Is it just me - or are notifications on kbin a bit broken at the moment to /kbin – 11 points –

I get notifications that someone has replied to a comment I've made - but when I click on the notification - it jumps me to the discussion, but I can find neither my comment or the reply.


kbin has been used on a small instances until now. Many errors that are visible now were not apparent at a smaller scale. Notifications will be improved in the coming days, and the rest will follow suit.

Thanks Ernest - not a complaint as such, just checking to see if it was a known issue or if it was my boomer brain

I don't think I've seen anyone genuinely complaining. just reporting bugs when we find them

In my opinion, those who complain are plain wrong anyways. Kbin started as a hobby project, so it's unrealistic to expect a site like this to be completely bug-free. Just two weeks ago, it didn't even have 1k users.

yup. I think most people are pretty understanding. personally I'm really enjoying kbin and for a 1 month old project it's pretty impressive.

Thank you. Something to bear in mind when you revisit notifications:

I'm concerned the Purge button has a race condition. I want the Purge button to delete all of the notifications that I currently see on my screen — not any newer notifications that I haven't yet seen.

The queue is slowly unload. This should occur much less frequently.

so there's two bugs now i'm running into (tagging @ernest for this lol)

  1. when clicking a notification for a comment on a thread that has more than 1 page, it doesn't jump to the comment (gotta click through the pages)

  2. a recent bug that's started occurring, is that some of the comments appear to be missing entirely, including the notified reply. Switching between the "classic" and "tree" style views sometimes makes them pop up, sometimes not. I've ended up having to click on the person's profile, go over to their comments section, and reply there. clearly bugged.

Not sure why #2 started happening, but it's very recent.

Thanks, we'll be standardizing the entire comment structure soon.

Second #2. I had the issue with a bunch of Otome-chan's posts, actually.

it's been seemingly random. sometimes like this one just worked fine. other times the reply doesn't show up, other comments don't show up, etc. switching view sometimes makes them come up, sometimes not.

I'm wondering if it's due to posting on federated magazines? like something might not be syncing fast enough or properly or something?

I don't get Notifications at all 🥲

go here and scroll down to the bottom. check all of the "notify me" boxes except the last two.

As an aside, I think the check boxes need more descriptive labels. I found the labels confusing. Especially for people coming from reddit who are likely to be confused by the terms "thread" vs "post" (since on Reddit, those are used to refer to the same thing).

Yeah I'm not quite sure the difference between some of those boxes. But.... to answer your question "post" refers to mastodon/twitter-style microblog posts. while "thread" refers to kbin/reddit-style threads. I think the "thread" name is fine, but "post" could be renamed. maybe just include the word "microblog" in front of it lol