Mozilla: Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy to – 1 points –

All 25 car brands we researched earned our *Privacy Not Included warning label – making cars the worst category of products that we have ever reviewed


What’s so difficult about this vs. say your personal computer is that I am a lot more comfortable tinkering with privacy tools on my computer, in which the worst case scenario is sites won’t load/the tools are imperfect, than I am with my car, which would be an expensive bricking experience or potentially a lethal one. So even those of us who are so inclined can’t really safely take the situation into our own hands.

Yet another reason to continue using public transport and my ebike rather than buy a car. I realize not everyone has the means to do this, but if you do, then it's the better option.

I know a lot of people define it as a necessity, but I feel that it's a life choice too.
I'd rather sacrifice a lot of other things (eg. rejecting one job vs another) if it makes it so I don't need a car.

I would love to have the privilege of living in a nice and relatively big family house in the suburbs, but I'd rather live in a small cramped apartment farther away from some of my siblings if that means having better transport options without needing to purchase and maintain a car.

I wonder, if everyone had similar preferences, whether the world would adapt to actually make public transport (or alternatively, home office / delivery) as widespread of a commodity as having roads for private vehicles.