Tesla owners fuming as they get £17,000 bill to fix car after 'driving in rain'

DeadNinja@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 240 points –
Tesla owners fuming as they get £17,000 bill to fix car after 'driving in rain'

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Why would you want a hydrogen car and still be dependent on gas stations? I'd rather just charge at home using solar panels.

Perhaps people who only have on street parking, and therefore find it difficult/impossible to charge at home.

Have no direct experience but from what I saw on YouTube videos, filling an hydrogen tank seems to take a similar amount of time to charge from 30 to 80% a car at a fast 150kw station

Except that you're forced to fill always at 100% and because it requires an operator for security it's not available 24/7

Maybe it's better for a freight truck as it would require the electricity of a small town to recharge with those megawatt charger connectors

Maybe it depends on where you live, but plenty of city street parking with a charger here, not as cheap as using your own solar energy, but still pretty cheap compared to gasoline.

I live in East London. There’s are quite a few chargers. There certainly aren’t ‘plenty’ in the context of a large-scale switch from petrol/diesel.

Certainly not entire me to get a plug-in yet

Hydrogen is made from water. It too can be made from solar panels. Though probably from some kind of more centralized system than everyone with their own solar panels.

yeah the reason you're getting these downvotes:

water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. it can be split through electrolysis into it's components through the addition of electricity.

if baseband solar had the capacity you could power electrolysis production of hydrogen and it's been proposed in a few places where solar is cheap and land is available.


yeah science bitches! I honestly had a whole rant fucking raving about how stupid someone could possibly be to think that 'hydrogen is made from water' but walked the dog before replying and let it just go.

I do weep for our future though, because goddamn, I'm a fucking moron. So if I'm the one dishing science to the chuds... we're all fucked

Perhaps you should have considered they don't speak English. Consider these phrases. "Hydrogen is made from water." "Hydrogen can be produced from water." "It too can be made using solar panels." "It can also be produced using solar panels." Syntactically, both sets are very similar, but have very different meanings.

Sometimes we need to take a step back and see if there's a legitimate reason people say or do certain things instead of assuming everyone is hopelessly stupid.

*I don't know if they speak English as a first language, a second, or at all. But just given the odd phrasing, I suspect it was fed through a translator. And Lemmy is more diverse than some other social platforms.

perhaps! I can be a judgemental asshole. But I also figured after the first dozen other people downvoted them I'd at least mention it.

edit: no, looking at their post history, I think they have a fine grasp on english, just not basic physics or chemistry.

I didn't check their history, could be the case.

so you jumped to assume I was the asshole because you lacked complete data.

I see there's lots of that going around so I'll try to treat you with the kindness and respect you deserve.

UNLIKE MR "Hydrogen is made from water. It too can be made from solar panels."

tsk tsk tsk :D

I don't see anywhere that I assumed you were an asshole. I merely pointed out one possibility why something so clearly wrong could have been said that way. And you yourself acknowledged that you hadn't checked to see if that made sense. And now you're jumping to conclusions about the motivations of others again, rather than asking them if that's their motivation. If there's a pattern, I'd say it's that one. And even there, jumping to conclusions doesn't make you an asshole, but your response after doing so might.

...and all of that was written while I ignored the emoticon at the end, so reading more into context is maybe something I should do. ;)

Applesauce is made from apples in the same way hydrogen is made from water.

I appreciate your advocacy for a generous interpretation but I see nothing wrong with the claim hydrogen is made from water.

Wait til they find out about dihydrogen monoxide AKA the drink that 100% of people have and eventually die