
32 Post – 805 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That sound you just heard, was the rustle as hundreds of financial regulators around the world leant forward just a little.

No. That’s like saying the UK has too much wind power because our prices occasionally go negative. What Germany might not have enough of is battery and other storage

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Someone didn’t read the story. This is about a known firmware fault that the company is doing its best not to keep quiet. Don’t help them in that work

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“You will present multiple views on any subject… here is a list of subjects on which you hold fixed views”.

I just don’t understand how the author of this prompt continues to function

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low-effort junk TV like dating, survival, cooking and other shows like it.

... in other words, exactly the shows that don't use actors or writers

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Looking forward to them getting a bunch of people who immediately take it NSFW again

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I’m going to have a guess and suggest that the website is probably integrated with some much older mainframe system and a batch process or several batch processes run daily overnight to shuttle data between the two systems to keep them updated and in sync.

Syncing the two sets of data while the database is live and changing is a pain the the bum, so they freeze it while the data transfers are taking place.

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It'll be fun when Tuvalu decides to take back .tv

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Because having multiple applications continuously running in the background polling multiple servers for notifications in real time is a good way to run down your battery very quickly

It was cheaper for Cisco to buy the company than a license, presumably

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There was a post on Lemmy yesterday that said something like “Lemmy will upvote anything this is just a photo of a tin of beans”. .. and the shitposting started. :)

I’m sticking with ‘subscribed’ for a while

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There is absolutely nothing to say that the author didn’t have it backed up. He still lost 3TB of files from a new drive which was a replacement sent by the company, with a known fault supposedly fixed.

“Herp derp he should have backed up” is not the takeaway here”

People just want to argue for the sake of arguing a

No we don't.

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Came here to say this. There is some excellent, probing journalism out there. The problem is, it's not very profitable

I'm an Apple user and think their attempts reduce the environmental footprint of their product's manufacturing is pretty good, however this is unequivocally good news.

Purchasing carbon offsets to claim your product is carbon neutral isn't good practice in my opinion and I'm quite glad to see the EU is thinking of outlawing it. Of course Apple needs to get its arse into gear about expandability and repairability if it is serious about reducing eWaste

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"They didn't shift to Discord, they just moved temporarily to discord. How can writers get it so wrong"

Lots of mods posted a note saying "see you on Discord" when they shut down. This is not exactly an egregious error.

Letby put in a formal complaint saying that she was being bullied by the doctors who were complaining about her. A panel upheld her complaint and the doctors had to apologise.


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Particularly Broadcom, which is where old technologies go to die.

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I think my response would be “and yet, so many men still fall for shysters like Andrew Tate”.

Well done on getting out. He sounds like a dad sad case.

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A lot of people are flocking to Threads, so why wouldn’t these groups?

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Hello from kbin.social. Isn’t federation and diversity great?!

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Hmm that would be illegal in the EU and UK, where nutritional info and proportion of honey would be required.

Quite tempted to write in though. Anyone else?

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Because they aren’t the same quality? Lossy compression is lossy

The point of strikes is to be disruptive.

The point of strikes is to get employers to meet the demands of the workers

Sure the union got what they wanted, but

But nothing.

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I rather disagree. I think we should be kinder. There are mods on Reddit who have poured years into building their community on Reddit, who took their communities dark and have only now decided it is time to move.

I’m not saying that they have some kind of “right” to have a magazine or community, or should be entitled or be able demand the name.

But there has been a bit of a land grab in some cases - certainly on kbin - there are entirely empty magazines with zero activity named identically to popular subreddits.

I mod a magazine on kbin that is a direct replacement for a niche subreddit. I started it to hold some of the content I’m interested in. But the mods of that sub did a grand job - and they weren’t power mods or anything. I have an explicitly message in the sidebar that if they are interested in setting up shop at kbin.social they should message me.

There are going to be mods that are literally mourning the loss of what they had. There are enough arseholes in the world - let’s not make things a bit worse.

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Stack Overflow is supposed to be the wiki of developers, not a fucking business.

Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood founded it, and it was sold to Prosus, a Netherlands-based consumer internet conglomerate, on 2 June 2021 for $1.8 billion.

I guess someone would like some of that money back.

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You're basically using it to run a socratic dialogue - sounds like a great use for it

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I can’t not rewatch Hot Fuzz whenever it’s on telly

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They will finally release HURD

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As a fellow road-user - please don’t.

A bit of nuance the headline misses:

a striking correlation between users’ engagement in partisan subreddits and the overall toxicity in their comments

You can be politically engaged without treating politics as a knock-about blood-sport.

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Alcohols cultural and historical position in society

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Certainly in the UK, there has been a real push for fully compostible teabags. Clipper Tea and PG are fully compostable. Yorkshire Tea was not, last time I looked - which is why I stopped drinking it.

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Alternatively, lets live in a world where metaphors are taken as metaphors and not as something that suggests the two things are exact equivalents

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Amazon is great. Highly recommended. I bought one due my husband and he loved it.

They were sued on Tuesday. If you follow the timeline the question were sent in the week before. This has been going on months. Their lack of answers doesn’t have anything to do with the litigation and the company doesn’t cite litigate as the reason for not answering

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I was certainly a fan of early Elon. A serious push to address one of the causes of climate change, opening up some patents to allow other companies build charging networks, a disruptive can-do attitude that spurred Old Automobile to actually start innovating in response.

There were doubts, but I think the turning point for me was when he attacked the divers working to get the Thai kids out of the cave, just because they thought his submarine ideas sucked.

He’d been doubling down on being an arsehole increasingly since then. I absolutely would have considered buying a Tesla in the old days, now? Absolutely not.

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The article does exactly that.

The people who see the massive signs all the way through the arrival hall with pictures of stuff like sandwiches. Seriously, you can’t miss them

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