. I would just let the autopilot fly and land.

I once had a phone with a replaceable battery, headphone jack, IR blaster (so it was also my TV remote) and SD slot.

I feel after this we gained waterproof phones.

(although I only once dropped my phone in water and it was before waterproof phones and it still worked 48 hours later, so I don't care that much for waterproof phones).

Anyway I feel we just got downhill after this phone, my current pixel has no: headphone jack, IR blaster, SD slot, replaceable battery, etc.

I wonder what would happen when a major smartphone maker would make a phone with all those features again.

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I think for most people it's "semi aware but just don't care".

Yeah Facebook is bad but so is the government etc etc

Hang around security professionals for a while and you'll realize just how bad things can get. This is the only thing I really miss from Twitter, an interesting group of security professionals I followed.

There's an addon that can do it and remember the setting per domain or website.

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You will probably be mentioned in history with Hitler and Stalin.

No surprise, a wide screen tv from the late 90s was big enough to house 2 gaint speakers and a subwoofer.

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I once worked with a guy that said he prefers candidates that went to college and got a degree, because it shows endurance and a basic level of competence.

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Hoi buren :-)

Maybe but that would also mean people from let's say Poland can live and work in the UK right? I thought that was one of the bigger Brexit points.

So if AI companies pay for a book or music (like a consumer) it's no problem? Because I don't think this is about paying for content, it's that content holders refuse to work with AI companies.

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I'm used to K&R so no real need to switch, also my IDE by default formats in that style. Allman also looks fine, most of the others just seem to make code less readable.

Open source communities have been around longer than the internet, so they can manage fine without discord.

Also don't you just join by submitting code or bug reports or other things?

Do they also have like kebab/swarma places that are open 24/7? Where I live drunk people always seem to want to eat something like that.

Can't imagine getting drunk and thinks let's get a waffle.

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There are more Android users than Apple users worldwide. Lots of them are not very tech savvy, but they don't get tricked into installing random apps. You can't even do that unless you go into settings and enable third-party app installs. I don't think it's really a big problem like you think it is

No it's just borrowing, it's temporary anyway, I recently looked at some movies on a very old harddisk and it was like DVD quality or worse. Threw the entire disk out.

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I have a pixel 6 pro, but I wouldn't recommend it. You'd think Google is capable of providing a perfect Android experience, but my old Note 9 was way less buggy.

I've had lots of issues with 3rd party launchers (nova), I can't even use the USBC with a dongle and second screen (my old Note could do this without issues). Also this is my first phone without headphone jack and SD slot, both I really miss. Just in general the software (especially in the beginning) felt really buggy with small glitches etc.

I don't think I'll ever go pixel again.

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No problem the chemicals and heat will fix that

Would be nice if we could call them TWATS

Teams always has been shit with Firefox, while there is no reason to be shit. Like people said higher in the comments, if you change the user agent to edge magically new features are enabled.

Also Microsoft claimed to support Linux while in reality they made some half assed desktop client, and dropped support about a year later.

Slack was so much better, I really really hate that our office went with teams. Also for some strange reason teams is the only "website" that seems to crash my entire laptop once in a while and its the only app that makes my phone super hot.

So that was the peak!

My parents and mil still use our Netflix, once they start charging extra I will cancel. To be fair I would've cancelled years ago, they are the only reason I keep the service.

It reminds me of this banger

On the other hand does it really matter? Like Obama had a plan to "fix" healthcare and in the end he couldn't really do anything about it. The entire system you have sucks.

Yes, I jumped ship to mastodont after Elon took over and Twitter is still a thing. It's slowly getting worse and worse but some users just don't want to leave.

Awesome I was on my phone so I couldn't quickly check what addon I was using.

That was probably a year ago it's every 12 seconds now, unskippable 3 minute ads.

The sad thing is that foxit used to be the great alternative, back in the day.